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Thread: The end of men...who are these people?

  1. #31
    Senior Member midloth72's Avatar
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    Great point !!

    It seems that privacy is now scoffed at ! I find that when people ask if I`m on Farcebook and I say no - they get real quiet and slink away ! It works for many others (600 million or so ) but I prefer not to be in that group . Talking about shaving , in a shaving related forum is good - elsewhere in the real world , with real people = awkward moments !!


    Quote Originally Posted by ScoutHikerDad View Post

    Sailor-Yours is also an interesting point. I don't know much about Finland (vodka, saunas, ice, midnight sun? My next-door neighbors are of Finnish descent), but I have no doubt your culture is as private as you say. In the USA now, however, it's interesting to me how now-iconic internet paradigm shifters such as YouTube, blogs, plus social media such as Facebook and Twitter have dramatically altered American views on privacy. I don't do Facebook because I don't want my life to be that public (and as a teacher in a conservative Southern school district, exposed to prying, judgmental eyes). But everywhere you see people posting their every sneeze, the daily moods of their cats, and yes, even their sex lives, on these media for the world to see. Do they ever stop to think how permanent (and disastrously misused) these things can be?

    Our daily lives are now so surveilled, our every move and transaction so digitally stored, our movements open to GPS tracking with the simplest technology, that I'm not even sure we have the expectation of privacy any more. I wonder what Orwell would think of the parallel rise of these phenomena with a government entity such as Homeland Security.

    Having said all that, I love to brag on here about the limited gear I can afford, and talk endlessly about esoteric details of our hobby no one else knows (or cares) about. Same with my fly-fishing forums.

    Anyway, sorry for the boring hijack, gang. I have been interested in these sorts of pseudo-sociological questions ever since I semi-slept through a 7:30 am undergrad course on the topic a quarter century ago (and behind mirrored aviators, for god's sake-I must have come off as a real douchebag, now that I think of it!).

    Happy Thanksgiving, all! Will shave with my Fili DT 12 tomorrow before eating a dangerous amount of food. Aaron/SHD
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  2. #32
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deerhunter1995 View Post
    i get up grab my pants and gun and go check traps, kill my critters (if any) comeback skin them quick come in grab a fast shower to knock the stink off me lol grab a fast shave with my straight, and head off to do my other stuff including school and all this is done between 5 and 715 am
    Are you serious? Really. Are you serious? You make me sound like a girl. Mind you ten years in an Army Field Force Operational Deployment Force meant I get the whole "3 S's", etc mentioned above. I wish I'd thought about a straight in the army out bush - how cool, however, these days it IS 20 minutes in the shower (at times), etc. I do like to luxuriate a little, though secretly inside I'm also yearning to kill critters, etc.

    You know, it's interesting that in the army you had to sh*t in like, 2 minutes, but we spent HOURS ironing, washing and cleaning. I'd love to go back 15 years and mount Guard at Kapooka (the Australian trg battalion) as the Guard Commander of my section on the Battalion Parade ground in front of the RSM, having shaved with a straight AND a DE before hand. Of course out bush it was two 'Cups Canteens' of water from one of my six water bottles heated with Hexamine tablets. One cup for a coffee or tea and one for washing. They always said we HAD to shave each day to create a good seal on the biological warfare suits face masks (which we never had and rarely saw), but it also had a lot to do with discipline. I remember ranting many a time to my adoring recruits about the supposedly rapid progression from not shaving to complete ineptitude with a rusty weapon and no 'grunt'. I remember well when Recruit Somebody came out of the SAL block (Showers And Latrines) with a cut up pimply face scattered with tufts of hair. I sent him back. He reappeared a little later with a reduced number of patches, and more blood. I sent him back again. He reappeared looking a little frightening, but that didn't stop me from loudly announcing his general weaknesses and drawing circles on his face with a thick, black marker pen to allow him to better target the remaining tufts. Thinking back on it now, I was a bastard, really...
    Last edited by carlmaloschneider; 11-25-2011 at 05:38 AM.
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  3. #33
    Senior Member Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Some great points being raised here, good stuff! I found the article to read like an ad myself and that's what got me wondering if it's an agenda to earn more money from a growing market. Each to their own, if men want to use all this stuff fair play.

    I went out on the town for a couple pints last weekend and realised why I rarely hit town thesedays. It looked like an English cast of Jersey Shore and I do believe a lot of men would put this kind of time and effort in. That's fine by me but I'm not really a part of that crowd. I'm happy to leave them to it.

    As for the privacy thing we're certainly heading for disaster. People are rushing to be a part of this and I've literally seen a mate's 17 year relationship end due to his partner being addicted to social sites and losing grip with reality. How sad someone could be addicted to a virtual world when they've got the real deal sat in the next room wanting to talk to them but not getting a look in because they're not on a screen. I'm on farcebook so I can share pics with family and friends in Canada but don't post what I'm cooking for dinner or update when I've had a satisfying dump. When I signed up a few years back I had no idea it would snowball into what it's become.

    Men certainly have a different role in society thesedays. We're supposed to be men, but be sensitive and in touch with our feelings. Rugged enough to provide for our families and change a starter motor and knock a wall through when our wive's decide they're bored with the current floorplan. We're also expected to change dirty nappies and take care of babies when our partners go to work when we finish our shift. It's all good and I can adapt well to most situations but there's certainly a lot more expected of us thesedays. This is exactly the reason a 20 minute shave with a fine soap and straight razor appeals so much to me! It's my chance to slow things down and have a bit of 'me' time. Yes we're a group of men that enjoy the finer things in personal grooming, but the article struck me as similar to what the pressure must have been to change from a straight razor to a safety razor back in the day. All good for the masses but I know where I'll stand on this! It's a solution to a problem that doesn't exist in my mind.

    Keep your thoughts coming, I love reading your replies and thoughts. Gotta go now, I think my mascara's running!

  4. #34
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    I am shaved and showered in under 5 minutes ( shave with a de in this case) thanks to my late army reserve training !! Moisturiser, that is saddle soap is something I use on my saddlery, makes my hands soft too!! The Roman empire fell when its manhood became feminised, ie makeup and the like, self indulgent. It is not that a man should not present himself as well groomed when required, hell I have been known to wash my horse before a rodeo, but don't tell anyone.


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  5. #35
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    I usually (Mondays to Friday) get a sticky smooth shave in less than 10 minutes, incl. stropping.

    For the rest of the stuff; I just think; Thank God I'm a country boy
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  6. #36
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    All this crap about been in touch with our feelings is the result of forcing female concepts on men.

    I am honest enough to admit that being in touch with my feelings would not have great results.
    My feelings are not all that great. I do what I do despite my feelings. I do it because I have to or because it is the right thing. If I had to start doing things because it's how I feel, I'd do bad things.

    I'd drive annoying cyclists off the road if they are stupid enough to ride alongside each other on an unlit road without their lights on. Because that is what I feel they deserve. I'd try to have sex with any attractive woman I could persuade to, because biologically speaking, I'd like to. I'd never do it now, because I live by what is right, NOT by what I feel. And if someone made my life difficult for stupid reasons, I'd actually punch them in the face instead of just shrugging it off. For that matter, I'd let my wife just do all the housework and spend all my free time in my workshop, or doing other things (or persons) that I'd rather do.

    Raising men to listen to their feelings can only end badly, because generally speaking, men don't have such positive feelings.
    Last edited by Bruno; 11-24-2011 at 12:19 PM.
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  7. #37
    Senior Member Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    All this crap about been in touch with our feelings is the result of forcing female concepts on men.

    I am honest enough to admit that being in touch with my feelings would not have great results.
    My feelings are not all that great. I do what I do despite my feelings. I do it because I have to or because it is the right thing. If I had to start doing things because it's how I feel, I'd do bad things.

    I'd drive annoying cyclists off the road if they are stupid enough to ride alongside each other on an unlit road without their lights on. Because that is what I feel they deserve. I'd try to have sex with any attractive woman I could persuade to, because biologically speaking, I'd like to. I'd never do it now, because I live by what is right, NOT by what I feel. And if someone made my life difficult for stupid reasons, I'd actually punch them in the face instead of just shrugging it off. For that matter, I'd let my wife just do all the housework and spend all my free time in my workshop, or doing other things (or persons) that I'd rather do.

    Raising men to listen to their feelings can only end badly, because generally speaking, men don't have such positive feelings.
    That made me laugh out loud! I don't think women want us to be in touch with our real feelings, they want us to be in touch with their feelings. I think what you're experiencing are morals, being the better man and not punching everyone that annoys even though it's tempting some days or parking on cyclists! I can see your point though of course. No man would get good results for any length of time if he went with his true feelings!

    My wife was going to a friend's for a dinner party with 6 other women last week. The host's husband cooked a three course meal for them and was apparently well excited. Nothing strange there, I like to cook. My wife said he was excited to be in a house with 7 women and cook for them and be a part of their evening. I laughed and asked if he was a bit light in his step. He's not at all from what she said, he's in touch with his feminine side. 'So am I' I replied, I just wouldn't stay in the house while 7 hens clucked. I'd go out for a drink and some peace and quiet. According to my wife I'm far from being in touch with my feminine side...oh well.
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  8. #38
    I'm on The Straight Road jdto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    All this crap about been in touch with our feelings is the result of forcing female concepts on men.

    I am honest enough to admit that being in touch with my feelings would not have great results.
    My feelings are not all that great. I do what I do despite my feelings. I do it because I have to or because it is the right thing. If I had to start doing things because it's how I feel, I'd do bad things.

    I'd drive annoying cyclists off the road if they are stupid enough to ride alongside each other on an unlit road without their lights on. Because that is what I feel they deserve. I'd try to have sex with any attractive woman I could persuade to, because biologically speaking, I'd like to. I'd never do it now, because I live by what is right, NOT by what I feel. And if someone made my life difficult for stupid reasons, I'd actually punch them in the face instead of just shrugging it off. For that matter, I'd let my wife just do all the housework and spend all my free time in my workshop, or doing other things (or persons) that I'd rather do.

    Raising men to listen to their feelings can only end badly, because generally speaking, men don't have such positive feelings.
    There is a lot of truth in this. I do get the urge to run down pedestrians who think they can sneak across when the hand is already red and it's my turn to drive through, or cyclists who want to sneak by on the right while I am turning right. Or punch the guy who sits beside me on the subway chewing his food really loud. Or ram the phone down the throat of the loud cellphone talker. If I acted on my feelings, I'd probably be in jail. I mean, I get nice positive feelings, too, but there are times where darker urges take hold, so your point is a good one. If I expressed my feelings all the time, my wife would probably be scared.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sasquatch View Post
    That made me laugh out loud! I don't think women want us to be in touch with our real feelings, they want us to be in touch with their feelings. I think what you're experiencing are morals, being the better man and not punching everyone that annoys even though it's tempting some days or parking on cyclists! I can see your point though of course. No man would get good results for any length of time if he went with his true feelings!

    My wife was going to a friend's for a dinner party with 6 other women last week. The host's husband cooked a three course meal for them and was apparently well excited. Nothing strange there, I like to cook. My wife said he was excited to be in a house with 7 women and cook for them and be a part of their evening. I laughed and asked if he was a bit light in his step. He's not at all from what she said, he's in touch with his feminine side. 'So am I' I replied, I just wouldn't stay in the house while 7 hens clucked. I'd go out for a drink and some peace and quiet. According to my wife I'm far from being in touch with my feminine side...oh well.
    For me, being in touch with my feminine side means it's sexy time. After all, isn't SWMBO my "other half"? That means she's the feminine side...
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  9. #39
    Occasionally Active Member joesixpack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sasquatch View Post
    I don't think women want us to be in touch with our real feelings, they want us to be in touch with their feelings.
    Truer words have never been spoken my friend.

    Many people are self absorbed and self indulgent to the point of narcissism. They seem to think that they're in touch with their feelings. They're not, they're simply childish. The fact that we as a society allow women to get away with this and call it a feminine trait does no service to women, and it simply saddles the men who have to deal with them with the duty of being a "daddy" to an adult. Maybe some guys get off on this, but I prefer my women to be real adult women.

    As far as being "in touch with my feelings", I try to be aware of what my feelings are and why they are that way. For example, if I'm irritated because I feel anxiety over my bank balance and a tax bill, I don't want that to spill over onto how I treat people around me. If I'm irritated because someone is trying to manipulate me into doing something I don't wish to do, then my anger would be better directed towards telling that person to shut the hell up. That's what being "in touch" means to me, the ability to identify the source of a feeling and focus my efforts on solving that problem.
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  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by jdto View Post
    For me, being in touch with my feminine side means it's sexy time. After all, isn't SWMBO my "other half"? That means she's the feminine side...
    Ha ha, ya, sexytime! Thinking about all this I might suggest my wife get's in touch with her masculine side next time she wants a room redecorated...she'd probably start getting manly with a swift kick to the balls though!

    Quote Originally Posted by joesixpack View Post
    Truer words have never been spoken my friend.

    Many people are self absorbed and self indulgent to the point of narcissism. They seem to think that they're in touch with their feelings. They're not, they're simply childish. The fact that we as a society allow women to get away with this and call it a feminine trait does no service to women, and it simply saddles the men who have to deal with them with the duty of being a "daddy" to an adult. Maybe some guys get off on this, but I prefer my women to be real adult women.
    There's a term for that, it's high maintenance! I can't complain because like you I highly rated my wife for her fierce independance when I met her. Some men do enjoy trying to look after helpless women, personally I'm all for trying to make my life easier whenever possible. Some men I know seem to truly enjoy women that make their life a complete misery as well. I never did understand that but who am I to question what others enjoy! On the flip side there are too many women that suffer at the hands of lousy men of course. I'm not having a dig at women, it's just about respect for each other and trying to find a balance. It's not easy being a man in this day and age depending on who you talk to and I find the whole situation interesting. Thanks again to everyone for their views on this!
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