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Thread: Ebony Prima

  1. #1
    Senior Member blabbermouth Substance's Avatar
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    Default Ebony Prima

    Thought I would share this project in progress
    I decided to make a Str8 for my younger Son in-law for his Birthday later this month
    Been gathering the bits since last year, when we started probing him on if he would be interested in a st8s, now all the items are here thought I better get started

    Blade: 6/8” #45 Prima P.K. Qualitat Round point & very hollow ground ( a singing blade I would say ) that started out as a travelling razor but as the case is to distorted for me to fix
    Blade has been hand sanded from about 800 grit to 2000 still to get to 5000 before final assembly.

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    Scales are Gabon Ebony cut from a 6x1x1 block from Global Woods I got as a free extra when I ordered a 6x1.5x1” block,
    what an abortion and lesson learnt that was with the jigsaw, all I’ll say is I am glad I still have the original block I ordered and next time will be by handsaw or invest in a band saw. and on that note we will never talk about that ever again,
    currently shaped & sanded to just under 1/8” (2.5mm) thick

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    Inlays are a 99.9% pure silver ؽ” Enneagram (from a pair of earrings I found online as I intend to do a similar item for my Nephew next) & wire for the dot with Ø8mm & Ø6mm abalone dots all CA glued in place
    I used my Dremel with square end burr and the depth stopper for the cut outs.

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    I had sanded the scales to 2000 grit but then decided to add the extra pin to personalise it to his enneagram number also.
    So have to do some more sanding & polishing of the lot to 5000 grit.

    Wedge is Camel Bone
    Pins: Brass
    Washers: Rhodium-Plated Brass Eyelet
    Thrust washers will be 10 thou brass

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    My current problem is deciding on the finish whether to go full CA or poly coating or a Tung oil or similar.

    But still a couple of hours of sanding to do before I lock it in.
    stay tuned
    Last edited by Substance; 04-08-2015 at 12:50 AM.
    to shave another day.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    That is a pretty clever use of that earring. I am always impressed by the ingenuity around here. It looks like it is going to be an off the hook project. I have a brush that Ray (Walleyeman) did for me. I am not sure what the combination finish is on it but is has stood up amazing. It is oil and then CA I think.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth Substance's Avatar
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    Thanks Shaun, I did see this before I think from Ray's posts
    I thought the CA would have issues sticking to an oiled surface but may have to relook at this option also
    I have a couple of off cuts to experiment with so may play around yet
    to shave another day.

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    I've done a fair bit of wood finishing and way more experimenting. It is on my list of things to experiment with. I look forward to your results.
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  5. #5
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Is this done yet?
    I say CA because it will level out the inlays to the scale and make all smooth. The pins are sort of off....
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    I rest my case.

  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth Substance's Avatar
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    still in progress as per last photos
    the pins are drilled but the eyelets are not set in yet making the pivot look off as it is sitting on the scale
    but the wedge pin is definitely of center now, as I didn't like the flat squareness of the scales after I shaped the sides of them, so curved them up a bit changing the center line, so now off at the moment
    this may change with inlay dots with a hidden pin if It gets to me.
    to shave another day.

  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth Substance's Avatar
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    oh well doing some trial fitting last night & noticed the Prima has a bent tang so just not good enough for this project.
    so back to the tackle box of Grail blades & debating between the following blades as replacements
    6/8" W&B 1/2-3/4 hollow Barbers notch - this a lot heavier blade that I wanted but
    6/8" Bengall full hollow round point - nice light blade & great shavers
    11/16" W&B 1/2-3/4 hollow Square point "BOW" razor - nice looking blade should

    at least I got the scales sanded to 5000 grit
    since deciding on the CA route I got the 1st coat on the inside applied & drying over night
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    & 2 of the blade options in the EvapoRust getting ready for sanding when I make the final decision

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    to shave another day.

  8. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth Substance's Avatar
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    G'day all here is an update on this project.
    it got the better of me and I put the to do grail box away as I wanted to keep the round point for this & the to do blades just weren't calling me

    So I decided to take my only Thiers Issard from my rotation it is a 1837 Special Coiffeur - 69 Medaille Argent 275 5/8 (although stamped 5/8 it is actually 6/8" from spine to edge)
    since the Ti had a cracked front scale at the pivot it was going to the get the rescaled eventually anyway but I was going to keep it original until this

    now since I really liked the shave from this razor my grail search starts again for a Vintage TI 69 6/8"

    OK back on track here is the finished Str8

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    Blade the 6/8" 1837 Special Coiffeur - 69 Medaille Argent 275
    Scales: are Gabon Ebony with umpteen coats of CA glue inside & out
    Inlays: .999 Silver Enneagram & dot & Abalone shell dots
    Wedge: Camel bone
    Pins: Brass
    Outer Washers: Rhodium-Plated Brass Eyelets
    Thrust washers: 10 thou Brass shim

    Also as it is a starter kit for his 25th Birthday I also made a Roo strop 3" x 22" long, & a near white horn tip Badger brush with black horn & Silky oak stand
    included in the box is a Palmolive shave soap stick, a tube of SHAVE cream, a NIVEA sensitive after shave balm & a sponge to avoid sink damage & wetting the blade anymore then necessary

    Also there is either a Proraso red or blue, or a body shop Macca root shave cream to add to it I'm not sure which yet as the Daughter in-law hasn't confirmed what she got hold off yesterday for me while out of town
    Edit: it is a Proraso Red

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    Last edited by Substance; 04-27-2015 at 11:21 PM.
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    to shave another day.

  9. #9
    JP5 is offline
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    Nice work! I wouldn't have thought of an earring being the source of the medallions if you hadn't mentioned it. That is a great idea.
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  10. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    Nice job. I have only recently discovered eyelets. They look fantastic as does the rest of the project.
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