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Thread: smoking.

  1. #21
    Senior Member blabbermouth hi_bud_gl's Avatar
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    i quite 5 years ago and that was the most important desicion i have made . i now can test food ,air etc and free of addiction . Cig is very bad addiction and not easy to get rid of it. usually person tries 6 times quite before he / she have success. gl

  2. #22
    Predictably Unpredictiable Mvcrash's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vthomlinson View Post
    i've lately got hooked on rolling my own cigarettes with balishag tobacco and chocolate flavoured papers.. i feel like such a junky doing it too.

    seems like one drink and my mind instantly starts obsessing over a smoke.
    Back in my early years I rolled my own but it was not tobacco that was being rolled, I don't think. Well, maybe,,,,,,oh well who can remember.

    Quote Originally Posted by vthomlinson View Post
    exactly.. i don't have a problem with quitting smoking.. i have a problem with not drinking..
    I swapped my drinking and smoking for drinking and Ice Cream. Worked for me.

    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    Come May the 6th I'll have the plug in the jug for 1 year and glad of it. I quit cigarettes, Camels with no filters, ten years ago. I smoked them for 36 years, usually 2 packs a day. I smoke tobacco pipes, one after another, now. I don't inhale though so that is definitely better for my health than cigarettes.

    I didn't realize how foul cigarettes smell until I quit and could smell them. Made me begin to understand how objectionable the aroma can be to non smokers. I would like to say I quit for my health but it was my wallet. Now the non filter Camels are $8.00 a pack around here and those are the only cigarettes I've ever liked. I am working towards getting my mind right to give up all tobacco. Quit chewing six months ago. Good luck staying quit. You'll be glad if you do and as an old business agent of mine used to say, you can if you will.
    Quote Originally Posted by hi_bud_gl View Post
    i quite 5 years ago and that was the most important desicion i have made . i now can test food ,air etc and free of addiction . Cig is very bad addiction and not easy to get rid of it. usually person tries 6 times quite before he / she have success. gl
    I quit on March 4, 1986 @ 430 PM after a pretty nasty violent encounter with two thugs which left my right hand in several parts and needing surgical repair. Later in life it occurred to me that I may owe a debt of gratitude to those 2 thugs. My hand was fixed and I have never picked up a smolke again.
    It was not easy to do, probably the most difficult thing I've done yet in my life. I will say, and I think all that quit smoking will agree, it was well worth the effort.
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  3. #23
    Senior Member wescap34's Avatar
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    It seems that most ex cigarette smokers remember their quit day. Me - October 14, 2006. Sham is right that it will probably take you a few tries but don't give up! Just think about still being able to breathe and have circulation in your extremities when you get old as a motivator.

  4. The Following User Says Thank You to wescap34 For This Useful Post:

    shayne (04-01-2011)

  5. #24
    Bringer of Dust shayne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wescap34 View Post
    It seems that most ex cigarette smokers remember their quit day. Me - October 14, 2006. Sham is right that it will probably take you a few tries but don't give up! Just think about still being able to breathe and have circulation in your extremities when you get old as a motivator.
    These are the exact reasons I have to quit well that and a deep desire to watch my boy grow up to be a proper man. I am happy to say I have been smoke free since paddy day.

  6. #25
    Senior Member GreenLightJerky's Avatar
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    Tough is an understatement.
    February 17, 2002. 9:4pm
    Hacking up a lung I reach for another smoke. Finally clicked and I said enough. Put the patch on for 5 days and have not touched tobacco since.
    I think I may smoke a cigar some day.
    Save your money and sense of taste and smell if you don't care about you lungs.

  7. #26
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shayne View Post
    These are the exact reasons I have to quit well that and a deep desire to watch my boy grow up to be a proper man. I am happy to say I have been smoke free since paddy day.
    When my mother was pregnant with me, my father (an avid smoker) was watching a show on tv where they disected the lungs of a heavy smoke who'd died of lung cancer. He threw his tobacco in the fireplace and never smoked again.
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    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  8. #27
    Warrior Saint EMC45's Avatar
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    I smoked for about 14 years. Marlboros, Camel filter, Newports, Pall Mall unfiltered, Drum, BaliShag etc. I loved every minute of it. Really did. The wallet didn't, nor did my wife. I also dipped snuff (Skoal) and chewed leaf tobacco. I had to quit! IT was killing me. Would cough up blood. Would cough so hard I would vomit. I have very bad sinuses and prone to respiratory issues. Needless to say I HAD to quit! Stick with it. You will be glad you did.

  9. #28
    Don't make me laugh..... Bitterly KalgoorlieBoi's Avatar
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    to the op, have you tried or looked into E-Cigarettes?
    I quit YEARS ago but still get the urge so I got an E-cigg with no nicotine in for when I get the feeling I can satisfy what is obviously a taste and mental thing easily and safely.

  10. #29
    Senior Member Arbroath's Avatar
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    Congrats to my fellow members who have quit smoking. I am 11 days without smoking. I'm 27 and have smoked since I was 11. I hope Sham is right because this is actually my 6th try at quitting. It is amazing how much better things smell and taste. But it is also amazing how bad the bad things smell and taste! All jokes aside, after just one week, it was amazing how much more aromatic my shaving soaps and creams smell now. And yesterday, shaving with my newly custom restored 7/8 W&B, I actually smelled the steel when I was shaving my upper lip. I could get used to this!

  11. #30
    Customized Birnando's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arbroath View Post
    Congrats to my fellow members who have quit smoking. I am 11 days without smoking. I'm 27 and have smoked since I was 11. I hope Sham is right because this is actually my 6th try at quitting. It is amazing how much better things smell and taste. But it is also amazing how bad the bad things smell and taste! All jokes aside, after just one week, it was amazing how much more aromatic my shaving soaps and creams smell now. And yesterday, shaving with my newly custom restored 7/8 W&B, I actually smelled the steel when I was shaving my upper lip. I could get used to this!
    Hang in there
    You are doing good!
    I thought the first 2 weeks was the most difficult when I quit 7 or 8 years ago.

    Quitting this bad habit is all about motivation IMO.
    If your desire to quit is strong enough then you will make it.
    I found that motivation within, set me some hairy goals I knew was unobtainable to me while smoking 20 a day.
    Today, cigarettes just seems nasty to me, I reached my hairy goals, and gained a better health as a bonus
    And you are right, your sense of smell and taste will get so much better.
    Good luck!
    Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years....

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