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  1. #21
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=JimmyHAD;497634]I'll tell you one thing that is in the bible that gives me pause... In 2 Peter 3:10

    "But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up."QUOTE]

    See Jimmy to me that means a Comet or large Asteroid strike....
    Which we have evidence has happened on Earth in the past, whether one of these wiped out the dinosaurs is still a matter of discussion... But I could see the cycle starting all over again without mankind on Earth from another large strike...

  2. #22
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    Makes you think, there's really a gap in the market for razors engraved with religious texts. You could even make some ironic...

  3. #23
    Unofficial SRP Village Idiot
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    Hmmmmm Let's see

    Palin = Religious Right wing wacko
    Obama = "I hate being an American" Left wing wacko

    Can I have a "Common Sense" choice that repensents the 80% of us in between the two poles?????????

    BTW until we all realize that we are being played by both parties this BS will continue....

    "Vote them all out in 2010 and 2012" no really vote for your party, or your issue, who cares, but vote out anyone with more than 2 terms... NEW BLOOD...
    Although I am Christian, you are my hero in this regard. I have said many times that every politician in Washington should be voted out or better yet tried for treason. Its all a game. As to the end of the world, as said earlier, the end of the world will have signs, but will occur so quickly that it can not be predicted.
    I will say this though. The moral standards of this country are virtually gone. The government is about to pay to kill unborn children of irresponsible teenagers of parents who could care less. Most people don't believe in anything anymore and that is why the Obama administration and liberals are able to teach children lies and encourage ignorance. The Bible is a good book. The life of Jesus is a good standard for people to live by, even if you do not believe in God. The founding fathers wrote the constitution based on the premise that a virtuous people could live in peace with one another and have very limited need of government. We are no longer virtuous and now morals are being dictated by law. This by itself is what is ultimately going to lead to our destruction, because it takes more than law for a society to sustain itself.

  4. #24
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    I'll tell you one thing that is in the bible that gives me pause... In 2 Peter 3:10

    "But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up."QUOTE]

    See Jimmy to me that means a Comet or large Asteroid strike....
    Which we have evidence has happened on Earth in the past, whether one of these wiped out the dinosaurs is still a matter of discussion... But I could see the cycle starting all over again without mankind on Earth from another large strike...
    That certainly could be it Glen but what gets me is that the writer, whoever he was would have imagined the whole earth being burned up and replaced with,"a new heaven and a new earth." Another thing that I find interesting ... since the epistles were letters written to answer concerns of the contemporary Christians we can get a sense of what those concerns were. One of the points that the writer of Second Peter addresses is the doubts that people were beginning to have because the predicted apocalypse had yet to happen. Doubt isn't a new phenomenon.

    3Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,
    4And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.
    5For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:
    6Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:
    7But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.
    8But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
    9The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  5. #25
    I shave with a spoon on a stick. Slartibartfast's Avatar
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    I thought our laws were dictated by morals?

    And which version of the bible should i be reading?

    I need to get caught up on the correct way to live my life, just in case i'm doing it wrong.

    btw, jesus was a bit too progressive and liberal for me. Gave out too many handouts.

    Quote Originally Posted by treydampier View Post
    Although I am Christian, you are my hero in this regard. I have said many times that every politician in Washington should be voted out or better yet tried for treason. Its all a game. As to the end of the world, as said earlier, the end of the world will have signs, but will occur so quickly that it can not be predicted.
    I will say this though. The moral standards of this country are virtually gone. The government is about to pay to kill unborn children of irresponsible teenagers of parents who could care less. Most people don't believe in anything anymore and that is why the Obama administration and liberals are able to teach children lies and encourage ignorance. The Bible is a good book. The life of Jesus is a good standard for people to live by, even if you do not believe in God. The founding fathers wrote the constitution based on the premise that a virtuous people could live in peace with one another and have very limited need of government. We are no longer virtuous and now morals are being dictated by law. This by itself is what is ultimately going to lead to our destruction, because it takes more than law for a society to sustain itself.

  6. #26
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slartibartfast View Post
    I thought our laws were dictated by morals?

    And which version of the bible should i be reading?

    I need to get caught up on the correct way to live my life, just in case i'm doing it wrong.

    btw, jesus was a bit too progressive and liberal for me. Gave out too many handouts.
    When I was a what was known as a 'dirty hippie freak' in the '60s the deal was that if Jesus came back then they wouldn't have let him in church because he would've looked like one of us. Now they certainly wouldn't appreciate his politics of the meek inheriting the earth, giving up what you have and following him to care for the sick and the poor. He might even be for national health care. Crucify him !
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slartibartfast View Post
    I thought our laws were dictated by morals?

    And which version of the bible should i be reading?

    I need to get caught up on the correct way to live my life, just in case i'm doing it wrong.

    btw, jesus was a bit too progressive and liberal for me. Gave out too many handouts.
    This is from a Biblical Perspective so bear with me.
    1) Morally it is ok to spank your child and pray in schools and teach children truthful facts. However, the law says spanking your child where your child get a bruised behind is child abuse and can throw you in jail. THe law says you can't have prayer in schools (with the exception of the great state of Mississippi) because it will offend someone and yet the US is a largely Christian nation. They also teach students that the Civil War was fought over slavery, and now the parents and teachers themselves are so stupid that they believe that.
    2) The New Revised Standard Version is the most accurate translation if you are one of those obsessive compulsive personality types. Unfortunately the Catholics held out many of the books of the Bible including several gospels. You can get them now though if you are concerned about your Bible being incomplete.
    3) I never told anyone how to live their life. I know more about biology and evolution than many on this forum, and the perfection of the inter-workings of the cell is enough for me to see that it did not happen by accident. I will add this, there either is a God with Heaven and Hell or there isn't. Its a 50/50 toss up. However, for the the 50% chance of burning in hell is enough for me to consider eternity. My point is that there is no down side to believing in God or Jesus. Amazingly, many great scientists were believers in God including Einstein and Darwin.
    4) Yes, Jesus gave out handouts, but not from the government. His idea on welfare were based on people helping eachother. Jesus despised government and saw it as an evil entity due to its corruption. Hence in the old testament, God new when the Jews asked for a king that the king (kings) would grow corrupt (with exception to Asa) and stray from God. Hence our government is straying further from God and ultimately to its downfall. This is why I propose more states rights, that way the more liberal states can do what they want, and the conservatives the same. Besides the sooner it falls the better, that way we can begin to rebuild.

    We conservative Christians are easy to manipulate and criticize, but just because we believe in something greater than humans, does not make us less intelligent. Just remember the country you live in was founded on Christian principles and belief that government could be sustained through the virtue of its people. Had it been founded by many people like today with no concrete values other than "if it doesn't bother me I'm ok with it", it would be nothing and no one would want to live here.
    BTW to all that hate the US, live outside it a few years and your appreciation will change (good or bad), besides we would be a lot better off if more people would move out.
    Last edited by treydampier; 11-30-2009 at 03:38 PM. Reason: grammar

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  9. #28
    I shave with a spoon on a stick. Slartibartfast's Avatar
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    I dont recall questioning any ones intelligence and never actually said what I did or not believe in.

    If the majority of this country is Christian. Then that means the majority of law makers are also christian and were elected by fellow christians.

    Does this mean we are a nation of christian hating christians?

  10. #29
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    The only evidence I see for belief in a worldwide tragedy in 2012 is the supposedly documented moving of magnetic north to true north at the pole. Some scientists seem to think this will flip the earth on its side. If any politician wants to discuss this, I would listen. If they want to discuss Biblical prophesy, I don't see much to talk about. As for Sarah Palin's statement...sorry but I give her as much credibility as Elmer Fudd.

  11. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slartibartfast View Post
    I dont recall questioning any ones intelligence and never actually said what I did or not believe in.

    If the majority of this country is Christian. Then that means the majority of law makers are also christian and were elected by fellow christians.

    Does this mean we are a nation of christian hating christians?
    I don't know about the Christians hating Christians but it a possibility based on your statement. A Christian lives by the example of Christ and the principles held by the Bible. So no true Christian can think divorce is acceptable, abortion is moral, or that marriage is anything other than union between a man and a woman. Most politicians are only Christian by name so the can get elected, prime examples are our president and Sarah Palin. One hates the United States and the other one can't even spell United States. Those two like every other politician associated with a party are corrupt and intrinsically stupid (I apply this term loosely with lawyers, but they are usually more evil than stupid). They (politicians) certainly have no moral fiber to them otherwise they would have told the Supreme Idiot Court to walk into the sea and drown many years ago.If so many politicians are Christians then why did they allow the Ten Commandments to be taken down in Alabama (I wish Alabama had told the Supreme Court to do the world a favor and commit suicide), why did they allow prayer to be take out of schools? Why do they cheat on their spouses and not love their own children? Why did politicians support Bush and allow him to kill 1000's of innocent Iraqis for no apparent reason at all? Because they are not Christians!
    Off topic, I am sorry.
    As to the end of the world, the anti-Christ in my mind would most certainly be someone of intelligence and cunning ability which clearly rules out Obama. Know one knows the day at which the new kingdom of heaven will be established, besides its only 50/50 because if there is no God then there is no end, and we mere mortals will return to dust.

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