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  1. #1
    < Banned User > Flanny's Avatar
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    Angry Global Warming rant (be advised)

    The idea behind global warming is that the "green house" gasses are trapping certain lightwaves from the sun that increase heat into the atmosphere without the ability to bounce back out after hitting the planet, much like insulation in a cooler traps in the cold or a polar bear's fur traps in body heat.

    people who disagree with global warming argue that we've been having milder temperatures down south than we have in a long time and thus that's evidence that global warming isn't happening.

    I'm neither liberal nor conservative but here's an experiment for the doubtful, take the largest cooler you can find. stick a thermometer on each side close to but above where the 'other ingredients' will top off at. and put one on the lid centered inside the cooler also. one one side put a small bag of ice, on the otherside put a pot of boiling hot water. If you got the equipment to get really fancy, the thermometers will be digital with lines going to external readouts. otherwise just check the temp every 20 to 30 minutes on each one. and write them down.

    What you should find is that the hot side cools off as the cold side is warming up. It's a natural occurance. Depending on the size of your cooler you should see varying temperatures in the middle that initially reflect the heat from the hot pan then start to cool some.

    As the ice melts in the northern and southern hemispheres it gives off cold gasses into the air in addition to sending colder waters into the lakes and oceans. Our lakes and oceans act as insulators and when they're cooled down, the rest of the world 'cools down' also. So the initial impact of global warming isn't blistering heat, it's initially milder and milder temperatures over all in the warmer zones with temperatures slowly warming in the colder regions. Eventually the temperatures will even out and THEN (if there's anything left of us and the rest of the world) things should start taking a steady hike upward. But of course the ozone is being eaten away as well so this allows for blistering hot spots as it allows deadly radiation in from the sun that gets trapped by the green house gasses. So, maybe we will get our death by fire without having to have a nuclear haulocost.

    Personally I think all the rich mongers of the world will get into a big fight and pull their puppet strings attached to the religiously political world leaders and we'll have nukes flying everywhere and the entire world will be obliterated, thus saving us the worry about global warming.

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    Its a pretty complicated process, with a ridiculous number of factors involved, and as its mostly estimation about something we're not massively good at anyway (weather prediction), I dont think that any people can claim to know what will happen if we continue as we are with 100% confidence.

    However, it must be one of the most easily avoidable potential disaster scenarios that the world will ever face. Even the most sceptical of global warming must realise that theres a possibility it might happen. Therefore why not just simply eradicate that possibility by taking steps that ensure that it wont happen; most the preventative measures aren't even particularly time consuming, expensive or require an inordinate amount of effort. I'm no eco-warrior, but that just seems like common sense to me.

  3. #3
    Senior Member cudahogs's Avatar
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    I understand your thought process here on global warming, but this was not the time to bring it up. This past weekend, the wifey and I went on a little vacation to Chicago (yes, I went to the truefitt and hill store-awesome place). We had a house sitter to watch our home and dogs in our town about 80 miles to the north. Sunday morning at 0400, we got a phone call from our housesitter that she heard a bang and much running water. It turned out to be a water pipe that runs through our garage and to the guest bathroom. The pipe that broke was at least 6 feet from the nearest outside wall but with temps at -15, it didn't matter. Still awaiting the bill for sunday morning callout of a plumber

  4. #4
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Default Wrong FUD

    Some are now using the term Global Climate Change.
    The warming bit's just the tip of the iceburg(I slay me). Think hurricane season. Seizmic activity could increase too along with literally dozens of other concerns not the least of which is an increase in harmful ultraviolet. The list goes on.

    The balance you are thinking of occurs on a Global scale, Sure that pendulum swings, but it takes centuries(normaly) to move. We're pushing our along too vigorously and moderation is called for. I think they're trying to change the name to avoid backward thinking.


  5. #5
    Rob is offline
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    Thumbs up Let's hear it for warm weather

    I'm all for global warming, I think it's too durn cold anyways.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Ruckeriii's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rob
    I'm all for global warming, I think it's too durn cold anyways.
    Yo do know that ICE AGES are trigerd by global warming right?


  7. #7
    < Banned User > Flanny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ruckeriii
    Yo do know that ICE AGES are trigerd by global warming right?


    You saw that movie too, eh? "Day after tomorrow rocked". Dennis Quaid was pretty good in it. Emmy Rossum proved her versatility yet again, and Jake Gyllenhaal did his standard "semi-intelligent pot-head" routine.

    I'd like to know how the scientists who came up with that theory determined it. It's an interesting and scary thought I wonder if there's any proof in the frozen tundras that support those ideas.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Ruckeriii's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FUD
    You saw that movie too, eh? "Day after tomorrow rocked". Dennis Quaid was pretty good in it. Emmy Rossum proved her versatility yet again, and Jake Gyllenhaal did his standard "semi-intelligent pot-head" routine.

    I'd like to know how the scientists who came up with that theory determined it. It's an interesting and scary thought I wonder if there's any proof in the frozen tundras that support those ideas.
    Day after tomorrow? What is that? I saw a report on the discovery channel and searched scientific journals to confirm it. The evidence came from the Antarctic and glaciers around the world. Glaciers grow like trees one layer per year and you can count the years the same way buy taking core samples. The ice in a glacier is like a time capsule. You can not only tell how fast the glacier grew each year, but you can tell what plants were growing all over the world that year. Where is how the pattern goes, the scientist find the pollen from the plants we have now for thousands of layers/years in the permanent ice all over the world. Than they find larger amounts of greenhouse gases in the ice and the balance of pollen changes to tropical plants (the world was getting wormer.) after that they fined that the glaciers growth explodes and plant pollen nearly disappears. It takes hundreds of years for pollen to reappear in the glaciers and than it is almost all from cold weather plants that you find in the ice age tundra! This usually lasts from 10 to 20 thousand years! Now who wants to know how long it takes to go from tropical earth to deep freeze? 10 years! It only takes 10 years to go from garden to frozen wasteland.

    Now one know how hot it will have to be to trigger this but they have found what leads up to it. The weather starts to fluctuate all over the world. Did you see the last hurricane season? How about the rain in places that should have been getting snow this winter. Wasn’t a large part of Europe on fire not long ago because of the driest year in recorded history. How about that mudslide in the Philippines? Closed buy over a month of non stop rain? We will see what is next.

    Last edited by Ruckeriii; 02-21-2006 at 03:44 PM.

  9. #9
    < Banned User > Flanny's Avatar
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    Well I guess I better move to the equator so I stand a chance of passing along my lineage to the next great population

  10. #10
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FUD
    Well I guess I better move to the equator so I stand a chance of passing along my lineage to the next great population
    Quite the opposite, actually, look for higher ground would be best.

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