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  1. #11
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    I am totally in your corner on this issue, Jimmy. It was mildly amusing watching the train wreck a few months ago, but that's because we didn't even know why it was happening for the first few days. Once it was revealed that they were having a marital spat I was done and I'm still done.

    Playing devil's advocate though, perhaps the only reason he's out there saying 'sorry' so publicly is because she insists on it. If that's the case though I'd be losing a heap of respect for her as my wife and she could have half of everything and be on her way. I've always been that way. It probably cost me a few dates when I was younger too. If I made a play and received the hard-to-get routine I moved on. I've no time for a gal who's gonna run that routine on me whenever it suits her. As a result I have a wife with whom I can be dead honest with and expect no less from her.

  2. #12
    Senior Member denmason's Avatar
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    Tiger who????

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  4. #13
    LOLWUT? Allen's Avatar
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    The first thing that comes to my mind: Who HONESTLY cares? Are people so lonely and empty that they rely on celebrity and sports stars' personal tribulations to entertain them? Why is this even a big deal to begin with? Is Tiger Woods the first famous person to be unfaithful?

    Personally, I try to distance myself as much as possible from mass media and overblown "scandals", but this Tiger Woods crap has gone entirely too far. I really couldn't give a crap less what this guy does in his personal life and I'm sick and tired of being bombarded with it every time I click on any link on the internet.

  5. #14
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    Please Pleaseeeeeee just once would one of these mamby pamby wimps just ManTFU and say "Yeah, I did.... SO !!!!"
    Exactly. His reaction should be: So WHAT?!
    Especially considering that 40% of all people have been unfaithful to their partner at one point in their life, in one of their relationships.

    Even if the man is additcted to sex, well, that has to be the most harmless adiction there is. The man is in good shape, has loads of money, and probably has many women throwing themselves at him. There are worse problems in the world to waste emotions on.
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  6. #15
    Damn hedgehog Sailor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    I come from a time when people didn't wash their dirty laundry in public. I can't understand what would make the guy want to get in front of the camera and spend 13 1/2 minutes apologizing to the world.
    That is what bothers me the most. I do not understand why people these days want to share their private affairs in the media. What makes them think they are so special? Or does this hole ball player think he was the only person in the world that ever cheated his wife?

    My answer is to shut down TV when seeing something like this.
    Personally i am not interested where mr Woods or anybody else puts his private parts and with who and how he deals with the consequences.
    Another thing that makes me wonder is why people keep watching this kind of junk. Don't they have the life of their own?
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  7. #16
    Pit Bull Lover & Trout Terrorist hardblues's Avatar
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    There are only two people who should be talking about this, Mr. & Mrs. Woods...the matter is between them. If his conduct violated some conduct clause within the contract of a sponsor, then they can act in their best interest, whatever they determine that is, but, as Jimmy said, I don't care about it - didn't/don't want to hear about it...even the first time, much less a couple of months of headlines.

    I suppose those who don't have a life or haven't developed a personality other than a personality disorder feed off this type of crap.

    His public apology serves no purpose...and immediately afterwards, Tiger became Kitty.
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  8. #17
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    I disagree. Tiger has commitments. This is not just about a man and a wife. This is about a man, a wife, an agent, a promoter, sponsors, television broadcasters, reporters, exclusive magazine deals, expert witnesses, pundits, punters and extraneous hangers on.

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  10. #18
    < Banned User > Blade Wielder's Avatar
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    Yes, it's pretty annoying how drawn out all of this has become. We're going to continue hearing about this for some time, unfortunately.

    The reason Woods is getting so much attention over this, though, is largely to do with his image before we knew of his affairs. Celebrities and regular people cheat on their spouses all the time, but Woods is unquestionably the best golfer of his generation, and will likely go on to beat every standing record out there. Up until a short time ago, aside from a few curse words on the course, Tiger's reputation was pretty flawless. He prided himself on being a player in total control, both physically and psychologically. His endorsement deals were the envy of every athlete out there, and the guy basically had the Midas touch. Hot wife...a billion dollars in the bank...cute appeared as though he had it all. So it was obviously a shocker when we learned that a guy like him had an addiction to cheap skanks. Yes, people love to watch others fall, and this is one very long drop for him.

    Woods has always been intensely private over the years, so believe me, he's not some attention-craving self promoter like Jon and Kate Gosselin or whatever -- talking about this crap publicly is the very last thing he wants to be doing. Unfortunately for him, not expressing remorse for the cameras would mean millions and millions of dollars in additional lost endorsements; so to say "Yeah, I did it, so what?" would be the worst thing he could do right now. He must make the rounds and apologize. Expect to see him on Oprah or some Barbara Walters "special," or some crap.

    Up until this scandal broke, Tiger was basically his own PR man, dealing with things in his own way and acting like a total robot. I've never found him to be very likeable as a person, but I've always admired his skills, and his initial popularity after winning the Masters in 1997 was probably one of the factors that contributed to me getting a country club membership as a teenager that year. A lot of my friends did the same. This is a major PR cleanup he's on now. I'm just wondering if he can convincingly convey enough remorse in order to stay afloat. Like I said....the guy's a robot.
    Last edited by Blade Wielder; 02-20-2010 at 12:09 PM.

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  12. #19
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    I never liked the goofy little jerk in the first place, so this whole thing pretty much confirmed my opinion of him--not that I care or think less of him because he cheated on his wife, but b/c he acted like he was some sort of saint, and cheated on his wife.

    Beating one of my favorite dead horses, though, we're hearing about it all the time b/c the media is talking about it all the time. I'd bet its gotten more total air time then that Haiti earthquake.

    But to answer Jimmys question, yes. I've very sick of hearing about it.

  13. #20
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pete_S View Post
    Beating one of my favorite dead horses, though, we're hearing about it all the time b/c the media is talking about it all the time. I'd bet its gotten more total air time then that Haiti earthquake.
    That is my beef. I am a let he who is without sin among you cast the first stone kind of guy. I have nothing for TW nor do I have anything against him. I just hate the media frenzy around celebrities.
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