Quote Originally Posted by Euclid440 View Post
The wedge also looks like it does not have enough taper. The angle should match the angle of the tang. But because the scales are so thick, they may not flex enough.

Horn is very easy to work. If you do not have a set of calipers, good plastic ones are available from General for a few dollars. Even the Harbor Freight calipers digital calipers are good enough for this level of accuracy in making and thinning scales.

Did you drill the holes when the scales were flat? If not, then you pin holes may not be square to the inside of the scales and the pin hole in the blade. It does not take much to throw the tip out of alignment.

If you drill the pin holes a bit large, (5/64 for a 1/16 pin, not all rod is the same thickness, measure) and the wedge is not glued in place you can adjust the scales and wedge and move the pivot pin by tapping the in the direction you want the blade tip to move.

For example, in the photo, tap the left pin on the back side to move to the right (Blue Arrow) and tap the right pin to the back (Red Arrow). It does not take much movement to move the blade tip.

But if you glued the wedge or if the holes are too tight, you will need to unpin and redrill to center the blade.

This is why you mock-up with bolts before you pin. You also may want to leave your wedge a bit large, and drill the wedge hole larger, so if you need to move the pins and spacer you have enough material to trim to fit the scales once the scales are adjusted.

I do not trim the wedge to size until the razor is completely pinned and I am happy with the fit. This also makes the wedge fit to the scales with no gaps.

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That helps a lot I was trying to tap the top and bottom of the pins and not the front and back. The wedge has almost the same taper as the original lead one just a bit larger.

I would have done a mock up but did not have bolts to fit. Anticipation would not let me wait for them..lol so I had to wing it. I do have a set of digital calipers but did not think the size was that critical.

I am not apposed to un pinning them and shaving them down a bit so that may be my next move.

Thanks for the help