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  1. #11
    Senior Member LAsoxfan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeauxLSU View Post
    I got called for jury duty a few years ago and was excused. This is how it went:

    DA: Can you reach a reasonable verdict in this case?

    Me: No.

    DA: Why not?

    Me: He's guilty.

    DA: How would you know that?

    Me: The DA's running for reelection and wouldn't prosecute a case he's not going to win. I imagine there's enough on this guy to send him up twice.

    Judge: You're excused, sir.
    I would have paid good money to see that

    Fortunately, I've never had to report for jury duty, as police officers are exempt from this in California. My view of juries, after 20+ years of doing this job, is that they're often equivalent to 12 heads of cabbage in a crate.

  2. #12
    Senior Member jeffegg2's Avatar
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    Just did my jury duty last week...

    Painful, but necessary...

  3. #13
    Senior Member TrilliumLT's Avatar
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    Well i have a few weeks till i have to go March 7. Being that im a good up standing citizen ive never been in court so it may be interesting. Or more than likely ill be bored to tears

  4. #14
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    I just sat on a jury for a 3 day civil case 2 weeks ago. I actually don't mind jury duty. The pay sucks but i like to see the whole process and see the laywers try to outwit one another. The case I sat was VS the state so the one attorney was the Assistant Atorney General for Wisconsin. It was an eminant domain case. And this statement will ruffle feathers... I am glad all the guys here not man enough to give up some time to keep our judicial system going found ways to get out of it. Just remember that if you ever get falsely accused and need a jury to see the truth. And instead you get a jury full of he must be guilty instead of weighing the evidence. I understand the hardship of being self employed and not getting paid well, but it is a chance to give back to our way of life as a democracy and our judicial system. As flawed as the system can be I will always give my time to help. This was the 2cnd jury I have been on.

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  6. #15
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by knightwolf View Post
    I just sat on a jury for a 3 day civil case 2 weeks ago. I actually don't mind jury duty. The pay sucks but i like to see the whole process and see the laywers try to outwit one another. The case I sat was VS the state so the one attorney was the Assistant Atorney General for Wisconsin. It was an eminant domain case. And this statement will ruffle feathers... I am glad all the guys here not man enough to give up some time to keep our judicial system going found ways to get out of it. Just remember that if you ever get falsely accused and need a jury to see the truth. And instead you get a jury full of he must be guilty instead of weighing the evidence. I understand the hardship of being self employed and not getting paid well, but it is a chance to give back to our way of life as a democracy and our judicial system. As flawed as the system can be I will always give my time to help. This was the 2cnd jury I have been on.
    What he said.
    As soon as we stop caring, that is when it will al slip away form us.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  7. #16
    Senior Member TrilliumLT's Avatar
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    Well today was the day. And if I could judge a person by there looks I would say that scum bag pice of sh!t was guilty. But I was not selected and I got deferred, so my name goes back into the pool and hopefully I don't ever get called again.
    I got out of it because there was no way I could take off 3weeks to do my civil service with out flushing my less than a year old company down the toilet.

  8. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeauxLSU View Post
    I got called for jury duty a few years ago and was excused. This is how it went:

    DA: Can you reach a reasonable verdict in this case?

    Me: No.

    DA: Why not?

    Me: He's guilty.

    DA: How would you know that?

    Me: The DA's running for reelection and wouldn't prosecute a case he's not going to win. I imagine there's enough on this guy to send him up twice.

    Judge: You're excused, sir.

    My favorite reply to questions like these are "Hang him!"

    I get excused, too.

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