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  1. #21
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    There are also these two:

    There's a child's cough syrup that says Do Not Drive or Operate Heavy Machinery While Using Cough Syrup.... Why would a child be doing that anyways?

    My personal favorite:

    On the tag for a childs Superman costume Warning, Costume does NOT Allow Wearer To Fly!

    Bloody Brilliant

  2. #22
    Senior Member janivar123's Avatar
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    reminds me of a vodka bottle
    drinking may seriously affect your ability to drive a car

    hmm maybe that is actual consumer advice

    OTOH it didnt mention bus or plane
    Last edited by janivar123; 02-23-2010 at 12:52 AM.

  3. #23
    Senior Member ghostonthehorizon's Avatar
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    Can't forget the massager device that says "Do not operate while asleep."

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShavedZombie View Post
    My personal favorite:

    On the tag for a childs Superman costume Warning, Costume does NOT Allow Wearer To Fly!

    Bloody Brilliant
    you have got to be kidding me!!!???!!!
    i suppose an umbrella is next since mary poppins used it to fly!!!!
    does no one have any common sense anymore???

  5. #25
    JMS is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by 59caddy View Post
    does no one have any common sense anymore???
    It seems to be a rare commodity. I hope I am wrong.

  6. #26
    Wander Woman MistressNomad's Avatar
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    I think it's getting ridiculous.

    Here's the reality. Life. Is. Dangerous. This is clearly shown by the fact that no one gets out of it alive.

    You could die falling down in the tub. You could die falling down the steps from your house. You could die getting stung by a bee. You could die choking on a hot dog.

    Pretty much anything and everything in the world has the ability to kill you under the right circumstances. That's part of life.

    And as sad as it is when someone dies young of something so innocuous, what exactly are we going to do? Just wrap everyone in bubble wrap and feed them through a tube for the rest of their lives?

    Living has inherent risk to it, and you just have to get used to it. There are so many people of my generation, or younger, who are clueless and helpless in the world because their parents spent their entire childhood trying to put them in a bomb-proof room and hovering over them like flies, never letting them do anything for themselves.

    Warnings on hot dogs? That's ridiculous.

    Parents, watch your kids. Adults, watch yourselves. Sometimes that will save lives, and sometimes it won't, but that's all we can do.

    People need to stop driving themselves insane with the thought of their own mortality. We all go through - every person who ever lived, everyone living now, and probably everyone who ever will live. Death is part of life.

  7. #27
    They call me Mr Bear. Stubear's Avatar
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    A governments job is to erect street lighting and park benches, and thats about it. But it seems that, on a national and international scale, the worlds governments want to meddle and control peoples lives.

    And companies are having to go along with it because they can get sued into the ground if they dont. Hence the warnings on firearms, "Warning! Contents Hot!" stickers on the side of coffee cups and, here in the UK at least, stickers warning "This product may contain traces of nuts" on the packet for... wait for it.... KP Peanuts.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMS View Post
    It seems to be a rare commodity. I hope I am wrong.
    i guess the quote in my signature by Will Rogers fits in quite well here
    "Common Sense Ain't Common"
    people wake up before we have a warning label on everything..

  9. #29
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    In the US, everybody has a right to be stupid, and boy do people protect it.
    I cannot comment on other European countries, but if we look at Belgium, our laws have a concept that literally translates as the 'good house father' which has nothing to do with houses, parenthood or gender.

    It basically is a determination for assigning responsibility in liability / damages / guilt in cases where neglect or irresponsibility is relevant. There is some legal mumbo jumbo, but it boils down to the following: would a cautious and responsible person in a position of authority have done xyz. Our laws are written with the expectation that people actually think for themselves.

    For example, an inflatable baby swimming pool I have carries only the following warning in Dutch: use only under adult supervision.
    Our laws and regulations imply that an adult person knows the dangers involved when putting kids and swimming pools in the same area.
    The US version otoh also lists all the things that ever could go wrong, as if it is the responsibility of the manufacturer to foresee all the stupid things that anyone ever could do if he or she was a complete moron. there are literally about 5 long paragraphs printed on the bottom of the swimming pool and the setup instructions.

    Rather than making people culpable for their own stupidity, the US rewards them with million dollar settlements because the manufacturer didn't spell out in detail that kids can drown in water, chainsaws can take off body parts or vending machines can crush people if violently rocked.

    Well, it is as they say. If you protect and confirm the right of the people to be as stupid as dirt, then you will get a proliferation of stupid people.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

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  11. #30
    Wander Woman MistressNomad's Avatar
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    I've noticed the UK does this to a pretty insane degree as well (as noted by Stubear).

    I think in the case of the US, really, none of our problems are unique. People just see them more, because the US is more visible.

    The suing culture does need to die though. Really. The supreme jurisdiction of lawyers and the crazy stuff people get away with suing for because of it has caused the nanny state, messed up health care, wrecked education...

    Really, just stop letting stupid litigation fly. I think until we do that nothing is really going to change.

  12. The Following User Says Thank You to MistressNomad For This Useful Post:

    59caddy (02-23-2010)

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