Billy, a question was asked as to how people came to believe that the world was flat etc. I gave a my opinion as to how this can happen and next thing I am being asked to defend myself.
OK,there have been 81 published studies on the effects of ETS,67 (including the WHO study)found no correlation between ETS exposure and deseases. Only 13 studies showed a statisistical association and in all of those 13 studies the association is weak a relative risk (RR) of less than 2) In most scientific studies a RR of less than 2 would be ignored and the study remain unpublished. So of those 81 studies can you guess which ones are used by WHO and all the other anti smoking groups?
Oh you have proberbly noticed that 67 + 13 = 80 not 81, well one study actually found a small protective effect. So that mountain of contrary evidence is more like an ant hill.

If you truly believe that ETS is dangerous and not just smelly and annoying, I hope you don,t own a car as driving it for 1 hour will pump out the same amount of pollution as 15,000 cigarettes. As they say "let he who is without sin cast the first stone"

Lets just agree to disagree
Now I have forgotten, what was the original question of this thread?