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  1. #1
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    Default You Gotta See This Auction

    I recently spotted this auction...

    I had to respond. This is what I wrote to the seller.
    Saying that this razor is showing signs of typical use is like saying that the battle of the Little Big Horn showed signs of Indians. At least you provided me with a good hee haw. I will point out this auction to the 1,000 or so straight razor users at SRP who need a laugh too. Thanks
    Maybe we need an Ebay topic forum. In it, we could start calling these sellers out on these types of auctions. Point them out on the forum to alert everone, so to speak. If we all send messages to them, maybe they will quit being so darn generous with their descriptions and be forced to be a little more accurate. Whataya say?

    On the positive side, we could point out good auctions to the newbee's too.
    Last edited by urleebird; 12-04-2005 at 10:51 AM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Traveller's Avatar
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    I have a NOS Zarita Mint never used I probably wouldnt ask much more than that for ,How much would you charge me to grind the bladedown to rare condition

  3. #3
    Senior Member mgraepel's Avatar
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    Hehe, thanks for the amusing early morning read. I think an ebay forum would be a great idea. Now if only there was a way to get the potential straight razor users to come here first before coming to ebay.

  4. #4
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    I got a reply from that seller. Here's what he said:


    My my...

    I think it would be good if all you guys here also contacted him to see if his vocabulary changes. If not, maybe we could suggest to him that his speech could be improved with night school or something. After checking his feedback, I think I spot a pattern...

    Email him and then bring his responses back here. This could really be entertaining.

  5. #5
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    Dang... there is only 5 hours left in that auction. Write to him anyway. I couldn't resist... I sent him the following response:

    My my... You are pretty brave behind a keyboard. I was only trying to make a point with you by using a little humor.
    Spraying deoderant in a recently used bathroom only makes it smell like someone pooped in flowers. So, saying that this razor showed signs of typical use is spraying deoderant... a lot of it. It was misleading and dishonest. If that's you... ok. I was tempted to buy it just so I could add you to my about me page. I might put you there anyway. And if you would like to improve your vocabulary, there is always night school. :-)
    After your razor doesn't sell, please relist it so we can all see what you have to say about it next time.

  6. #6
    MOD and Giveaway Dude str8razor's Avatar
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    I sent the following to the seller let's see what he says:

    Typical use ????????? What as a grout remover. You have to be kidding that razor wouldn't cut hot butter let alone being impossible to hone.

    Bill Watkins

  7. #7
    Occasionally Active Member joesixpack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by urleebird
    I got a reply from that seller. Here's what he said:


    My my...
    I can't believe that was his response. What is it with these idiots that makes them think that CAPS LOCK somehow gives their response more weight? What a first class jack ass. At least this ones a better speller than the last one. You're movin' up in the world, Urleebird

  8. #8
    Senior Member Kelly's Avatar
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    Default Petty is, as Petty does

    I would absolutely endorse a forum here dedicated to the protection of the SRP members. However, I think that calling on the members here to email a seller just to rile a response is basically harassment and I would rather SRP’s name not be a part of such actions.

    I may not be too active here, but I do take pride in the good natured camaraderie here. If we want people to participate here, acting elitist and harassing random sellers that are not a part of our “community” just to get a response is not the way to spread the praise of SRP. At least in my humble opnion.

  9. #9
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    Default Kma

    Petty is, as Petty does

    Bite me...
    You know, Kelly, this thread had died. So what was the purpose of bringing it back up to the top if you were so concerned about idiot sellers on eBay and the SRP image? You think I am going to back down from something because you try to act intelligent and insightful? And then call me an elitist? Boy howdy, do I have a two-word response for you.

    However, I think that calling on the members here to email a seller just to rile a response is basically harassment
    Why, because you say so? Putting unscrupulous sellers in check is not harassment. There are some sellers who obviously don't know anything about what they are selling. That's not the problem, and I would never think to say something offensive to these people. But those who purposely mislead the potential seller into bidding for crap could use some outside comments.

    ...acting elitist and harassing random my humble opinion
    Random? Random as being a seller who is trying to dump a worn out razor with chips in the blade saying it ready to shave with? Or random meaning a seller offering a barbie doll and telling her that if she ever sells razors, she better do it right?
    Humble? No, you have that word confused with pretentious.

    I'd sure hate to be in any kind of trouble with you covering my back...

  10. #10
    Senior Member Kelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by urleebird
    Bite me...
    Humm… not much different from the response you got from the seller now is it?

    Quote Originally Posted by urleebird
    You know, Kelly, this thread had died. So what was the purpose of bringing it back up to the top if you were so concerned about idiot sellers on eBay and the SRP image? You think I am going to back down from something because you try to act intelligent and insightful? And then call me an elitist? Boy howdy, do I have a two-word response for you.
    You seem to have taken my comments to the extreme on all accounts.
    I am not “acting” intelligent nor insightful… I’m simply stating my opinion. Much like you have done (all be it, I’ll admit, in less inflammatory manor).

    I’m sure the seller you’ve isolated in this thread, would approve of your “two word response”.

    I’ve called you nothing sir, and if you took a personal position on my elitist comment then maybe the shoe fits.
    However, the comment … “I will point out this auction to the 1,000 or so straight razor users at SRP who need a laugh too” in your email to the seller is exactly that, elitist. Regardless of weather they are deserving shyster or not.

    ‘belittle me over my auction, not knowing my background or knowledge base over the item I’m selling. Then express to me that your going to publicly ridicule and belittle the auction to and with your group of 1000 or so friends…that is a part of a group I assume I’m supposed to give a s*it about’
    That sir is a very elitist position and demeaning to anyone

    Quote Originally Posted by urleebird
    Why, because you say so? Putting unscrupulous sellers in check is not harassment.
    No, but posting an access thread (an email or a link as such) in a public forum and calling for mass email is. Especially, considering there is no intent or attempt to buy (which is what ebay is for after all, to buy and sell). That in fact is harassment, and to attach this forum's name as the source of that harassment is not healthy or productive to the welfare of this forum.

    Quote Originally Posted by urleebird
    There are some sellers who obviously don't know anything about what they are selling. That's not the problem, and I would never think to say something offensive to these people. But those who purposely mislead the potential seller into bidding for crap could use some outside comments.
    I agree with you 100%, and I’ve said nothing to the contrary. I read about your recent burn on ebay and I’ve been burned there my self. I intentionally go out of my way to not do business on ebay for the very reason you’ve pointed out. But all that still dosent change my mind that calling for members to email a seller for no reason other than just to see what happens is petty. Sorry if you disagree, your entitled to do so and I’ll think no less of you for it.

    Quote Originally Posted by urleebird
    Random? Random as being a seller who is trying to dump a worn out razor with chips in the blade saying it ready to shave with? Or random meaning a seller offering a barbie doll and telling her that if she ever sells razors, she better do it right?
    Humble? No, you have that word confused with pretentious.
    Wow… this comment was a trifle blurred by emotion. My eyes may be failing me in my old age but I didn’t see anywhere on said auction where that razor was stated as “shave ready”. No sir.
    Your confusing this auction with the one you got burned over. That was a real s*itty deal you got over the three razors, and I don’t blame you for being jaded or even outwardly angered, but let it go!

    As for telling anyone they “better do it right”!?
    C’mon, you see an auction that isn’t being conducted to your own standard (which is admirably quite high) and so you email them with sarcasm and demeaning wording and then belittle and berate them if they don’t? No sir, I’m not the one confusing anything with “pretentious”.

    Quote Originally Posted by urleebird
    I'd sure hate to be in any kind of trouble with you covering my back...
    Ahhh… and the Coup De’Gras, an attempt at my character?? Now that really IS petty sir.

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