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  1. #1
    Senior Member gfoster's Avatar
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    Default Back from the honeymoon

    Just wanted to pop my head in and mention that I'm back from my honeymoon in Italy and slowly trying to get caught up on email and web forums. I had a great time, 10 days in a villa in Tuscany and a lot of time spent exploring. If you sent me PM's in my absence and I didn't respond, please accept my apologies but, well, I was busy drinking chianti and exploring Tuscany.

    Obligatory shaving note... took my morley and my tuckmar with me with the idea of alternating between them. The morley which I *thought* was sharp and ready was quite dull, so I spent a couple of evenings outside, sipping coffee and watching the sun set over the Tuscan hills as I patiently worked with my paddle strop to get it up to shaving condition. Took a good bit of work but was able to use it a few times once I got it cleaned up. Used mama bear's cedar soap for the entire trip and I have to say I really enjoyed it.

    Now I'm back home and have a pile of work ahead of me, as well as starting a new job next wednesday (yes, I'm leaving eBay). I'll have some pics posted of Italy soon and will provide a link for those who are interested

    Oh, and the homebrew I provided for the wedding reception sure seemed to be a hit. We left the reception around 10 pm, and when I got back home the next day they had floated all the kegs they could find (including the keg of cream soda I made). Luckily I had a few kegs stashed and hidden for my own consumption once I got back, or I'd be brewing today on my first day back already heh.

    -- Gary F.

  2. #2
    Loudmouth FiReSTaRT's Avatar
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    Wb Gary! I hope you also did some shopping in Ponte San Giovanni

  3. #3
    Senior Member gfoster's Avatar
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    Lol, no such luck. I really wanted to go pay the Maestro a visit while I was there, but after telling Roxane that she couldn't buy the 600 euro Italian leather boots that she wanted I figured if I bought a Maestro razor she would've used it on me that night in my sleep.

    Besides, we shelled out so much freakin' cash for the wedding, reception and honeymoon that I'm still reeling. I suspect I'll be taking top ramen to work with me for my lunch and eating mac and cheese for dinner for a few months.

    -- Gary F.

  4. #4
    Senior Member wvbias's Avatar
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    Welcome back. I'm glad that you had
    a good time.


  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth JLStorm's Avatar
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    Oh I bet italy was so romantic! Glad to have you back Gary.

  6. #6
    Loudmouth FiReSTaRT's Avatar
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    You should have let her have the boots, got the razor and eaten mac with no cheese for the next 2 years

  7. #7
    Face nicker RichZ's Avatar
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    Hey what's life like if you are not in debt.

  8. #8
    Loudmouth FiReSTaRT's Avatar
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    I don't remember.. Got a 35,000$ student loan hanging over my head

  9. #9
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    I am with the guys on this, buy those boots and razor and spend the next two years eating mac and cheese
    Glad you had a good time, I love Italy, didn't get to Tuscany though, next time I will.
    Florence is my fav city and by far the most romantic place I have been yet. Just gotta take the girl there now.
    Oh and those student loans Ilijia...I hear ya!

  10. #10
    Senior Member gfoster's Avatar
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    Honestly, I didn't enjoy Florence that much. I preferred Siena out of the "larger" cities that we went to, but I'm a country boy at heart and I really wasn't happy unless I was in a smaller village or out in the countryside. Florence was just too big with too many smelly people (much like any large city). It was also thick with pickpockets. I carry my wallet in my front pocket whenever I'm in a city and after two days in Florence I lost count of how many "brushes" I got up against my back pockets... and those were from the lousy pickpockets. The good ones I'm sure I never even noticed.

    Italy was beautiful. It was romantic. It was also very expensive. I'm glad I did it, but I'm glad I'm home. I'll probably be going back in a few years I'd imagine, but for now I need to rest and get my internal clock reset!

    -- Gary F.

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