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  1. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by 59caddy View Post
    can you please read my posts completely??? i said COLLEGE"
    I didn't though, I was talking about education in its entirety. Or are social education programs ok?

    For use and repair, but you certainly did not pay for all of it, every one in your area chips in. Is that ok as well? I imagine there are loads of freeloaders who use those roads.

    Religion has nothing to do with it, they just seemed like appropriate phrases. What I meant was, if you're ever in the gutter, or some life threatening situation, and some fella offers you a hand, are you going to consider him a fool for not just thinking of him self, or be forever in his debt for pulling you out.

    It's interesting you seem proud of the military, after all, you pay for them and men and women die in your country to protect all those freeloaders. Why don't they concentrate on them selves as well? I know you're all going to stab me in my sleep for that, but please remember that I am talking in principle, and I believe the complete opposite. I do not want to see replies specifically relating to this paragraphs. Talk about the principle, not the analogy.

    I dunno, I think your opinion on social programs is confused as any one who lives in a country where they are provided and more than acceptable for certain things, but some people see the sky falling down around them when it's suggested for healthcare.

  2. #92
    BF4 gamer commiecat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 59caddy View Post
    can you please read my posts completely??? i said COLLEGE, not since kindergarten. quit trying to obfuscate everything. i could care less what you call BS. we took no aid at all, and all was paid without loans. we had the means to pay for it and worked our way through if more funds were needed. we are not beholding to anyone or anything.
    my daughters are more conservative than i on most topics. one has over 6 years in the military as of today and is probably going to get out because of the "commander in social engineering"
    You said college, but it was in response to someone asking about education. Public schools are free for all citizens for a good reason. Even if you ignore it then I'd suggest that the reason most people even get into college is because of a good public education.

    Quote Originally Posted by gregs656 View Post
    I wonder how far through education you, or your kids, would have got if you had to pay for full time private tuition?
    Quote Originally Posted by 59caddy View Post
    all 3 of my daughters and step-daughters paid their own FULL tuition for college. i paid for both of my degrees FULL tuition. we did not ask for or want any help from anyone or any organization
    Were these private or public colleges? If private, then not a one person you speak of received scholarships, grants or financial aid for either tuition or books?

    A public option is like our public school system; a very inexpensive and viable option for something that all citizens deserve. If you want to pay for private parochial or a Montessori school (private insurance) then you have every right to do so. College would be like elective surgeries or visiting a specialist.

  3. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by commiecat View Post
    Were these private or public colleges? If private, then not a one person you speak of received scholarships, grants or financial aid for either tuition or books?
    100 percent paid for by all 4 of us including books, tuition, room and board.
    working jobs to pay for it all.

  4. #94
    BF4 gamer commiecat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 59caddy View Post
    100 percent paid for by all 4 of us including books, tuition, room and board.
    working jobs to pay for it all.
    That's not exactly what I asked. Were these all private or public institutions from grade school through college?

  5. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by commiecat View Post
    That's not exactly what I asked. Were these all private or public institutions from grade school through college?

  6. #96
    BF4 gamer commiecat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 59caddy View Post
    Ok, since you won't give me a straight answer about the education before college -- which is what I've been asking -- I'm going to assume that those were public schools.

    Sounds like they got plenty of educational help by getting a tax-funded, free education before college. Kinda hard to get into college without a proper background.

  7. #97
    Cheapskate Honer Wildtim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wpfontenot View Post
    You don't want Health Care? The President isn't pushing Gov Health Care - a few ultra liberals are. The President is pushing reform and leaving it up to Congress to work out the details.

    You're already paying for someone else's health care and I thank you each and every time I deploy
    Did you really just hold veterans services up as an example of how health care should be run?

    He's not pushing government health care?

    Lets see.......I see a system where I have to pay more in taxes to get benefits, most of which I won't use and if I choose not to participate I go to jail. Your right that not government health care, its gang rape, good thing my abortion will be covered.

    More seriously, the only plan I've seen and that he favors doesn't instantly eliminate private insurance, it just makes it impossible for private insurance to operate and illegal for me to buy it. But you are right I don't have to take it I can pay a fine to have no insurance at all.

  8. #98
    BF4 gamer commiecat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wildtim View Post
    More seriously, the only plan I've seen and that he favors doesn't instantly eliminate private insurance, it just makes it impossible for private insurance to operate and illegal for me to buy it. But you are right I don't have to take it I can pay a fine to have no insurance at all.
    Umm, where does it say that it's illegal to buy private insurance and why do you think it would be "impossible" for them to operate?

  9. #99
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    It is against the rules for me to change plans except to the governemnt plan, so I can keep what I have or have the government plan only. That makes it illegal for me to buy a new plan and impossible for any private insurer to chang its offerings based on new technologies or discoveries. Had they had this type of thing a couple hundred years ago leaching would be covered but aspirin would not, you can't run a business if it isn't allowed to keep up with the times.

  10. #100
    BF4 gamer commiecat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wildtim View Post
    It is against the rules for me to change plans except to the governemnt plan, so I can keep what I have or have the government plan only. That makes it illegal for me to buy a new plan and impossible for any private insurer to chang its offerings based on new technologies or discoveries. Had they had this type of thing a couple hundred years ago leaching would be covered but aspirin would not, you can't run a business if it isn't allowed to keep up with the times.
    What proposal are you referring to and on what page does it say that you cannot change plans?

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