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Thread: 911 Conspiracy?
05-20-2006, 04:03 PM #21
I truely believe that the flight that crashed in PA (flight 93) was shot down by us to eliminate the threat.
05-20-2006, 07:35 PM #22
Originally Posted by JLStorm
Very good reading there and coherent rational thought without being inflamatory. Everyone should read.
05-29-2006, 11:10 PM #23
exactly,limit freedoms,thats the idea . The same happened about ten years ago It was known as the Port Arther 35 people died . they were all shot
a witness said that in the broad arrow cafe20 people died.all head shot from the hip in approx 30 seconds another 15 died in the street
the weapon used was a 308 caliber AR15
the person that did this type of shooting was not the patsy arrested because he was held up in a house and fired over 200 rounds at the police ,when they finaly got there because they were origionaly sent on a bogas job miles out of town an the he couldn`t hit one of them, yet he was able to head shoot 20 people in a confined area from the hip in 30 seconds with a weapon that is not to easy handle in that caliber.
when the dust settled the media went into overdrive . the outcome ,most guns are baned and the ones you are allowed to keep have to be registed so when they want a total ban they know where they are There was no inquiry into the worst crime in Australia`s modern history ,but what did come to light was the weapon was supplied from the Victorian police dept
We had a politician about 5years ago called Pauline hanson who had a massive following because the people were sick of the usual bul++++++it, the only people that didn`t like her was the other pollies and the media which continued with a relentless smear campain for years this went on. One of her statments was if she gets in there would be a inquiry into port arther,
05-29-2006, 11:18 PM #24
the up shot of her political career was the queensland government changed the law and threw her in jail she got 5 years under these new laws for eleven weeks she sat there till the high court told the queensland state gov to pull its head in and let her out. any way the constitution states any one that has done time cant be in politics,the fellow doing time for the crime is doing life, the media are not allowed near him, the case is closed .
The only thing is this is not a theory it is fact
Kind regards peter
05-30-2006, 10:16 PM #25
A lot of so called facts are provided here. Anyone have a shred of proof over any of these facts? Don't you guys think its suspicious that the real weapons used onboard those flights were: STRAIGHT RAZORS! Bet you didn't know that!
Btw...where were all you guys on 9/11 and who can prove it?
Why aren't you coming out with the evidence~ ???????
What are you guys hiding! The public wants to know.
Did you know that one of the 9/11 terrorists was a member of SRP? Bet you didn't know that either....what are we hiding?
OK, come on. Prove I'm wrong!
05-31-2006, 01:45 AM #26
Wow! I just found out that tape of the missile hitting the Pentagon was cut to shreads with a STRAIGHT RAZOR! The twists and deceit of our government know no bounds! Is nothing sacred! And I saw the two planes that hit the twin towers in MY BACK YARD! This proves the conspiracy! Why I bet I can find all kinds of hard facts and just pull them out of my butt!
But what would be the point, only some guys on the internet would ever buy this stuff....oh wait a sec.Last edited by AFDavis11; 05-31-2006 at 01:48 AM.
05-31-2006, 03:35 AM #27
Conspiracy theories are as much an american passtime (and the rest of the world loves'm too) as baseball. Why else would we still see programs discussing wether Oswald really shot JFK.
05-31-2006, 04:02 AM #28
Originally Posted by wopmanfixit
05-31-2006, 08:42 PM #29
Originally Posted by JLStorm
Have you listened to the cockpit recording?
06-01-2006, 02:04 AM #30
This is why I drink nothing but rainwater and pure grain alcohol.