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Thread: Who are you?

  1. #1
    JMS is offline
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    Default Who are you?

    The interesting thing about the internet is that we can pretend to be whomever we please and no one has to be the wiser. We can use any avatar and put forth any persona we like but is it really us or is it only the face we wish to use here on the internet.
    I generally distrust the internet but the members here on SRP I trust for the most part. Because I trust the members here I will present to you myself and I hope others will do the same.
    I am a rather undisciplined individual who does only what is needed for survival or pursues particular interests such as history or linguistics. Survival always comes before my interests though. I will survive at any cost and defeat all that stand in my way of that one goal. I will best even those that are more disciplined and more capable if it means the difference between life and death or making a living or not making said living. When things are good and I need not struggle to make it I generally become lazy...I guess I am a bit like a wild dog living in a civilized world.
    There is a film clip that describes me rather well. I am not certain that the character of Lieutenant Algren describes me but this one scene describes me to a tee, at least from my perspective. Anyways, here is the scene:
    YouTube - The Last Samurai - Battle In The Fog

    In that scene it exposes my core as I see it, especially after minute 1:27.
    I have more to me but I am only trying to present my core. I may offer more later but for the time being I am looking for members who are willing to expose their deepest selves as they see it.

    Is there anyone willing?
    I hope so.

  • #2
    Carbon-steel-aholic DwarvenChef's Avatar
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    I tend to be labeled as a loon unable to amount to much. Given my lack of communication skills I have a hard time dispelling that. I guess thats one reason I spent so much time at the range as a young adult, from 17 till about 35 I lived on the firing line. I didn't have to talk much to communicate what I was doing or what I could do. Even in the Army I would be written off till I got on the line and was able to connect all that was going on. Forget trying sports or anything outside of shooting, I still have no clue about sports...

    I could easaly see myself as the charicture in "The Shooter" YouTube - Shooter Trailer

    Now I'm trying to branch out but the old ways still are the most comfortable.
    Last edited by DwarvenChef; 04-20-2010 at 01:56 PM.

  • #3
    I shave with a spoon on a stick. Slartibartfast's Avatar
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    Good Question. I am Not really sure, but I fear I may be closer to this gentleman.


    YouTube - Big Lebowski trailer

  • #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    It varies from hour to hour, I like to think Alan Ladd in the Glass Key sometimes but then there is John Wayne in The Searchers or Gary Cooper in High Noon. Other times it might be Humphrey Bogart in the Maltese Falcon or Clint Eastwood as 'the man with no name'. Truth be told I probably more closely resemble Don Knotts as the deputy Barney Fife .....

    YouTube - Mayberry Auditions
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.
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  • #5
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Smile Interesting Thread !!!!

    Hmmmm very interesting topic Mark

    I am a bit of a dichotomy, I can be the best friend you ever have, or your worst enemy as I hold grudges for years...
    Most people consider me a "man's man", you know the type, can fix just about anything, shoots, hunts, fishes, backpacks, knows how to survive in the woods as well as the urban jungle, some people call me a "Boy Scout" as the term "always be prepared" was not lost to me... I'm the guy that says "Yep sure do" when somebody is stranded at the store and asks "Does any one happen to have some jumper cables"
    I'm that guy that will go out of the way to help somebody, BUT cross me and I will hold that grudge for life...
    I tend to impose my morality codes on others, and expect them to have the same, which the women in my life (Wife, Sister, and Mother) tell me is a bad thing...
    To me honor is everything, period, if you have no honor you are nothing in my eyes, that I guess came from my Father and from my martial arts...
    I see men lie, cheat, and steal, to get ahead and it makes me sick, I have to stop the urge to beat them into submission..
    I have always been the one to step forward to protect the weak, that has been a problem for me since I was a little kid on the playground, way before any training, it was a natural thing for me to despise bullies... Then much later when I was running the nightclubs, I was only dangerous, if somebody hurt one of my employees... If they were in my face it was no big deal, but if they went after one of my people, that was always a different story... I have always been that way with friends and family too.
    On the flip side of that violent tendency is that I am a homebody, really, I love to sit around the house and the shop and "putter" I love to cook, washing dishes by hand, and ironing are very relaxing to me, honing razors is like a form of mediation.. see I told you a dichotomy really...
    Since leaving Colorado and moving to the backwoods of North Idaho, the people that really know me say there are two Glen's, there is Idaho Glen that is laid back and easy going and there is Colorado Glen the one that takes no BS from anyone, that is a straight forward get it done and over with, type of person in business and life...
    I aspire to be more Idaho then Colorado but really it seems to be up to the person in front of me, to which Glen they get to meet....

  • #6
    JMS is offline
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    When I woke up this morning I thought that I might delete this thread, as I thought no one would be interested but much to my delight some of you had already posted


  • #7
    Wee Whisker Whacker BingoBango's Avatar
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    Who am I?

    I store people in my cell phone under curse words or insults.
    I avoid uncomfortable social situations and/or wish death upon people.
    I call people who have a different opinion than me "idiots" and if they're dumb enough to argue I upgrade them to "!%@#ing morons."
    I changed my phone number and put all my friends in my spam blocker.
    I am not on Facebook.
    I consider myself hilarious... Sometimes... Kinda.
    I'm an all or nothing person.
    I'm can do it on my own.
    I'm stubborn.
    I think too much.
    I'm impulsive.
    I rush to judgment.
    I have a short fuse.
    I'm impatient.
    I prefer shortcuts.
    I procrastinate.
    I obsess.
    I don't read directions or listen to advice.
    I don't beg.
    I don't borrow.
    I steal.
    I listen to the same songs over and over again.
    I rarely have nice things to say.
    I talk a lot.
    I raise my voice when I try to prove a point.
    I throw things.
    I grit my teeth in my sleep.
    I pick my nose.
    I hide boogers under seats.
    I should probably see a shrink.
    I self-medicate.
    I try to emulate cartoons.
    I'm a real nice guy!
    (I promise.)

    Come to think of it - I guess I'm just an a--hole from NY.

  • #8
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    Wow, what an idea for a thread, kudos.

    I am an independent person, if you want to depend on me or have me depend on you, you are out of luck.

    I am a curious person, I read everything I can find, if I have a question I am not satisfied until I find the answer.

    I am a rebellious person, as soon as I am told I cant, I do or at the least try harder to accomplish the 'impossible'.

    I am an inventive person, I love to solve problems.

    I am an eternal optimist, I will always look for the good to take from any given situation.

    I am also an eternal skeptic.

    I am a stubborn person, I have been told that I am the type that would cut off his nose to spite his face.

    I am a focused person, I can only do one thing at a time, I will give the project my whole and undivided attention until finished. IMO, multi-tasking is just another word for scatter-brained.

    I am a honest person, I have been told by quite a few people that I am too honest, friends learn pretty quickly that if they dont want a honest answer they shouldnt ask me the question.

    I am a generous person, I will do anything I can to help anyone who asks, as long as they are willing to do their part. I pick up hitchhikers, I stop for broken down vehicles, have even been known to pull broke down vehicles for 70 miles to the nearest town. On the otherhand I also realize that sometimes forcing someone to help themselves, is the best way to truly help them. How does that old saying go, give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

    I am an empirical person, I trust my experience far more than others'. Whatever information I find, I weigh against my experiences. I have even been known to use myself as a test subject quite often.

    I am a stoical person, I dont worry about things I cant control and since that is just about everything and everyone, I dont worry all that much. I am of the opinion that worrying about things we cant control has been the biggest problem in the US and the rest of the world, for that matter, for quite some time now.

    I am an opinionated person, as I am sure some of you have noticed already.

    But most of all, I am a freedom lover. I am against anything that can be considered slavery, that includes slavery of the mind, body, and/or property. I dont go into debt, since IMO that makes me a slave to my possesions. I dont rely on the government to protect my rights, I am a civil disobeyer. Basically I am of the opinion, that anything only has the power over us that we give it. Be it smoking, drinking, drugging or government. We, as human beings, are not powerless over anything, ever, that is until we tell ourselves that we are powerless over it.

  • #9
    Senior Member Pops!'s Avatar
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    after reading through all that.. i can truly say i can associate with all of you.. wish i had a clip to post.. probably from the movie rushmore or barfly.. who's to say.. i tell a different story everyday.

    guess i'm just a kid with no ambition, clouded with bad luck who happens to have more charisma than a pembroke welsh corgi.

  • #10
    Senior Member deighaingeal's Avatar
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    I'm at best a mess. What comes first is my daughter. Until recently I believed that I could go further in life by punishing myself. I discovered that by punishing myself I was punishing others. So I quit my job, signed up to finish my masters, spend a lot of time with my family and am, in general, taking charge of my life.
    I believe that people are generally good, but will take advantage of anyone who is willing to help. I will help others even if it hurts me whether personally, financially or physically. Despite all of this I hate people in general. (Figure that out)
    I prefer to make everything in my world that I can, but only if I'm interested, then I'll just ignore it.
    I'm weak but I'll fight. I'm tired, but I'll work. I'm poor, but I will donate. Any knowledge I have is available for anyone who can use it (that's a good way to get kicked out of a flyfishing club)

    I have a beautiful family and that is all I ask of God.

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