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Thread: Say it ain't so Lance

  1. #61
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeremy6 View Post
    They should allow doping in all major sports. I think it would make them even more interesting to watch
    I don't think so. After all, who cares if the tour de france racers do 35 mph or 45 mph.
    It's not like the absolute speed makes it any more interesting.
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  2. #62
    32t is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    I don't think so. After all, who cares if the tour de france racers do 35 mph or 45 mph.
    It's not like the absolute speed makes it any more interesting.
    I agree in that I don't care if a biker does 45 or 5 mph. But to say that speed doesn't make a difference in a race does not make sense.

  3. #63
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    Duplicate, I should not get impatient and push buttons twice.

  4. #64
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeremy6 View Post
    They should allow doping in all major sports. I think it would make them even more interesting to watch
    I can't agree on this one.
    I have no desire to watch the women's beach volleyball if they are using steroids.
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  5. #65
    lz6 is offline
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    I do not think Armstrong has come close to telling the tuth as yet. To me it seems he is still being very deceitful and trying to paint the entire issue with a very broad stroke by dressing this up with saying that everyone in the races was doping so it was ok for me and my team. The grandjury testimony from the teamates and some officials portray Armstrong as the dark hearted soul I believe him to be. Regularly threatening members of his team and others and continuing the behavior until
    just recently. A test originator passes him information along on how to defeat one particular test. Bribes to officials, test labs and test lab employees and on and on. There remains a corrupt empire awaiting exposure and hopefully the U.S. Federal investigations will continue until criminal warrants (if necessary) are issued. The Grand Jury report being sealed is questionable and we will not get to see it. The law suits from the Post Office and many others I hope will succeed. I think
    Lance quickly sized up Oprah and easily lied to her. 60 minutes last night was very interesting and a step in the right direction. And Lance offering a "donation" to the authority investigating he and many other bike dopers is telling of his continuing arrogance. Texting the wife of a team mate who was talking to the Grand Jury and saying "run, don't walk" or words to that effect. I understand at 67 years of age my view on doping may be very different from a whole lot of people but for me this doping business has destroyed my respect for those who are doing it and made many sports no longer interesting to me. Making cheating seem ok because someone else is doing it is as lame an excuse as can be made and sets a terrible example for youngsters the world over.
    Just my 2 cents and of cours YMMV on the subject.

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  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by lz6 View Post
    I do not think Armstrong has come close to telling the tuth as yet. To me it seems he is still being very deceitful and trying to paint the entire issue with a very broad stroke by dressing this up with saying that everyone in the races was doping so it was ok for me and my team. The grandjury testimony from the teamates and some officials portray Armstrong as the dark hearted soul I believe him to be. Regularly threatening members of his team and others and continuing the behavior until
    just recently. A test originator passes him information along on how to defeat one particular test. Bribes to officials, test labs and test lab employees and on and on. There remains a corrupt empire awaiting exposure and hopefully the U.S. Federal investigations will continue until criminal warrants (if necessary) are issued. The Grand Jury report being sealed is questionable and we will not get to see it. The law suits from the Post Office and many others I hope will succeed. I think
    Lance quickly sized up Oprah and easily lied to her. 60 minutes last night was very interesting and a step in the right direction. And Lance offering a "donation" to the authority investigating he and many other bike dopers is telling of his continuing arrogance. Texting the wife of a team mate who was talking to the Grand Jury and saying "run, don't walk" or words to that effect. I understand at 67 years of age my view on doping may be very different from a whole lot of people but for me this doping business has destroyed my respect for those who are doing it and made many sports no longer interesting to me. Making cheating seem ok because someone else is doing it is as lame an excuse as can be made and sets a terrible example for youngsters the world over.
    Just my 2 cents and of cours YMMV on the subject.

    Well said mate. Well said!
    lz6 likes this.
    Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years....

  7. #67
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    The hard reality is the very notion of cheating to get ahead or get what you want has become mainstream and if you asked most kids about it they wouldn't blink an eye. I think it bothers most older folks more and when I say older folks I mean those who were raised in another generation.

    I'm not saying it's right but old lance is just the tip of the ice-burg.
    lz6 and BobH like this.
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  8. #68
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    I think indeed Lance has not been entirely truthful.
    Specifically, there is enough evidence to conclude that he had been blood doping in 2009.
    And the reason he did not admit it could be that there is still a statute of limitations to run out on those things.

    Which is a bit dangerous on his part. Because you only get 1 chance to redeem yourself.
    He lied up until the Oprah interview, after which he 'came clean'. Or so he would have us believe.
    If it turns out he continued lying even then and more importantly during the upcoming WADA investigiation, noone will ever believe any testimony again, and he will have lost all public goodwill (and any chance of becoming a pro athlete again) forever.
    lz6 likes this.
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  9. #69
    Vlad the Impaler LX_Emergency's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeremy6 View Post
    They should allow doping in all major sports. I think it would make them even more interesting to watch
    So in your eyes the REAL competition should be between who has the best Chemist/Biochemist/Doctor?

  10. #70
    32t is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by LX_Emergency View Post
    So in your eyes the REAL competition should be between who has the best Chemist/Biochemist/Doctor?
    Professional sports are entertainment, not REAL competition.

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