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Thread: W&B back from "Death by Honing"

  1. #11
    MrZ is offline
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    Wouldnt even think that was the same razor.
    Now lets talk about how awesome that grouse is. Thats a real treat. To have that little thing follow you around would be so cool. My old bird dog would have loved your yard.
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  2. #12
    Senior Member TristanLudlow's Avatar
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    Nicely done! I'm stunned.

    I have a similar problem blade sitting around but haven't gotten the courage to get to it (I can also see multiple bevels like in the before pictures, probably had a bevel set on 1 or 2 layers of tape and again on 3 or 4 layers of tape, I'll never know)

    Aside from the cosmetic factor which I'm not gonna correct due to lack of equipment and skills / experience, I'm unsure how to start honing the razor, it was previously probably honed with multiple layers of tape and created multiple bevels.

    How do I decide how many layers of tape I'll need? I can measure the bevel angles, but if I went from a 4 layered tape bevel, will it take long to re-create a good bevel with 1 layer of tape?

    I'm just wondering if a wide 4 layer of tape bevel is created, when I switch to 1 layer the hone is probably not gonna touch the very edge at first?

    Sorry if I went a bit off topic here.

    What an amazing result, it gives me good spirit and hope for a razor I thought was a bit too far gone, now I know it's possible
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  3. #13
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    Glen - nicely done!
    I thought that maybe you got inspired by Victor's "smiling choppers" and wanted to create a "reverse-smiling" W&B!
    Oh wait those exist... I believe you call them frowns or something similar
    Great work, thank you for sharing!
    Like your pet, I challange you to teach her some tricks!
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  4. #14
    Senior Member karlej's Avatar
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    Hi Glenn
    First regrind I recall you posting. Nicely done. Interesting touch to leave the original patina on the rest of the razor.
    Nice grouse too. I have 4 Brittanys and we hunt grouse and woodcock every fall. My dogs would not stand to have that grand bird in the yard.

  5. #15
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by karlej View Post
    Hi Glenn
    First regrind I recall you posting. Nicely done. Interesting touch to leave the original patina on the rest of the razor.
    I am a reluctant Re-grinder and even more so of posting them

    I really hate changing history and the feel of the razor

    The rest of the razor was the choice of the owner, I actually did the Re-grind with the scales On
    "No amount of money spent on a Stone can ever replace the value of the time it takes learning to use it properly"
    Very Respectfully - Glen

    Proprietor - GemStar Custom Razors Honing/Restores/Regrinds Website

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