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  1. #1
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Default Hey!! Who's pulling the Bandwagon????

    Well it is getting closer and closer read this Article follow the other links inside it, and then tell me Who exactly is pulling the wagon???
    I have been saying the same thing in almost every political thread that has come up in this forum, "Who is paying the bill" it really doesn't matter what party you belong to or what you think is a "good" program basically we can't afford to have any more people riding the wagon...
    Honestly I am getting a little tired of paying, paying, and paying and never getting the breaks...
    So someone please explain why my wife and I who chose not to raise kids, who both work, own our home, have our health insurance paid for by our jobs, basically the only federal dollars I need are for Defense, and wait, having to really think about any others, as everything else is State run...

    Yep thinking back over the last 32+ years of working I have never caught a Tax break... In fact the only deduction I ever claimed was the interest on my Home Mortgage when I had one...

    In my eyes it seems that the more responsible you are, the more you are punished... Naw there really isn't a push for people to become more dependent on the Government, that is just my imagination talking right????

    Can I claim my dogs???

    End of my rant after reading those articles.... need a beer as I guess by that definition I am a "Sucker"

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  3. #2
    Wee Whisker Whacker BingoBango's Avatar
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    We're pulling it, dude!

    I pay taxes out the ass every year, so pass me a beer. And they tack on an extra 8% just for living in NYC. Plus I heard the new healthcare plan's gonna add more to the pile.

    I don't have much advice... Get a better accountant? Adopt a Democrat?

  4. #3
    They call me Mr Bear. Stubear's Avatar
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    Its the same over here Glen. We have a growing number of people who've decided its far too much like hard work to get a job and they'd much rather claim benefits and stay at home...

    So anyone who earns a wage gets totally clobbered with the taxes to plug the HUGE budget deficit that clown Brown and his dark-eyebrowed sidekick have run up, which currently stands at about £1.2 TRILLION if I remember right.

    I wouldnt mind paying the taxes so much if the services were any good, but they're really not! If you want to see a Doctor you wait days for an appointment, the police wont turn up when you call them unless you've actually been shot, the schools are useless (every single person I know who works in a state school says it really is as bad as the papers make out) and if you step outside after dark you get stabbed by some drug addled hoodie.

    I live in Pimlico, which is just down the road from Belgravia (just about the most expensive place to live in the world apparently), and its by all means a "nice" area to live. I came out of the house the other week to find the still smoking shell of a Mazda RX8 in the street and a couple of policemen milling around.

    I asked one what happened. "Kids.." was his reply. Kids. KIDS!?!? Seriously? A good time for the youth of today is torching a £30k car? And the schools that we pay tax for and the police that we pay tax for cant stop this?

    I agree with you totally Glen. Those who put the most in usually get the least out and are last in line when they need something. And usually end up paying some sort of "means tested" fee on top as well.

  5. #4
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    And soon you will get to pay even more as the Obama Administration and the Democratic Congress give us:

    A national sales taxe (aka VAT).
    A carbon use tax (cap and trade)
    The return of the death tax (since death and taxes are the only certain things, why not tax death as well).
    Income tax increases for all (they don't even need to do anything, it is going to happen automatically this year).

    How's that change working out for you?

  6. #5
    BF4 gamer commiecat's Avatar
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    Taxation is part of the government and the crap has been broken for a while regardless of who's in charge. It's not just defense you're paying taxes for; the food you eat is certified by the FDA, the house you live in should be structurally sound thanks to building codes, the car you drive is properly rated, and the roads you use are built and maintained with tax dollars.

    I'm fully in favor of Fair Tax and the abolition of the Fed. We'd be better off financially for it. But until the system changes we have to deal with it, and if I'm given a choice between money going overseas to fund U.S. expansionism or helping out citizens in my community, I will choose the latter.

    And c'mon Glen, we all know that you don't need to pay for defense.

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  8. #6
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by commiecat View Post
    Taxation is part of the government and the crap has been broken for a while regardless of who's in charge. It's not just defense you're paying taxes for; the food you eat is certified by the FDA, Ummmm yeah that ain't working out so well right now is it??? I think I would like an audit... the house you live in should be structurally sound thanks to building codes, Sorry Nope not in BF Idaho it ain't the car you drive is properly rated, Well yes that is true and every year they add more and more to the percentage that is the overall cost of that car and the roads you use are built and maintained with tax dollars. Those are Mostly State dollars and I am good with paying extra on that if they would actually take care of them so my federally safe and emission controlled car will not bounce across the road...

    I'm fully in favor of Fair Tax and the abolition of the Fed. We'd be better off financially for it. But until the system changes we have to deal with it, and if I'm given a choice between money going overseas to fund U.S. expansionism or helping out citizens in my community, I will choose the latter.

    And c'mon Glen, we all know that you don't need to pay for defense.
    I wasn't even going to go there LMAO...

  9. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by fccexpert View Post
    And soon you will get to pay even more as the Obama Administration and the Democratic Congress give us:

    A national sales taxe (aka VAT).
    A carbon use tax (cap and trade)
    The return of the death tax (since death and taxes are the only certain things, why not tax death as well).
    Income tax increases for all (they don't even need to do anything, it is going to happen automatically this year).

    How's that change working out for you?
    Where are you getting your info?

  10. #8
    Senior Member Alembic's Avatar
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    Hey Glen,

    I just read a similar article that said almost 1/2 of the country pays no income tax, and of those a large portion actually make a profit off of their tax breaks.

    So I ask you, is it any wonder that 1/2 of the country would vote for somebody that would take money from the other 1/2 and give it to them?

    The state of Michigan managed to tax out of existance my business and 2 of my friends businesses. We are the only state in the union that taxes a business over 3% on its GROSS. Most companies here are only running a 5% net margin, then the state is going to take 3% off of the top. What the hell happened?

    Your Pal,

  11. #9
    Senior Member billyjeff2's Avatar
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    Another way to look at this:

    The 47% that don't aren't required to pay simply don't earn enough to be able to pay, and still subsist.
    Whenever I see the stats about how the "top 2 %" of earners pay "___%" of all taxes, that to me is evidence of how concentrated the wealth has become in this country. And for the record--no, I'm not advocating the abandonment of the free market/capitalist economic system. But if a family of 4 is earning, say, $45K per year, imposing income taxes at that level of earning translates into not eating, or not paying rent--folks in that income range have very little disposable income. Plus, even though they may not pay income tax, they pay every other tax the rest of us pay-sales tax, etc..

    The fact of the matter is, folks who earn more have more disposable income, and are more able to shoulder the impact of their income being taxed. If I have to pay an extra 5%, it's not going to take any food off my family's plate and I'll still be able to pay my mortgage and travel to Europe for a vacation if I want. Those who are barely getting by would be devastated if they had to pay 28% of what little they earn towards income taxes on top of all the other taxes they are still required to pay. Do I like this situation? of course not. But until someone comes up with a better, more equitable way to raise money to fund the government, laying off those at the lower end of the income scale is necessary. And if something like 47% of the country is earning such low wages, what does that tell us?

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  13. #10
    Senior Member matt321's Avatar
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    "evidence of how concentrated the wealth has become in this country."

    Yep, I saw that online recently. The bottom 80% of households have only 7% of the finacial wealth. Conversely, the richest 20% control 93% of the financial wealth.

    Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Consumer Balance Sheet and Consumer Spending in Perspective

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