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  1. #1
    Still learning markevens's Avatar
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    Default Kids and the Internet, the Jessi Slaughter incident

    Long story short. Stuck up 11 year old girl makes obnoxious internet videos, internet responds, family is now under police protection.

    Ok, now short story long...

    11 year old girl thinks she is the queen of her little 6th grade class, so she posts videos of herself online talking obscene amounts of trash.

    Now, given the content of that video, you might think she had it coming, but this is the internet response was grossly out of proportion.

    The cesspool of the internet, the /b/ boards on 4chan (aka: theinternethatemachine) caught wind and find she has youtube, facebook, myspace, twitter, and other video accounts online. Using social engineering they get access to her real life address, phone number, real name, etc, and start harassing the ever living hell out of her family. Mass take out orders delivered to her home, phony police calls, threats of violence, death threats, there is no end to it.

    Her family falling apart at all the pressure, she makes another video in response. Probably the worst thing she could have done at that point. Her dad makes an angry entrance and makes a bit of a fool of himself.
    YouTube - You dun goofed up

    All the people harassing her think this is just the most wonderful thing in the world, and keep on harassing as well as start a smear campaign against her, including making sexual allegations to the police about her and the lead singer of her favorite band. Remember, she is 11 years old.

    At this point her family is under police protection. She is ordered by the court to stay off the internet (unfortunately, only for 3 days).

    Read more of this story here.

    Lessons to be learned?
    Supervise your children's internet activity.
    If they draw the ire of the internet, don't respond back.
    Last edited by markevens; 07-19-2010 at 08:04 AM.

  • #2
    Senior Member Pops!'s Avatar
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    as a nanny.. one of my charges is a 12 year old girl.. she spends a lot of time on the internet and it's amazing the things i notice just being her friend on facebook.. parents really need to more closely monitor their children's internet activity.. with the potential for children to get themselves in so much danger on the internet.. i really wish there were more strict policies on children posting videos and being members of social networking sites.

  • #3
    Still learning markevens's Avatar
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    Most social network sites have a 13 and up policy, and will terminate accounts found to be owned by children.

  • #4
    Member Stylus's Avatar
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    It disgusts me that I'm not even surprised by this. This naive child thought that she could look cooler by posting videos of her being an unwarranted snob, and rather than just ignore her the trolls bit in like it was their last meal. I actually don't think I've heard of a case going as far as threats and harassment at the victim's home before though.

    It looks to me like all parties involved are at fault to one degree or another. The girl is an idiot, plain and simple; the people harassing her and her family are criminal; and her parents are irresponsible enough to let their daughter post trash like this, not to mention putting personal information like her freaking address on the internet.

    The moral of the story? Don't try to emulate glorified douchebags you see in the media, know where the line is when responding to someone who does do this, and parents: nip it in the bud by keeping track of what your child is doing and broadcasting to anybody with an internet connection (read: a lot of bloody people).

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  • #5
    Senior Member Pops!'s Avatar
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    her first video was just plain obnoxious.. if ever there were a reason to slap a child across the face.. that would be it..

    then her father decides to get in on the action and post a video of him cursing and screaming at what i can only assume are other children.. it's repulsive.

    why have these no life low lives not being weeded out of the gene pool by now?

  • #6
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    Something about eugenics being unethical or something, I don't get it either. Ever seen the movie Idiocracy? It paints a terrifyingly realistic picture for a comedy.

    I went to the actual youtube page for the second video, and either the commentors don't know the extent of what's happening to her and her family now or they honestly think it's reasonable to do this to someone. The last time I heard about someone's family being harassed like this it was being done as a racist hate crime in britain (they were Indian) and it ended with the targeted son being sent to jail for some years being framed for mutilating animals. This is some sick stuff going on so casually.

  • #7
    They call me Mr Bear. Stubear's Avatar
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    I guess a few thoughts come to mind here.

    First, she was stupid for posting the video. But the problem with the internet is that it magnifies mistakes because they are broadcast to a larger audience, and people tend to say things on a computer that they wouldnt say to someone in real life, which also makes things worse.

    Second, the reaction of the trolls was totally disproportionate. Ok, she's a snotty 11 year old, but most of us were at one time or another. The trolls have had the same reaction as her to the anonymity of the net; Lay it on with a trowel and over-react.

    As a result, she's paying a huge price for one fit of pique. If she'd done what she did in the playground at school she'd have been teased or got into a fight, or both, and then punished by a teacher and (one hopes) her parents. As it is, she and her family are under police protection and going to court. Kinda crazy!

    Third, her parents really should monitor her internet use. Like, she shouldnt be allowed anywhere near a computer unless its not plugged into a modem!

    I think this case is both sad and deeply disturbing, and just hightlights how many totally nasty people there are out there.

  • #8
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Yes, the parents should have done a better job of teaching their kids some manners, and educating her on the realities of the internet. First of all the internet does not forget. This will haunt her forever. Second, the internet is just like a big city, and there are place enough where people will do their best to make your life miserable, just because they can.

    Rule number 1 when posting anything on the net (or sending email):
    Do not write anything down that you wouldn't want your partner, kids, family, employer, banker, district attorney, worst enemy or anyone else to find out.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

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  • #9
    Senior Member sinnfein's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stylus View Post
    Something about eugenics being unethical or something, I don't get it either. Ever seen the movie Idiocracy? It paints a terrifyingly realistic picture for a comedy.
    ahh you beat me to it

    now first of all if she was my kid, after something like that she wouldnt even have a computer till she moved out of the house. sure she is really just acting like some overpriveliged spoiled kid but i think every thing else was kind of excessive, who should have to be put into police protection for a kid saying some dumb stuff on the internet? oh no you made fun of me and called me bad names. just take the computer away, problem solved

    Last edited by sinnfein; 07-20-2010 at 02:07 AM.

  • #10
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    What a hard way to learn a simple lesson.
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