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Thread: Canada
03-09-2006, 10:44 PM #11
Yes, I think this is ridiculous.
Canada is far too leniant on such issues, and more often than not, bends over backwards for such people, fearing that they may offend someone.
One thing I really admire about the U.S. is that you're supposed to be an American first, and a whatever-the-hell-else-you-are second. Canada's intent, it seems, is to be as accepting of other cultures as possible. I'm fine with that. But being accepting is one thing -- letting other cultures piss on our traditions and customs is another.
A good example is the Sikh who demanded to wear the full beard and turban (and maybe the knife) while he was employed by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. "No, I don't care about your long-standing traditions; I'll just disrupt everything by carrying on with my own, thanks." I don't believe in making such exceptions.
It'd be like me going to Japan and refusing to take off my shoes in someone's home because maybe I didn't do that in North America. If you're on someone else's court, you play by their rules.
03-09-2006, 11:50 PM #12
Calling All Humans
The North American tradition would have discredit all Sikh RCMP officers in the eyes of their community, and that community would perceive hostility, intended or otherwise, from the RCMP. The RCMP would never be able to accept that part of the community as represented within their ranks. That kind of segregation is, in my view, more harmful to the safety of the community than is a small compromise on a tradition which still largely stands. He still wears a uniform and the turban must match the dress.
We are growing, yes and changing, please. It is that growth, that change which gives me hope in a future that we can all create. One where tolerance is the minimum and acceptance is the goal. One where we spend more time loving and creating happiness. I know we can have it if we want it. Be less patient with me.