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  1. #11
    Senior Member smokelaw1's Avatar
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    Stories like this make me want to hunt these bastards down.

    Thank you for being one of the good guys. I don't feel like we have the time to actively look for good homes, so we do what we can to financially support organizations that do. Also, there is a group here that takes in "unadoptabel" animals and gives them a loving home and attention...they do rehapb some and are able to get them into homes. We have done some pro bono work for them, as well as support them financially.

    "Just because I hate people doesn't mean I don't love my fellow man."

    I love that saying, and I believe it is the most accurate thing I have ever thought up to explain my thoughts on humanity.

  2. #12
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Default Doc Doc Doc....

    Doc you know sometimes I hate stories like this because they put me in a place I thought I outgrew...

    I just want to break bones now, thanks Doc...

    Takes a special sickness to hurt a helpless puppy or anything for that matter... There is a special place in hell for people like this, it is right next door to the Pedophile cage....

  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    ...and then

    One of these sick, dog abusing bastards, is rewarded with a multi million dollar pro sports contract and people still pay to go watch.

    Sick, sick, sick.

  4. The Following User Says Thank You to honedright For This Useful Post:

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  5. #14
    Senior Member AussiePostie's Avatar
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    As my father says
    "lifes great! It,s just the people that give you the shits"

  6. #15
    Does the barber shave himself...? PA23-250's Avatar
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    As the owner of a very rare dog (& animal lover in general), if I ever came across scum (actually, that's too nice a term) like that abusing an animal, that individual would most likely get the following:

  7. #16
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    Doc, thanks for being one of the Good Guys! Isn't it oddly simultaneously pleasing and disappointing that we humans are generally kinder to animals than we are to each other? Generally but not always kinder to animals.

    I went through an extended phase during which I kept and bred parrot type birds. Through the ten year long mistake I had over sixty assorted species of squawking, screeching, vicious, messy, delicate, beautiful, fascinating psittaforms, the first of which was a cherry headed conure we named Oscar. I bought Oscar from a place called Bird Jungle in Stamford, CT. I was told that Oscar was a "hand fed baby", the most desirable of all bird selling features. He was, according to the sales pitch a baby from a breeder in upstate New York and they produce only the most healthy and rugged conures. About three days after he went home with me, Oscar leapt from his open perch and due to his improperly clipped wings, tumbled directly to the floor and broke his tiny leg. I took the poor bird to Dr. Hochman in Bridgeport, a consulting veterinarian to Beardsley and Bronx Zoos, the only vet I trusted with a bird in the area. After the successful surgery pinning poor Oscar's leg, Dr. Hochman showed me the X-ray. In the left center of Oscar's breast was a round lead pellet about 4mm in diameter, obviously from a shotgun shell. With an obvious tone of incredulity I asked the doc how a hand fed baby bird hatched to a loving breeder in the state of New York would come to be the target of someone with a shotgun. He explained that the bird was not a hand fed baby at all. Further he explained that Oscar was not only not hatched in New York but was actually one of millions of exotic birds smuggled into this country each year. The pet bird business is so lucrative that in Central and South America, indians walk through the forests firing shotguns into flocks of birds. The ones that are found on the ground alive are sold for a dollar or two to people who sell them for five or ten dollars to people who smuggle the birds (in all sorts of cruel contrivances) into the USA where they are bought by unscrupulous pet shop buyers for twenty or thirty dollars and sold to ignorant saps (like me) for two or three hundred dollars, pellets and all. Oscar died in my hands a week later. I brought Oscar's carcass back to the Bird Jungle. Very reminscent of a Monty Python sketch, I stood in the shop waving the dead parrot and the x-ray image in the manager's face as he denied the possibility of the bird being anything but a hand fed baby raised in New York. He only conceded to giving me store credit for one half the original purchase price of Oscar the dead conure. A few months later, thanks to Oscar, Bird Jungle was closed down by the State of Connecticut Better Business Bureau for selling birds of dubious origin.

    If you will indulge me in only one more of my sad (and hopefully not too tedious)stories I will tell you of my little friend Bear, the funny, ugly, playful little terrier mix that lived on the corner of Ninth and Hawkins in Derby, Connecticut. This is Bear:

    He was wearing the Elizabethan collar so he wouldn't scratch at his healing ears which had been severely burnt when some sadistic teenager squirted Ronsonol in Bear's eyes and on his head and set him on fire.

    I can understand the contempt for other humans Doc.
    Last edited by icedog; 10-14-2009 at 07:01 AM.

  8. #17
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    here's the cute little guy. Who could not love this face?
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  9. #18
    Doc is offline
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    still a happy little guy!!!
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  10. #19
    Member ZethLent's Avatar
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    I am not a 'pet person' but this, and any, kind of animal abuse really gets me angry. Thanks for taking care of the ones you can Doc.
    Last edited by ZethLent; 10-14-2009 at 07:51 AM.

  11. #20
    Carbon-steel-aholic DwarvenChef's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc View Post
    still a happy little guy!!!
    I love these dogs Just no room at the moment to have one. I do have to put up with other fur bearers though...

    Both rescues as well..
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