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  1. #21
    Senior Member smokelaw1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by icedog View Post
    I have asked Mr. Toes and Basil to assist with their two pair of super sensitive ears. As it turns out the kooky kongregation is responding with "deliver us a bongo". Clearly a petition for a rhythm section for the trombonist.
    Thred ova. Cat sed so. Dog sed so. So it be.

  2. #22
    Damn hedgehog Sailor's Avatar
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    Now if any of these people in the video is recognised, then why just not ask him what they were saying in that prayer?
    'That is what i do. I drink and i know things'
    -Tyrion Lannister.

  3. #23
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Somebody's finally catching on John McCain's prophesy though only after a year... The republicans are right, now this is the truth!

    Mark, please burn the tape of you and your family praying to me before it's leaked - I have heard yours, and lee's prayers.

  4. #24
    Senior Member billyjeff2's Avatar
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    The absurdity of those who would believe this nonsense is truly breathtaking. From the accusations of his being a Manchurian candidate to the ridiculous claims by the so-called "birthers", thiere is a disturbingly sizable segment of this society that is willing to earnestly believe every kook falsity about Barack Obama.
    These folks are on a hair-trigger, fervently waiting with baited breath for the downfall of a presidential figure they cannot accept. Fortunately, they are the last, dying vestige of a beaten clan who can do little more than conjure up boogeymen to feed their fantasies of returning to what they perceive as long-gone glory days. Truth is: their time has come and gone. Welcome to a better day.

  5. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to billyjeff2 For This Useful Post:

    Englishgent (10-02-2009), icedog (10-02-2009)

  6. #25
    Comfortably Numb Del1r1um's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by billyjeff2 View Post
    The absurdity of those who would believe this nonsense is truly breathtaking.

    ...thiere is a disturbingly sizable segment of this society that is willing to earnestly believe every kook falsity about Barack Obama.
    What are you talking about? What is so breathtaking about perceiving that people are saying "Obama" in a prayer in some video? It doesn't say anything about Mr. Obama. If anything it would say something about a group of people who are either kooks that believe that Obama can hear and answer prayers, or some people who are just trying to get their point across and picked a weird way to do it.

  7. The Following User Says Thank You to Del1r1um For This Useful Post:

    JMS (10-02-2009)

  8. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by billyjeff2 View Post
    ... thiere is a disturbingly sizable segment of this society that is willing to earnestly believe every kook falsity about Barack Obama.
    These folks are on a hair-trigger, fervently waiting with baited breath for the downfall of a presidential figure they cannot accept. ...
    Welcome to a better day.
    I am a southern Republican and the day after the election, I told one of the women that worked for my client at the time (City of Atlanta) that I was glad that we had reached a point in this country when we can elect an African-American to the office of president. I just thought we had elected the wrong one. I have no problems with Obama's race, but I have a tremendous problems with his socialist policies. Every thing he had promised on the campaign trail has turned out to be absolute lies. He quickly dropped the "transparent administration" he promised. He promised that every piece of legislation would be available on-line for review. That didn't even make it to the first legislation he pushed through. He used scare tactics to get his stimulus package passed by telling the American citizenry that if it wasn't passed that we would have 8% unemployment by the beginning of summer...we had more than 9% at that milestone. He said there would be no lobbyist in his administration, yet the White House is full of them. He made it an emergency out of passing the Omnibus Bill saying that the government would stop functioning if the budget wasn't amended. Truth is that the Federal Government runs out of money every year and has to pass similar, albeit smaller figures, every year. I could go on and on, but my point is made. I predict that Obama will be viewed by history in the future as being the worst U.S. president in history. My wife thinks Jimmy Carter is the worst, but I remind her that was after a four year presidency and so far she can only compare eight months of the Obama presidency. I don't relish in his failure because that means our system and the office of president fails. One thing that I thank him for, though, is that the Republican party is almost guaranteed to win each Senate and House race in 2010 and we will be guaranteed of the White House in 2012.

    By the way, this southerner who loves his guns and religion is at least smart enough to know how to spell "there".

  9. #27
    BF4 gamer commiecat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinniesMate View Post
    I predict that Obama will be viewed by history in the future as being the worst U.S. president in history. My wife thinks Jimmy Carter is the worst, but I remind her that was after a four year presidency and so far she can only compare eight months of the Obama presidency. I don't relish in his failure because that means our system and the office of president fails. One thing that I thank him for, though, is that the Republican party is almost guaranteed to win each Senate and House race in 2010 and we will be guaranteed of the White House in 2012.
    Wow. Seriously?

  10. #28
    Straight acting and manly Englishgent's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMS View Post
    Wow! These people are actually petitioning Obama as you would God. This is a tad scary:

    How do you feel about this? Is there anything to it or are they just a bunch of kooks?
    They are not praying to Obama, it is quite clear that they are not.

    I'm not an Obama fan especially but I'm finding this constant obsession of the Republican right tiresome and not a little scary. He was democratically elected. People need to get over it.

    Maybe if the Republians field a decent candidate, next time they might win? Me? I'll still be voting for Ron Paul.

  11. #29
    Straight acting and manly Englishgent's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinniesMate View Post
    I am a southern Republican and the day after the election, I told one of the women that worked for my client at the time (City of Atlanta) that I was glad that we had reached a point in this country when we can elect an African-American to the office of president. I just thought we had elected the wrong one. I have no problems with Obama's race, but I have a tremendous problems with his socialist policies. Every thing he had promised on the campaign trail has turned out to be absolute lies. He quickly dropped the "transparent administration" he promised. He promised that every piece of legislation would be available on-line for review. That didn't even make it to the first legislation he pushed through. He used scare tactics to get his stimulus package passed by telling the American citizenry that if it wasn't passed that we would have 8% unemployment by the beginning of summer...we had more than 9% at that milestone. He said there would be no lobbyist in his administration, yet the White House is full of them. He made it an emergency out of passing the Omnibus Bill saying that the government would stop functioning if the budget wasn't amended. Truth is that the Federal Government runs out of money every year and has to pass similar, albeit smaller figures, every year. I could go on and on, but my point is made. I predict that Obama will be viewed by history in the future as being the worst U.S. president in history. My wife thinks Jimmy Carter is the worst, but I remind her that was after a four year presidency and so far she can only compare eight months of the Obama presidency. I don't relish in his failure because that means our system and the office of president fails. One thing that I thank him for, though, is that the Republican party is almost guaranteed to win each Senate and House race in 2010 and we will be guaranteed of the White House in 2012.

    By the way, this southerner who loves his guns and religion is at least smart enough to know how to spell "there".
    I love my Guns and religion too, I just don't understand this obsessive hatred of Obama, he's nowhere near as bad as George W. Bush was, IMHO.

  12. #30
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishgent View Post
    Maybe if the Republians field a decent candidate, next time they might win? Me? I'll still be voting for Ron Paul.
    You do realize that Ron Paul was a Republican candidate last election, right?
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