How many of us have considered what love is? Probably a good percentage of us. How many have come to a conclusion about love? While many of us have ideas and thoughts on what love is I am betting that less than two percent of us are willing to call these thoughts and ideas final conclusions.

I have some thoughts on love that may go against the grain of modern conventional thoughts. There is love for a child. This is generally a protective sort of love. There is friendship. to my way of thinking this is usually a needy situation and not love at all. thats not to say that friends can't or don't love one another, I just believe that neediness (loneliness, hole in the gut needing to fill type of relationship)in a friendship is more common than mutual love and respect. And then of course there is marriage. The ultimate filling of that hole in the gut, that missing part we are trying to restore through a mate. Marriage. That institution that either makes us better humans and more thoughtful and considerate or tears us into pieces and yanks our pounding hearts from our very chest and stomps it into dust...and then mocks us.

Lets talk of love between a man and a women. A man generally believes he loves his bride when he marries her and a women generally believes the same about her new husband but I don't believe this. What I believe is that a woman is seeking security of sorts and a man is looking for completion (filling that hole in the gut). I believe that emotional love (not true love )carries a married couple in the beginning. this emotion that brought them together is the same emotion that tears them asunder after a time. At this point true love is either found or the marriage ends...or drags on as an endless hell. True love, I believe, is the lack of emotion or better put, reason above emotion as opposed to emotion above reason. Emotion is heady stuff and hard to resist where as reason is easy to resist. To resist emotion requires a certain self control not commonly found. this self control, to my mind, is the beginning of true love. All else is built upon this self control or crumbles due to the lack of self control (excessive emotion).
Anyways, I could go on but I would rather hear the thoughts of others and I might add more later.

Anyone else like to add their thoughts on love?