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    zib is offline
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    Default Pulled over by a cop

    I recently traveled to Fort Walton Beach Florida to see my new Granddaughter. It's about 5 hours give or take from Jacksonville, with a bad back, it may as well been on the moon. All went well. I left Sunday morning, and I was trying to read my print out from Mapquest as I was driving, I know it's stupid, but who hasn't done that. All of a sudden, There are flashing lights behind me. I looked down at my Speedometer and I was doing 50 in a 45, I thought, Hmmm, this is curious. I'm not realllly speeding. Maybe this cops a dick. Which he seemed to be. He gave the usual, "Lic, reg, insur." He told me I was doing 50, duh, in a 40, that I did not know. Here's the kicker, First he told me my registration was expired, it wasn't, he read it wrong, Then he told me his computer said I was in an altercation with someone in Baker county. That's close to where I live, the next county over. I told him, it wasn't me. Which it wasn't. It was so strange, and kinda scared me a little. Why do they have erroneous info in their computer. Did he lie? My name is pretty unusual, That is to say, not that many people have it. Could I have an evil twin going around beating people up? Did the cop lie just get me talking to see if I was drunk....?

    Any way, he let me go with a Verbal warning, no ticket...That's at least the 4th time, I've been let go. I attribute that to my Class A CDL. I think they take pity on you, cause if your a truck driver, which I"m not, I was, you could lose your job....

    Anyway, MY Granddaughter is beautiful....
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    Senior Member singlewedge's Avatar
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    Cops are always looking for a reason to pull people over to see what they are doing especially if you are not a townie.

    I was traveling from southern Indiana to SW Kentucky with some friends on the highway. The SL is 65 an unmarked (from the rear) was in front of me doing 60. I pulled left and passed the car only to find out it was a cop. I thought no big deal the cop was going slower than the posted SL and I passed legally. The cop followed me for the better part of 5 miles before lighting me up. I was let off, but I was told that the speed limit is set by the police.

    It is? I thought it was governed by state and federal law. The cop followed me to the county line and turned around.

    Never did understand what that was all about.

  3. #3
    Grumpy old sod Whiskers's Avatar
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    Sounds like the old 'intimidation factor' to me ...

    Have you ever watched the ACLU videos on You tube ... 'How to get pulled over' or something like this ...

    Anyways, they are very good (and funny) videos and worth a peep.

  4. #4
    zib is offline
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    The whole thing was unreal. The cop was a real A hole. Most I've encountered are cool.
    When he read my registration wrong, I figured he was a rookie with an attitude.
    He actually unbuttoned his gun, and put his hand on it when he walked over to the car. I made sure I kept my hands in plain site, on the steering wheel. He did ask me what I was doing in town....
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  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth Joed's Avatar
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    Congrats on just getting the warning. Be careful now, a ticket may be imminent!

    While I haven't been stopped by any cops in a few years I am well versed in the process. In my younger days it happened so often I turned it into a game. Guess that's what sports cars and a lead foot will get ya, not to mention loud as all get out!!

    The stories I can tell ya.....

    These days I'm just an average Joe w/ volunteer Fire Department license plates to help out when I'm just a little over. They don't help much when I'm well over the limit though. I can tell you that for a fact!

    Good luck and stay safe!!
    “If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got.” (A. Einstein)

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    I've been on the road for nearly 4 years now, since I was 16, and I'm yet to be pulled over (touch wood).

    Pretty surprising.

  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimR's Avatar
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    I've been pulled over a few times, but never got a ticket...One time I was going 85 in a 70, but the guy (Trooper Looper, I'll never forget his name) was really cool about it.

    Others have not been so cool...true intimidation stuff. But no tickets. Which is crazy, cause when you have a kid ripping through the sticks in a 66 Chevy Imapala pegged at 120, you seriously need a cop around!

  8. #8
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Several years ago I was running surveillance with other federal Agencies and they guy we were following got on the Freeway and was probably averaging 90 or so. We tried notifying the State Police so they wouldn't pull anyone over however our radios were incompatible. So I get pulled over by this guy who was actually a local cop who shouldn't of even been patrolling the interstate so he says to me your speeding on MY road. I said really. It didn't turn good from there. Even after I ID myself and told him I really needed to go he wouldn't let me. I know guys who just left some local yokel just standing there talking to himself but you never know with these guys. But in the end he had to explain why he almost screwed up a federal Investigation. His agency never patrolled the Interstate again.
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  9. #9
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

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  • #10
    Senior Member tat2Ralfy's Avatar
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    I never get stopped by the police, must be 6 yrs easy
    I think being over 40 yrs old helps
    that and being heavily tattooed, they maybe think "this guy is not doing anything wrong, and if I pull him he will be a pain in the ass"?

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