View Poll Results: do you watch Fox news

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  • Yes, it is fairly even handed with the news

    15 26.79%
  • yes, it has a bias to the right

    11 19.64%
  • yes but its just entertainment

    0 0%
  • I couldnt be bothered to waste my time

    30 53.57%
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Thread: Fox news

  1. #1
    JMS is offline
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    Default Fox news

    I have noted that there is a lot of kneejerk reactions when Fox news is brought up. Mostly disgust and sarcasm, and then there is the kneejerk in the opposite direction, in other words, for Fox news but this is the rarer of the two reactions. I have also noted that Fox news neilson ratings are through the roof compared to just about every other cable station. Kind of interesting that there is such a clamor against Fox and yet they top the ratings don't you think.
    I believe that most of the News we get here in the states is slanted and extremely biased and while Fox obviously has its opinion shows that are very conservative to just right of moderate I believe there actual news is fairly even handed. I wouldn't bet my life on it though as politics has seemed to poison everything these days, particularly the news. Take for instance the NY Times. They refused to publish the emails from "climate gate" stating the emails were only meant for personal consumption but had no compunction in publishing Sarah Palins private emails.
    Anyways, to the point. I wish to know how many of you watch fox and your opinion of its basic news service and not its opinion shows.
    There will be a poll that you can vote on so that you won't have to expose yourself if you don't wish to.
    Last edited by JMS; 11-28-2009 at 10:03 AM.

  2. #2
    JMS is offline
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    Remember, be nice.
    Sarcasm need not apply.

  3. #3
    Pogonotomy rules majurey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMS View Post
    IFox news neilson ratings are through the roof compared to just about every other cable station.
    Ratings is not a guarantee of quality though. For instance, our Red Tops (tabloid newspapers) here in the UK will have bigger circulation numbers than any of the broadsheets. And what's the recurring theme of our Red Tops? Breasts. The 'Page 3 Girl' is a British institution. Yep, breasts are big news apparently. Every day. And consequently ratings/circulation figures are high.

    What about the news though?

  4. #4
    Senior Member decraew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by majurey View Post
    The 'Page 3 Girl' is a British institution. Yep, breasts are big news apparently. Every day. And consequently ratings/circulation figures are high.

    What about the news though?
    Nothing wrong with breasts. Far from it.
    But I agree it's not news

  5. #5
    Senior Member sffone's Avatar
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    Fox news is so far to the right that I don't consider it news at all. Admittedly both sides of the Fox debate can offer ample evidence to support their claims: This isn't the place for it, but I could give you many, many examples of Fox's withholding of information that didn't support their agenda. One only has to look at Rupert Murdoch, the man who owns the network (and other right-leaning media, such as the Wall Street Journal), and his history of tabloid "journalism" to see a clear bias toward sensationalism, especially that which works, ultimately, in favor of big business. In my opinion, Fox News is to real journalism what McDonald's is to gourmet dinning.

    For the record, I'm a registered Republican and have been since I first registered to vote 47 years ago, though I freely admit that I'm not too happy with the Republican Party today.

  6. #6
    Senior Member KristofferBodvin's Avatar
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    When I watch Fox, it strikes me as a bit unsophisticatet.However, they are pushing trough important news, that the PC press would much rather not mention.(Fort hood, Climagate etc..)

    I really wish we had a conservative newschannel in Norway!
    The press here is ALL what you americans would consider far, far left
    wing.And frankly you would be correct.


  7. #7
    BF4 gamer commiecat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMS View Post
    I have noted that there is a lot of kneejerk reactions when Fox news is brought up. Mostly disgust and sarcasm, and then there is the kneejerk in the opposite direction, in other words, for Fox news but this is the rarer of the two reactions. I have also noted that Fox news neilson ratings are through the roof compared to just about every other cable station. Kind of interesting that there is such a clamor against Fox and yet they top the ratings don't you think.
    I believe that most of the News we get here in the states is slanted and extremely biased and while Fox obviously has its opinion shows that are very conservative to just right of moderate I believe there actual news is fairly even handed. I wouldn't bet my life on it though as politics has seemed to poison everything these days, particularly the news. Take for instance the NY Times. They refused to publish the emails from "climate gate" stating the emails were only meant for personal consumption but had no compunction in publishing Sarah Palins private emails.
    Anyways, to the point. I wish to know how many of you watch fox and your opinion of its basic news service and not its opinion shows.
    There will be a poll that you can vote on so that you won't have to expose yourself if you don't wish to.
    Well I believe that since Palin was an elected official and was using her Yahoo! email account for governmental purposes, those emails were public records. That's what the defense argued and I'm sure the news stations used it as well when publishing.

    As for Fox, I can't stand to watch it because it's factually incorrect way too often for a news show. So often, in fact, that there has been a news memo published to the internets from Fox officials threatening to take disciplinary action against on-screen "mistakes". They get maps wrong, pie charts wrong, geography wrong, political affiliations wrong. Everybody makes mistakes but Fox just does it waaaay too much.

    I'll usually check the BBC or CNN's website during the week, and watch about 30 minutes of the Today Show. If there's a news story I want to watch on TV I'll go with either NBC or CNN.

    EDIT: TV ratings prove popularity and not quality. American Idol is like the highest rated TV show and boy bands are some of the highest rated musicians. McDonald's is a popular restaurant and Wal-Mart is a popular store. Fox has killed some of the best TV shows ever because of low ratings which speaks volumes about who their audience is. :P
    Last edited by commiecat; 11-28-2009 at 12:42 PM.

  8. #8
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    FOX News is very good at providing support for those who agree with the hardcore right wing spin FOX News consistantly demonstrates. It is like those who worship at only the church of whatever they believe. It serves the purpose of helping them to feel right and gives them ammunition against those who disagree. If you have formed your opinions and intend to stand by them, it makes perfect sense to wear the blinders provided by attending only to those with whom you agree.

    Mark, you ask this question as if your attitudes lie in some murky grey area. Your attempts at running jive by those who know better have lost their edge.

  9. #9
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    when i do get to watch news, i do watch fox. it is one of the few networks that will have comments from both sides of the aisle. i know that they are bias for the "right" they admit that. on the other hand the the "new york times and washington post" swear they are fair and are not, very often not even publishing stories against any liberal. we could agrue all day about who is more fair. one side note even as far right as hannity is, he still has guests on from both sides. i used to be a republican, i now consider myself a conservative first and foremost because of the party chiefs moving far away from conservative views.
    this should prove to be a very good thread.

  10. #10
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    Liberals make up 65% of the people who watch Fox. I don't always agree with all the guys on Fox but to say that one needs to ignore them because they are not "real" news is self serving. Acorn was not even covered by the majority of the "real" news channels along with many other things. They did bash Bush when he was president. What gripes me about liberal political hacks is that when one of "theirs" gets caught with their hand in the cookie jar they have excuses why they should keep their office. In contrast when a Republican get caught they want to hang him from the nearest tree.

    I am a Conservative who believes the when one steals, cheats on his wife, or lies that is what was done... he or she has stolen, cheated on his wife and lied....throw them out!


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