I was attracted to these forums, like most members, by an interest in straight razors. But this does not explain why I and others keep coming back or why we answer the same newbie question for the 100th time with the same patience and zeal as we did the first.

JL's predicament got me thinking that his fiancé is right in having trouble understanding the attraction. Straight razor interest alone does not explain it, unless he and the rest of us went collectively mad.

I'll bet if you get us all in one room that our careers, interests, hobbies, opinions and religious beliefs will span the spectrum. We can't even agree on straight razor issues like honing, stropping or shaving, so common interests or views can definitely be ruled out.

I am willing to venture that some members will even step out of the shower to urinate .

What we will probably find in common is a base value system that we all share. I'll get to that in a minute.

When I first started reading these forums I thought at first that this was a club for hypergraphia sufferers disguised as a straight razor forum. I kept seeing the same questions answered and rehashed. People posted everywhere, sometimes not adding much more than Uhuh, I agree.

I was also a bit surprised and startled by the implicit trust shown between the members here. I could not relate to it. I am suspicious by nature and highly individualistic. I don’t care to be part of any “total agreement” club so took it all with a grain of salt. As time went on I began to participate more and slowly felt more comfortable and then got hooked.

I told my wife that I found the experience here very strange and out of my character. I have not met or spoken to a single member in person, yet I feel like I know your personalities and quirks. I feel a bond to the members here that goes much deeper than the superficial interest in straight razors (crowds shouting heretic, heretic).

What we have here is not a virtual community of like interests but a virtual community of like values. The values that permeate all the posts here are: honesty, integrity and respect for each individual member regardless of social status, experience, creed, color, opinion or any other social marker.

It is these common values that rapidly build trust and bond the members, creating the inexplicable attraction to the forums.

Sure the straight razors are fun, but what makes us want to come back is the sense of security and acceptance we feel here. No question is too dumb, no opinion is shot down. It can be argued and disagreed with but never used to diminish the individual espousing it. No matter how alien it may seem. Any transgressions are dealt with the same respect and patience. Very quickly we pick up on these “values” and either embrace them, rise to them or drop out of the forums.

Here we can let our guard down because there is no threat to self. That is a very attractive social environment indeed.

I must say that I now stand in awe of what these forums really stand for. The fact that Lynn Abrams' base values were the seed crystal around which this virtual community grew makes me respect and appreciate him as a human being that much more.

You are a very remarkable human being Mr. Abrams. May I still call you Lynn?