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  1. #21
    Vlad the Impaler LX_Emergency's Avatar
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    I've never seen anyone wear a helmet in a dutch skatepark. I own one but never really wear it. In my 7 years of blading I've fallen on my head once. It's just one of those things. I agree however that when starting out blading one should wear at least wrist and kneeguards. For somewhere around two years at least. That's just about how long it takes to learn how to fall without busting yourself up every time. Maybe the same could be said for helmets....

    There's only one skatepark in the whole country that forces you to wear a helmet and in that park they only do it on the vertramp.

    My wife however has only been blading for around 1 year so I encourage her to wear wristguards and's possible that my bad example teaches her otherwise though...but then again she knows that I used to wear them all the time and she's far from stupid.

  2. #22
    Senior Member blabbermouth JLStorm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rtaylor61 View Post
    This, from a man who pierced his ear with a straight razor...


    I still maintain that this was my wifes fault, and perhaps an act of retaliation lol.

    Quote Originally Posted by FiReSTaRT View Post
    That's the weird part about me.. There were a few occasions when I SHOULD HAVE got a concussion....
    1) Snowboarding, caught the edge and slammed into the hard-packed surface with enough force to injure my neck muscles (no helmet)
    2) Got attacked by 7 locals in Montenegro, looking to pick a fight with a tourist. The first hit I took was from a kid who jumped off a trunk that was a bit over a meter high and landed with the fist to the back of my head. Nasty swelling but no concussion effects.
    3) Was driven on the highway buy a less than careful driver. Spun out, got t-boned and my head went right through the windshield. Only a small bump lol. The damndest part about this was that I had the seat belt on and the airbag opened.
    Maybe I have the Homer Simpson Syndrome

    Maybe you either fall well, or have a hard head hehe. While I have had a concussion...or 12, I have never been knocked out in the ring, even with full contact. I think I just absorb impacts well...probably from lots of practice from being a clumsy dope...but as Im sure you have learned from extreme sports, there is an art to falling and absorbing impact and it can save you!

  3. #23
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LX_Emergency View Post
    We went rollerblading in a skatepark. She slipped and landed on the edge with her head.
    Big giant bump or her head, a1.5 inch cut, short term memory loss (the first 20 minutes she asked me every 3 minutes where we were, why and what date it was) nausea and a headache.

    Also I have to wake her up every hour this night. I'm not too excited about that but for her I'll walk to the moon. So I might be on here a couple of times thi night (your least most of you.) it's going to be a loooong night.
    Been there done that...
    I was running across a sports arena, not seeing the thin steel cable that was stretched across the field.

    as far as I can remember, I simply ran to the registration booth, not knowing anything out of the ordinary had happened.
    The guy asked if I knew my nose was bleeding. I told him it wasn't bleeding. He told me it was. I looked down, saw myself covered in blood, and I went into what is called a 'catatonic state'

    Basically, this means that your mind suddenly notices something very bad has happened that it can't explain. So it will try to figure it out while putting your conciousness on hold.

    I was contiuously asking the same questions over and over again for 4 hours straight, before i regained conciousness. turned out I had a severe concussion.
    I couldn't really believe it, because I never had headaches or nausea, but the doctor told me that that can happen.

    It turned out that I ran against the steel cable, and fell on the back of my head. I don't remember standing up. In fact, I don't remember anything from that day.
    It took me a long time to recover.

  4. #24
    Face nicker RichZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LX_Emergency View Post
    well, it was a rough night and I feel like crap but she's geting better. She's a lot less nauseous at least and is having less problems with the memory thing.

    You see if that was me I would have asked my wife if she knew her name and if she said no I would have just slipped away into the crowd....

  5. #25
    Senior Member blabbermouth rtaylor61's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RichZ View Post
    You see if that was me I would have asked my wife if she knew her name and if she said no I would have just slipped away into the crowd....
    Just the opposite of the Kurt Russell/Goldie Hawn movie!


  6. #26
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    Rich... Your comment made me laugh out loud.

    Alex.... helmet helmet helmet. You say she is not dumb and I certainly believe you. But she may not stay that way if it happens again and lands worse than the last time.

    When I raced dirt bikes, the only time I didn't use a helmet was when I loaded my bike on the truck to go home. To me, it's kinda like rapelling without gloves. It certainly makes you macho, but probably not the best thing to do.

  7. #27
    Vlad the Impaler LX_Emergency's Avatar
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    I know Bill, it's one of those things where the chance that it happends is slim but when it does it can be serious.

  8. #28
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    I apologize for being preachy... I shouldn't say stuff like that while your wife is trying to heal.

    I hope she recovers very soon...

  9. #29
    Vlad the Impaler LX_Emergency's Avatar
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    Don't worry about it. She's recovering quite well. And you're right. Although head injuries are actually quite seldom in rollerblading. It's usually wrists, knees or ankles.

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