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  1. #51
    Damn hedgehog Sailor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 59caddy View Post
    ok, so you will let the criminals have free run of you house and family??
    i am well armed, in just about every room of my house. some are semi-automatic and can very easily be brought up to full-auto if i so desire. i also have more than enough ammo to hold off for quite a while if the need arises.
    my motto is "better safe than sorry"
    Maybe this place is little backwoods, but housebreakers here do not use handguns. At least i haven't heard from such irrelevant behavior in more than 20 years. Also guns are not usually used in street violence. Stolen guns usually end up abroad or into criminal gangs or drug dealers who use these among each other as they wish somewhere away from sights.
    We have of course criminality here too, but even felons widely seem to know that using handgun to rob grandma's wallet is like shooting a little bird with a missile, and after such action that feline for sure would get hunted until caught. No wallet is worth dying and surely not worth killing for. I have no much experience from the burglars but i've heard this from friends in police.

    Some 5 years ago we had one burglary attempt in the middle of the day when people usually are away. I was sleeping at home, and my door wasn't locked. When the burglar opened the door, my dogs started barking, so he closed the door and ran away before i could get up. When i reached the window i just saw man running away. We still do not lock our doors when home, day or night. Well some kids once stole few cd's from my car (door wasn't locked), but had i shot them i would have ended in jail.

    Most violent acts here are made between people (family members, friends etc) who already know each other and usually when drunk. Most common weapon is the kitchen knife or axe. It scary to imagine what would happen if all those had handguns.

    But as i said. We are far from the big world.
    'That is what i do. I drink and i know things'
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  3. #52
    I shave with a spoon on a stick. Slartibartfast's Avatar
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    Do you advertise what guns you have and which ones are easily accessable on the sign at the front of your house to deter criminals?

    Otherwise how do they know that you have an arsenal, while your neighbor just has a baseball bat?

    Quote Originally Posted by shooter74743 View Post
    With this being said, put your thoughts into a potential criminals mind and think like they would. Would you want to mug, carjack, or invade our home here in the U.S. or your own home in your country? I'm not trying to pick a fight, just think about it.

    Bad guys want an easy target, no matter if the bad guy is a man or government.

  4. #53
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    All kidding aside, an axe is a very formidible weapon at close range. If it weren't for the doggone Chinese, we could still be defending ourselves with axes & swords.

    I had considered a Tazer at one time, but if I were to shoot a criminal with one in defense of myself or family, he'd probably be able to sue me & get much more than what he was originally going to steal. This is just one of the many problems we have here in the U.S.
    Southeastern Oklahoma/Northeastern Texas helper. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
    Thank you and God Bless, Scott

  5. #54
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slartibartfast View Post
    Do you advertise what guns you have and which ones are easily accessable on the sign at the front of your house to deter criminals?

    Otherwise how do they know that you have an arsenal, while your neighbor just has a baseball bat?
    Actually, yes, indirectly. I do have a G&G Gunsmiths sign over my carport. It's not to deter criminals, but what gunsmith do you know that doesn't have guns?

    My neighbors: They all have guns too...I've worked on them or sold them, or both. If someone who doesn't look like they belong is "wondering" around, you can bet the sheriff will be called along with someone finding out who they are and what their intentions are, along with enough details for law enforcement to follow up on. I love a small community ;-)
    Last edited by ScottGoodman; 12-09-2009 at 07:54 PM. Reason: added neighbors info...
    Southeastern Oklahoma/Northeastern Texas helper. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
    Thank you and God Bless, Scott

  6. #55
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    However, the term 'arms' can include nuclear weapons, high explosives, cruise missiles... etc. And the US and the world in generl would be a much more dangerous place if people were allowed to have those.
    That's right. Thank God only non-people are allowed to have those.
    Last edited by honedright; 12-09-2009 at 08:35 PM.

  7. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by AussiePostie View Post
    Is this not what the police, national guard, army reserve and the big one the combined armed services are for? The average citizen would just be backup. Unless one of the above or all somehow become the enemy of the state and people! I suppose it has happened in some countries?
    By the way that browning safari is a nice looking bit of kit Does it come in single shot?
    Ah yes, the police. But, courts have repeatedly ruled that the police do not have any responsibility to protect individuals. That's right, no responsibility to protect you, your wife, your children or your aging grandmother.

    When seconds count, the police are only minutes away.

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  9. #57
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by honedright View Post
    That's right. Thank God only non-people are allowed to have those.
    If I remember correctly, soldiers are only allowed to handle service weapons while on duty, right?

    @joki: if you want to fight your own home army, then you die. There is a TON of problems facing the US today. The 'what if you have to fight your own army' consideration is one of the most silly to base decisions on. The entire US government election process is still working according to the rules. Whoever is in charge, YOU put them there.

    @59caddy: you seem to be prepared for full urban warfare. Personally, I think it is so farfetched that it is not worth bothering about. I don't know about the US, but here, armed burglary and home assault are exceedingly rare. That said, I have no problem with people arming themselves for that scenario because it is in their home. However, an arms race between people getting their hands on missiles and high explosives can only end badly.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
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  11. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by AussiePostie View Post
    The U.S.A must be the only western country in the world that legally allows people to own military grade weapons and is it legal to have militia training camps.Considering you have the most modern and powerfull military force in the world protecting you, does the average citizen really need such powerfull weapons for personal defence and if the answer is yes, is that not saying something about the state of society and the nation in general? Why not just join the reserves and be trained professionally to use the latest weapons and tactics in the defence of your country. My son is in the reserves here in OZ.He has his complete kit at home including a fully packed quick deployment case.The only thing he doesn,t have is his rifle.This is kept at the barrack,s and in this day and age I do not think anyone is going to invade the country that quick that he would not have time to aquire it.
    Exactly what military grade weapons are you refering to. I hope you do not believe that a semi automatic AR-15 or AK-47 is a military grade weapon, because it is not (they are not assault rifles either). The military version of these rifles (which are true assualt rifles) are either fully automatic or capable of firing multi-round (usually three) bursts with a single pull of the trigger. The ammunition these rifles fire is actually less powerful than many common hunting rounds.

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  13. #59
    Damn hedgehog Sailor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shooter74743 View Post

    With this being said, put your thoughts into a potential criminals mind and think like they would. Would you want to mug, carjack, or invade our home here in the U.S. or your own home in your country? I'm not trying to pick a fight, just think about it.

    Bad guys want an easy target, no matter if the bad guy is a man or government.
    Your logic makes sense until some point. Getting into your house has for surely far more risks.

    Firstly i wouldn't attack on anyones house nor here or there. If i ever, for some unthinkable reason, find myself in a situation where robbing someones home, here or there, would be good idea, i would propably do it when the house is empty.
    And if the house i was about to rob had people armed to their teeth living inside, i would propably have to get weapons enough to make things done. No much sense trying to do something if the changes to success are low. Failing would be not an option.

    But, as i said, robbing houses is not my type of fun.

    Have you guys ever thought that using landmines around your houses, specially under the windows and on the walkways, would be very costworthy, automatic and effective way to stop unwanted visitors? Another good thing with these mines is that attackers and robbers do not use them. And if you live somewhere near the beach, then there's no better way to stop felons with boats than using good old acoustic/magnetic seamines? Seamines aren't even banned in the Ottawa mine ban treaty.
    'That is what i do. I drink and i know things'
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  14. #60
    Senior Member Lt.Arclight's Avatar
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    Being a retired Police Lieutenant from a large urban agency outside of NJ as well as being retired from injuries suffered from a line of duty action, I just love to read from people that think guns aren't required and should not be in the hands of citizens.

    Even if you are a mixed martial arts fighter,there is always someone just a little bit stronger and more capable of kicking your ass. Most Police departments are understaffed,with many running shifts with skeleton crews. All jokes aside-it would be better to have a bunch of cops sitting in a coffe shop just WAITING FOR YOU TO CALL FOR HELP. Unfortunately, that is rarely the case and when you need help-seconds feel like HOURS.

    Bottom line-law abiding citizens SHOULD and have a RIGHT to bear arms. Its funny how the liberal left treat the bill of rights. It is convenient for them to bend the meaning of the Second Amendment-God forbid,we say ANYTHING about the rest.

    Even though the Second Amendment exists and has been challenged in court,what about the Articles of the Constitution- where it states Congress shall past no post defacto laws. In other words-what is legal today-cannot be made illegal tomorrow?

    When someone gets on the anti-gun bandwagon-I ask them one question. Have you ever had to FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE-for real? Most have not. As a former LEO,the Police CANNOT protect you at all times. Period. Isn't that enough reason? More people are killed in motorvehicles than by firearms-there isn't any talk of banning cars is there?

  15. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Lt.Arclight For This Useful Post:

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