Results 21 to 30 of 56
01-18-2007, 10:21 AM #21
My good man, thats what I call dedication! Worth the effort's a Beauty!
01-18-2007, 02:22 PM #22
Ha, I have the same razor, just sharpened it and shaved with it yesterday. Sweet razor...
01-18-2007, 03:10 PM #23
Sorry Colleen. I had a presentation for school today so I didn't have any time on the computer. I'll be online coming morning though
I think I'll check out the chat because I never have.
01-18-2007, 03:40 PM #24
Middle of nowhere
I'm over in Kuwait right now, out in the middle of stinkin' nowhere. Literally. I think I am 2-3 hours ahead of most of you, except those in WV obviously. Which coincidentally, I plan on retiring to in about 7 years. BTW, got so many coffee blends here in the office to choose from, it is just a chore to go through them and see which one I want. Too bad no bars to actually stay out to 1 am here. For that matter, no alcohol period.
01-18-2007, 06:30 PM #25
I usually drink Yerba Mate (Cruz de Malta, Taragui and Sara brands in that order of use, but I prefer the Sara when I can find it right now even though they're all excellent quality) because it has a nice stimulating effect without the jittery that coffee can give ya. Caffeine is also a no-no when taking Ginseng which I also do from time to time. That's not to say a nice cuppa joe doesn't suit me well. Café Americanos when i'm out but the Validator prefers Blue Mountain (and I agree with her taste) and has picked up some Doi Chaang organic coffee from China.
If we're going to meet in the chat room at 5 or 6 am EDT some day we should definitely plan it and announce it in the Forums as I've dropped in at various times throughout the week and there's NEVER anybody just hanging around.
01-18-2007, 09:39 PM #26
You're calling me Eurotrash?
Or are you really just admitting to loving the song "ooh she touched my tralala"?.
I'm on here off and on through out the night (gmt -5) I see you on but you're always ignoring me. Maybe if I break out into a Eurocentric song and dance you'll see me..
01-18-2007, 09:43 PM #27
Sweet, a fellow yerba addict
I've been drinking yerba tea since 1996 after a grad student from paraguay got me hooked on it. I import it from argentina. I've got 3 different brands of Yerba tea and 3 different mate gourds. I bet my gourds are sexier than your gourds. wanna compare gourds?
One thing I've noticed lately is if I let it set too many days I start getting a rancid taste and have to switch the leaves, even if I'm drinking from it every day. You ever have this?
01-18-2007, 10:43 PM #28
I didn't call anyone eurotrash apart from myself.
And I love good company but don't drink coffee. I'll join everyone with a good cup of Ghana coco though. Lovely stuff. Tastes the way coco should.
01-18-2007, 11:19 PM #29
Your gourds may be sexier, but I'm pretty sure min is bigger. I have a HUGE gourd I brought back from South America, but I don't use it because it has a veeeeeerrrrry slow leak. I just use a mug. I get even more in that way. I typically drink 3 or 4 cups a day. My FIL introduced me to it about 5 or 6 years ago. I never did have a problem with rotting yerba though. You shouldn't let it sit there. Clean it out as soon as you're done and you should be good.
01-19-2007, 02:17 AM #30
Good Evening Gents!
All this business about gourds is very interestingas is the topic of tea, coffee and Ghana coco. Maybe we could have a "coffee shop" for us early birds.
Now...back to those I want all the details! do you really drink tea from a gourd?