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Thread: Beer

  1. #21
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryan_a

    You should get some bigfoot from Chico (you're close enough...)or a Old Stock Ale from Northcoast in Fort Bragg and let it be room temperature and try it in a brandy snifter. Those heavy beers are good room temp (in my apt in the winter with no heat on) and the aromas are able to float around better and the flavors are more full.
    Sounds like things have been getting better down there.

  2. #22
    Occasionally Active Member joesixpack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xman
    You've never been toi the far north like the northern British Columbia, the Yukon or Alaska. Now that's beautiful. . . (I feel like I should mention the eye of the beholder, but I can't remember exactly how it goes ).
    I'm sure it's pretty there, too. We just get a wee bit more sunshine and a lot less snow. ;-)

  3. #23
    Senior Member mgraepel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joesixpack
    Mgraepel, Where're you located?
    I'm in Beaverton, Oregon. Situated pretty close to 217 and 26 (pretty close meaning within 10 minutes).

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by wopmanfixit
    But don't you guys in mother England drink your brew at room temperature? Yuk!
    Hehe, yeah we do, but not normally as often as our tourist board says. Its basically that whatever the temperature of the room with the cask in, is the temp of the beer. Thankfully, normally its in a nice cold cellar.

    If im ever in your neck of the woods joe, I'll be sure to check you out. It does look nice. Not sure how I'd explain to the girlfriend that I'm going to america just to get aled!

  5. #25
    Senior Member Korndog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joesixpack
    Stella Artois, Heinikin, Becks, Molson, and even Guinnes are pretty poor examples of their countries best brewing. Yeah, They're better than Coors, but I'll take a Sierra Nevada or an Anchor Steam over ANY of those four.
    Good point Joe. Hmmm.....Both California brews you mention and two of my fav's. Head out to Healdsberg to Bear republic sometime. Ok, Oregon has some fine beers too. Sierra Nevada is one of the great beers of the world IMO. They deserve to be as big as they are. Many a homebrewer uses that Chico yeast.

  6. #26
    Occasionally Active Member joesixpack's Avatar
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    I do really like the SNPA, but I'm a bit surprised they havn't come down in price. they make enough beer that I don't really think they could be called a Micro anymore.

    Anchor Porter is, I think, my absolute favourite American beer. But all their stuff is great.

    Up here in the NW, aside from all the micros, we get Henriy Weinhards, which I normally dislike, but they've been putting out a lot of seasonals that are really quite good for the price ($8 for a twelver on sale) They have a decent dark and an OK Heffeweizen. If you can get 'em, they're worth a try.

  7. #27
    Senior Member str8rzrshvr's Avatar
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    Default Lager....

    Give me a lager and I'm a happy camper! My two faves are Molson Canadian and Fosters (that's Australian for "beer").

    Not too worldly with the European beers. I do like Guiness and Boddington's. I'm sure there are a lot more, but give me a Canadian (from Canada, of course) or an "F" and I can die a happy man.


  8. #28
    Senior Member ryan_a's Avatar
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    I think talking about razors and beer on the same site is just awesome. Lets all drink up and go shave....? er....shave and drink up. hehe.

    But I am too fortunate to have great Sierra Nevada beer brewed in my city. Too many people think of SN as just Pale Ale, but they have so much more than that. Anybody driving south on I-5 should zip on over to chico to have some pints. If you guys would like to try the celebration or Big Foot maybe you guys could put money in my paypal and I will send some to you if you want. I would imagine shipping would be expensive, and I have no idea how to ship beer. But if you like Barlywine Ale the Bigfoot is awesome and worth trying. The market by my place will get me as many cases as I want. So if any of you guys want to buy a case or whatever let me know. It would probably be about $25 +- plus shipping.

  9. #29
    Shave ready wopmanfixit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryan_a
    I think talking about razors and beer on the same site is just awesome. Lets all drink up and go shave....? er....shave and drink up. hehe.

    But I am too fortunate to have great Sierra Nevada beer brewed in my city. Too many people think of SN as just Pale Ale, but they have so much more than that. Anybody driving south on I-5 should zip on over to chico to have some pints. If you guys would like to try the celebration or Big Foot maybe you guys could put money in my paypal and I will send some to you if you want. I would imagine shipping would be expensive, and I have no idea how to ship beer. But if you like Barlywine Ale the Bigfoot is awesome and worth trying. The market by my place will get me as many cases as I want. So if any of you guys want to buy a case or whatever let me know. It would probably be about $25 +- plus shipping.
    Better watch out, you might get busted for

  10. #30
    Senior Member ryan_a's Avatar
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    i'll sneek in some homebrew if you want also...heheh

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