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  1. #21
    Member tabre's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gugi View Post
    I would suggest you take a short break from posting and reread everything posted so far. It appears that you don't quite understand what is being said.

    Incidentally the barrier to this section can be made even higher, it may help new members concentrate on presumably their main reason to be on this forum. Apparently not everybody can handle the responsibility of being adult.
    I have read. I do understand. Adults can be sarcastic too. :-) Lighten up.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMS View Post
    Knock it off.
    What specifically have I done to offend you?

  3. #23
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tabre View Post
    We appreciate it. Sincerely. It is good to have a cool free place to come and discuss various topic. But something about this just didn't seem right and so I could not remain quiet. Let me just say that freedom of speech still does exist here. I can say whatever I want right now and post it to this thread. NO cops or government officials will come to my door demanding my arrest. That's my freedom. If you choose to ban me for it, then that is your freedom. If we choose to, in turn, see you as a tyrant, that is our freedom. Freedoms can only be restricted by law - not by anything you or any moderator on any forum on the internet does.
    True. In the real world there is freedom of speech.
    But if people come here, we ask then to abide by our rules.

    If they couldn't morally accept our limitations, then you shouldn't have clicked 'yes I accept' on our terms of service. We ask people to be polite and not be provocative. We ask it again in the conversation guidelines.

    So if they don't follow those rules, they shouldn't complain if they are being banned (or simply PMed with a question not do do something). You agreed to behave up front. If you then break your word, you have no place here.

    Is that unreasonable?
    Last edited by Bruno; 12-05-2009 at 09:57 PM.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    True. In the real world there is freedom of speech.
    But if people come here, we ask then to abide by our rules.

    If they couldn't morally accept our limitations, then you shouldn't have clicked 'yes I accept' on our terms of service. We ask people to be polite and not be provocative. We ask it again in the conversation guidelines.

    So if they don't follow those rules, they shouldn't complain if they are being banned (or simply PMed with a question not do do something). You agreed to behave up front. If you then break your word, you have no place here.

    Is that unreasonable?
    No it is not unreasonable. Not at all. I've said my opinion. Done with this thread now. Goodnight.

  5. #25
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tabre View Post
    I have read. I do understand. Adults can be sarcastic too. :-) Lighten up.
    No, you don't, if you do the following is a misrepresentation because it is not what the case is.
    Quote Originally Posted by tabre View Post
    Saying that this quote was a reference to the way you moderate is merely an assumption and demonstrates a lack of understanding of the situation. Not that my opinion matters, but I would request that moderators more thoroughly investigate and take the time to UNDERSTAND THE SITUATION AND THE CONTEXT before deciding to cut someone like that.
    Believe it or not, despite your claims to have seen everything pertaining to this, you have not seen some deleted posts and you haven't seen any of the exchanges via the private message system. Unless you are the same person using yet another account to troll the forum. Are you?

  6. #26
    Little Bear richmondesi's Avatar
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    I think people misunderstand freedom of speech. Freedom of speech applies to government action only. If someone comes into my living room, I have no obligation to listen to whatever crap they want to spew and I can restrict speech in my house just as owners of private establishments can restrict speech in their establishments. Without government action, no one can claim infringement on their freedom of speech. The point is, we are guests here and should behave accordingly. Thanks for all the hard work you guys do around here, mods

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  8. #27
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    i would like to chime in if i may. the "conversation" is a lot of the time a political debate and anytime there is political debate there will be things said that could potentially offend someone. i myself have been offended at some of the things said on here. i do not run to moderators for relief.
    my opinion on any politically based debate is, if you have thin skin and are easily offended it is not a place for you. life is not fair, it offends all at times as do debates on most any subject.
    i have had debates with gugi and he and i do not agree. i have had debate with bruno on subjects. that does not make either of them or myself any less of a member willing to help others with the experience of straight shaving, which is basically what we are all here for in the first place.
    we will all have a difference of opinions and styles of saying what is on our minds. someone may or may not like another members style or the context of what they may have said. my thoughts on that is "get over it and move on"
    REMEMBER, we are a select community brought together by a common cause, straight shaving and enjoyment of that hobby or whatever you may want to refer to it as.
    i hope i have expressed my thoughts in logical way. that is also why i started the thread last week as to where each of of stands on politics in general, it was a reference point for all to look at and know where each of us stand. i think this makes it easier to understand what another members says and where they are "coming from"

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  10. #28
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Praise wise and mighty Bruno! His mercies and judgments are right and everlasting!

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  12. #29
    Troublus Maximus
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    AHAAA !!!!

    Destroy Bruno - he left the gravy off of the mashed potatoes !



  13. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by tabre View Post
    No it is not unreasonable. Not at all. I've said my opinion. Done with this thread now. Goodnight.
    Sorry, but I am done with you as well. Bye!


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