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Thread: Flash Bang Nutshot

  1. #1
    Senior Member blabbermouth 1OldGI's Avatar
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    Default Flash Bang Nutshot

    Now, I'm as big a sports fan as the next guy but I just can't wrap my brain cells around this buffoonery taking place in Vancouver. I totally understand that the Canucks are quite serious about their hockey but how does destroying the city you live in change the fact that you lost a hockey game? What ever happened to sportsmanship? Well, I hate to take pleasure in someone else's misery but this is actually pretty darned funny. My Dad used to say, "The stupid animals don't get to be old animals, that's nature's rules, not mine." Seems pretty appropriate after watching this. Oh yeah, this must have hurt
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  2. #2
    Senior Member LAsoxfan's Avatar
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    I understand that completely. Besides the fact that I can't stand pro basketball, this is yet another reason why I'm glad the Lakers did not win the championship. For the three years previous they won the NBA Championship, and for the three years previous Los Angeles burned,,,,and this is when they won, not lost! I'd hate to see if they lost in the championships.....

  3. #3
    Senior Member dyimages's Avatar
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    That riot was going to take place win or lose. Montreal has seen in after winning the cup and as well as I believe as calgary. Losing that hockey game had no bearing ont he events of the evening imo. You invite 100 thousand people into a smallish area of the city and under police it the trouble makers will do as they please. Then the MOB mentality sucks in many others.

  4. #4
    Senior Member welshwizard's Avatar
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    We have had similar problems in the UK for many years, across Europe really. We have regular fights at and around football (soccer) stadiums, on the trains and transport system. It's got nothing really to do with soccer or any other kind of sport, for these people, violence is the reason they attend matches. Death, even of innocent fans and people that get caught up in the fighting isn't unknown.
    I'm always a bit uncomfortable with some of the threads on SRP when guys are extolling the virtues of combat knives and so on, having seen the results of carrying and using them.
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  5. #5
    vampire on a day pass wvloony's Avatar
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    funny, but very wrong, all i can say is OUCH, as much as i want to feel sorry for the poor fellow, the situation that was happening at the time makes it quite impossible to do so.
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  6. #6
    ..mama I know we broke the rules... Maxi's Avatar
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    What happened in Vancouver was both disgusting and uncalled for. Unfortunately, as DY pointed out, the riot was probably going to happen Win or Lose. Too many people, too little space....and in the center of all of it, a couple people with IQ's of less than 4.

    I do love a good hockey game, but what happened after was just gross.

  7. #7
    Luddite ekstrəˌôrdnˈer bharner's Avatar
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    I was in Berlin a number of years ago and on one evening there was some super important soccer game. Up until then and after that night it was a safe place. Our hotel concierge advised us to be back before the game was over. I'm glad we listens to him. There were sirens blaring all hours of the night. Looking out the window of my room I saw a car flipped over and set on fire. It was insane. I don't understand that mentality, other than some inebriated folks getting caught up with the mob.

  8. #8
    Bringer of Dust shayne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by welshwizard View Post
    I'm always a bit uncomfortable with some of the threads on SRP when guys are extolling the virtues of combat knives and so on, having seen the results of carrying and using them.
    Idiots will be idiots no matter the reason just add booze and cocain for a real fun time. In addition if you want to talk about Europe footy fans then you well know how rabid they are and the hooliganism usually runs in the family and is considered a manly rite.

    So you don't like sharp and POTENTIALY dangerous things? Hmm do scissors make you uncomfortable ?

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  9. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth ScoutHikerDad's Avatar
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    Truly sad-On the other side of the world we have the "Arab Spring" (well, summer now I guess) where people protest for simple human rights, and these guys are turning over cars over a hockey game.

    I teach high school English, and when we read the novel Lord of the Flies, after the murder of Simon by the mob, I try to make students aware of the terrifying power of mobs of people, especially if they are chanting slogans.

    Funny, Old Guy-When I first saw the title "Flash Bang Nutshot," I was wondering what new sexual slang I was going to have to go to urban dictionary to look up, maybe something about (former) congressman Weiner's photography setup; in this case it was quite literal.
    Last edited by ScoutHikerDad; 06-18-2011 at 04:04 PM.
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  10. #10
    Luddite ekstrəˌôrdnˈer bharner's Avatar
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    And now for a link from the UK regarding a few folks who chose to make love, not war, during the riot... Vancouver hockey riots: Alexandra Thomas and Scott Jones made love, not war | Mail Online

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