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Thread: 911 Conspiracy?

  1. #1
    Shave ready wopmanfixit's Avatar
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    Default 911 Conspiracy?

    Here's your conspiracy theory fix for the day (see link below). It's actually pretty interesting. Check it out quick because it's supposedly been pull off of other sites quickly.

  2. #2
    Senior Member marciaga's Avatar
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    I've heard this is one hell of a conspiracy theory, huh?

  3. #3
    Member AFDavis11's Avatar
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    So, what would be the point exactly? Lets say I agree that it wasn't an airplane and that it was a missile. Whats the conspiracy about?

  4. #4
    Shave ready wopmanfixit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AFDavis11
    So, what would be the point exactly? Lets say I agree that it wasn't an airplane and that it was a missile. Whats the conspiracy about?
    The same as most conspiracies, the government is keeping something from the people. What, we don't know because there not telling us, but there's plenty of theories. As I understand it the gist of this one is either the government knew it was going to happen, or actually participated. Then used the fear generated in the aftermath as an excuse to limit our freedom even more. Now I do agree that the government used this to take away some freedom, but as to their culpability I don't know.

  5. #5
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    All other targets were civilian targets. A strike on a government facility is excellent, actually, undeniable grounds for war which is a great begetter of two things, Profits for some and Corpses for others.

  6. #6
    Face nicker RichZ's Avatar
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    I have seen this before too. It does raise some questions. As usual the government doesn't tell us all they know.

  7. #7
    Senior Member sensei_kyle's Avatar
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    My wife will enjoy that I'm putting my conspiracy theorist hat on. This video brings up several valid points. One thing it doesn't address though: if it wasn't a 757 that hit the Pentagon, what happened to the aircraft the government claims hit the Pentagon?

    There's lots of juicy stuff like this around. Coverups are everywhere folks. Read anything about Corporal Pat Tillman, the guy who left a lucrative professional football career to have his life ended in a friendly fire incident? No, that was "a small arms engagement with the enemy" was the first official line. Why did the unit commanders burn his uniform & body armor, as well as falsify reports? Seems that folks are now asking for a criminal investigation of the incident.

    Ever do any serious reading about TWA Flight 800? Lots of eyewitness accounts of a missile strike, but of course Uncle Sam downplays it to a bunch of wackos. Nevermind that several US Navy ships were in the area, and conducting exercises that fateful night.

    Do some serious reading about the OKC Bombing sometime. Why the big rush to fill the blast crater only a couple of days after the blast? Why the big rush to implode the building? Why not release the surveillance video showing McVeigh and another man, obviously not Terry Nichols, climbing out of the Ryder truck less than 3 minutes before the explosion? If there are no other folks involved, why did the official court filings mention unnamed other conspirators? There's a lot of stuff local media put out that the networks never picked up. Do a comparison sometime between our famous "Joe Doe #2" sketch and one Gitmo detainee Jose Padilla. There are simply too many unanswered questions.

  8. #8
    Member NoMoreMach3's Avatar
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    this is actually pretty old, i cant recall the name given/attached to this theory but it was all over the place 2 years ago, as i recall it was mainly started and driven by a foriegn individual, i believe he also offerred some substantial cash if anyone could disprove this "beyond a doubt". i believe the video was originally on his personal site or one which he controlled, more poking around disproves it (well to the same degree anyone could ever disprove it beyond a doubt). i recall back in the day. pretty sure there is even another video out there that shows the holes in his theory in the same pictorial, step by step manner.

  9. #9
    Member NoMoreMach3's Avatar
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    "The Pentagon Attack

    Although each of the four terrorist incidents involving aircraft on September 11 is being subjected to vociferous challenges, the official version of the Pentagon attack has been the main target of the critics. The catalyst for most of the Pentagon-attack sleuths can be traced back to the incendiary propaganda of French author and radical socialist Thierry Meyssan, president of the virulently anti-American and pro-Communist French think tank Reseau Voltaire. In his best-selling book, L'Effroyable Imposture (The Frightening Deception), Meyssan launched the claim that American Airlines Flight 77 did not hit the Pentagon. It has been translated into English and is sold in the U.S. as 9/11: The Big Lie. Meyssan has followed up with a second book, Pentagate." (im posting this link without having read it all...)

    a quick yahoo search of "meyssan "Hunt the Boeing"" will give you a ton of hits
    Last edited by NoMoreMach3; 03-07-2006 at 04:34 AM.

  10. #10
    Senior Member marciaga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sensei_kyle
    My wife will enjoy that I'm putting my conspiracy theorist hat on. This video brings up several valid points. One thing it doesn't address though: if it wasn't a 757 that hit the Pentagon, what happened to the aircraft the government claims hit the Pentagon?

    There's lots of juicy stuff like this around. Coverups are everywhere folks. Read anything about Corporal Pat Tillman, the guy who left a lucrative professional football career to have his life ended in a friendly fire incident? No, that was "a small arms engagement with the enemy" was the first official line. Why did the unit commanders burn his uniform & body armor, as well as falsify reports? Seems that folks are now asking for a criminal investigation of the incident.

    Ever do any serious reading about TWA Flight 800? Lots of eyewitness accounts of a missile strike, but of course Uncle Sam downplays it to a bunch of wackos. Nevermind that several US Navy ships were in the area, and conducting exercises that fateful night.

    Do some serious reading about the OKC Bombing sometime. Why the big rush to fill the blast crater only a couple of days after the blast? Why the big rush to implode the building? Why not release the surveillance video showing McVeigh and another man, obviously not Terry Nichols, climbing out of the Ryder truck less than 3 minutes before the explosion? If there are no other folks involved, why did the official court filings mention unnamed other conspirators? There's a lot of stuff local media put out that the networks never picked up. Do a comparison sometime between our famous "Joe Doe #2" sketch and one Gitmo detainee Jose Padilla. There are simply too many unanswered questions.
    I heard that the 'hole' in the Pentagon resembled what it would have looked like had the blast occurred from the inside...but now we're really off and running with conjecture!

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