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Thread: HK USP 45 Pics

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by urleebird
    Recoil? Ha... I'll tell you guys what. If any of you post a video of you shooting 3 rounds from a 416 Rigby with less than 30 seconds between shots, I'll give you a free razor... a nice one.
    Well, next time im in india hunting elephants I'll see about breaking my collar bone for that razor


    Yes, gut shots are bad for a lot of reasons. You always want to avoid it. And as far as availability to criminals. I can see both sides of this coin. I wrote a response in another thread about my brothers glock being stolen, which was actually recovered in an act of semi insanity. I grew up in a very very small town pop. 2000ish. I've never locked my doors, and always had loaded guns in various parts of my home. I do feel that I would have a lot of responisibly in someones death if my gun was stolen in used, but protection my household & family weighs harder in my mind. Sure, theres other weapons that could be used, but that brings to mind an old proverb, "Dont bring a knife to a Gun fight". But thats just me and and to each thier own

  2. #22
    Loudmouth FiReSTaRT's Avatar
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    Actually guns aren't readily available in Canada, other than hunting rifles and noone would burglarize a house while carrying a hunting rifle lol. However, hand guns are being smuggled in from the US and used by local criminals. Fortunately it's mostly for them to be killing each other, but a few innocents did get caught in the cross-fire.

  3. #23
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    BUT... A reduced number of guns on the market reduces their availability to the criminal world.
    Come on, Ilija... give me a break. A reduced number of cars on the road will keep them from getting away, too.

    How 'bout a reduced number of criminals via the death penalty instead?

  4. #24
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    Bill, what about 3 measured shots with the 7,62 TT with less than 30 seconds apart?
    That's a baby round.

  5. #25
    Senior Member azjoe's Avatar
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    I had the opportunity once to fire the 10-guage shotgun my buddy bought for duck hunting. But instead of 6-shot, he loaded it with a "punkin ball" cartridge. No problem, I thought... I'd shot boxes of "rifled-slugs" in smaller guage shotguns, so this would be 'duck soup', so to speak. Well.... near knocked me on my arse and almost brought a tear to my eye, not to mention thoughts of a possible shoulder dislocation.

    Turns out my "buddy" had a box of kiln loads... now there's one nasty recoil

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by urleebird
    Come on, Ilija... give me a break. A reduced number of cars on the road will keep them from getting away, too.

    How 'bout a reduced number of criminals via the death penalty instead?
    Um...are you sure your last name isn't O'reilly? I dont exactly believe in the prison system either, but I think if the justice system worked better and judges wouldn't corrupt that the death penalty would be the ticket... how many convictions does it take before you realize this criminal cant be rehabilitated? And why do I have to pay 52% in tax's when they are going to spend it on things like, better prision evironments? (Yes, 52%)

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by urleebird
    That's a baby round.
    Haha, baby compared to what? Its a proven and reliable round! But there are of course more "Macho" rounds available

  8. #28
    Loudmouth FiReSTaRT's Avatar
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    Bill, if someone's willing to risk life or even 25 years in prison, getting the needle isn't a large psychological jump. My answer to that is developing a better social infrastructure and more community policing.
    I will grant you one point: Reducing the number of guns on the market won't reduce the number of violent crimes, significantly. But it will make it more difficult for the criminals to make the results of the violent crimes permanent. Drive by shootings are more popular than drive by stabbings.
    The key to reducing crime is to create a society where fewer people will feel desperate enough to turn to violent crimes and its consequences. If even the poorest of the poor know they won't be freezing in the winter, starving at any time and will be receiving decent professional health-care, they won't be nearly as likely to risk their lives/freedom, unless they suffer from a mental disease.
    With such drastic reductions in violent crimes, having a gun for home defense won't be nearly as necessary.

  9. #29
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    I do feel that I would have a lot of responisibly in someones death if my gun was stolen in used
    What for? It's time to hold the person responsible for the crime accountable, not everyone else around them, society, or a bad childhood. These people are predators, plain and simple. With or without guns, these asswipes will prey on weaker people. Guns even the playing field.

    I kinda like this phrase...

    If guns kill people, I can blame misspelled words on my pencil.

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by FiReSTaRT
    Bill, if someone's willing to risk life or even 25 years in prison, getting the needle isn't a large psychological jump. My answer to that is developing a better social infrastructure and more community policing.
    I will grant you one point: Reducing the number of guns on the market won't reduce the number of violent crimes, significantly. But it will make it more difficult for the criminals to make the results of the violent crimes permanent. Drive by shootings are more popular than drive by stabbings.
    The key to reducing crime is to create a society where fewer people will feel desperate enough to turn to violent crimes and its consequences. If even the poorest of the poor know they won't be freezing in the winter, starving at any time and will be receiving decent professional health-care, they won't be nearly as likely to risk their lives/freedom, unless they suffer from a mental disease.
    With such drastic reductions in violent crimes, having a gun for home defense won't be nearly as necessary.

    I agree, that death might not be a big jump from life in prison, but death is a lot cheaper for the nation as a whole as opposed to paying millions of dollars a year so that a criminal can live an easy life behind bars with cable tv, 3 hots and even recreational area's. I have two uncles that are institutionalized.... its not joke... people become institutionalized... One is sitting in a trailor right now with no electricity... I am counting the days until he does something to go back to jail. Death penalty would fix this, very large problem. It would also eliminate the possibility for violent criminals with no chance for rehabilitation from ever entering society again. Im not of the opinion of "Kill them all". But I do think its a serious option to be considered with a lot of criminals.

    Also a side note on the creating a society with less crime... Crime is created when there is a lack of middle class. Lack of Middle class means an excess of lower class. This is created by a nations government. Having or not having guns wont affect this in anyway. But its better to be prepared for your environment, than to be prepared for what your envirnoment should be in my opinion.

    -- Disclaimer!!!! -- I have plenty of political and moral views, but thats not to say I think you should believe what I believe, this is just my opinion... I try not to talk about these subjects because they tend to get people really fired up. So hopefully no one takes offense to my view.

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