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  1. #1
    Pit Bull Lover & Trout Terrorist hardblues's Avatar
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    Default Are We Incrementally Losing Our Freedom?

    Recently, there have been several threads started concerning the Health Care Bill, (now law issue); the constitutionality of the methods, processes our representatives used to get it passed despite polled constituent majority opposition to the actual bill as written, (I will interject that opposition to this partial bill and the shenanigans to get it passed does not mean that those opposed to this particular bill are opposed to changes in health care to make it more efficient and better serving); and what are the real or possible effects of much of what is written, some would say hidden within this 2700 page document. In short, some would say and/or suggested that this particular bill does little to improve health care and that the real purpose was to pick a sympathetic subject, (health care), to garnish support to get legislation passed which by it’s contents, would take away certain t individual choice/freedom, and shift states rights, etc., to the federal government, which, is contrary to the constitution. Some would say, or suggest that this is why this document which was considered ridiculously large when it was 1100 pages, then 2400 pages and finally 2700 pages; to shroud it’s contents and make it a muddied mess that could be enacted before being interpreted, so to speak.

    Additionally, the bill will increase the IRS already enormous power because it will monitor what kind of health insurance you have, define if that insurance does meet the requirement within the bill and then, if not, assess and collect fines or whatever the term.

    There is talk of passing a ‘public option’ to let the current insurance companies go broke and then have a single payer…the fed. All of this infringes on personal freedom, and that is very troubling.

    All of the above is not the reason for my question as there is much more going on in Washington.

    There is supposedly a bill that has passed the house that gives the Secretary of the Treasury the power to take over any financial if he believes it is in danger of being insolvent; to where he can fire management, fire the board and sell all assets. Last year, the manner in which the administration dealt with/dictated to the financial institutions that had accepted stimulus funds caused some concern over the attitude of the administration and somewhat points to the measure suggested.

    Finally, Cap and Trade would have great effect on manufacturing and utilities.

    In short, what is left? I suppose the politically correct faction which seems to self define what can be said and written by institution as well as individuals regarding virtually anything cultural.

    Is this an evolution away from individual choice and freedom to a system where political authority exercises absolute and centralized control over all aspects of life and all else is subordinated to the state, and opposing political and cultural expression is suppressed.

    With no intention of being radical here or stirring things up, I am curious what others think of all this. If you comment, I would ask that you offer thoughts/facts and not criticisms of others of an opposing view. State or support your opinion.
    Last edited by hardblues; 03-25-2010 at 05:03 PM.
    Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.

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