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  1. #1
    styptic king Ryno's Avatar
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    Default Imperial Razor co. 6/8 restore

    Picked up this cool old razor and did a quick restore to get her up and running,. All in all it was pretty painless and she came out pretty nice.. here's a before and a few afters.
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    Last edited by Ryno; 12-11-2010 at 06:28 AM.

  2. #2
    ..mama I know we broke the rules... Maxi's Avatar
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    Nice looking blade. When I read the title, I ran into the bathroom to double check, and yes, I too own an Imperial. Mine is the Improved Eagle Razor. Does anyone know if their razors all had an animal theme, judging by the fish in this post?

    Is she honed and ready to go?

  3. #3
    styptic king Ryno's Avatar
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    Of the Old Imperials I've seen pics of, most have a scene of somekind on them. Not just animals. The fish is what sold me on this razor though. It was listed on ebay as "fish on blade" razor and had no manufacturer or stamp info at all. I took a chance on it and it ended up being a really cool razor when it arrived. It has a great weight and balance to it, Scales are tight and in good shape and its perfectly centered. The best part of all was it seems that the original owner kept it very well oiled. While it did have some staining and the very early signs of surface rust begining, there was absolutely no pitting. I removed most of the stains quite easily. I left a bit more than I usually would on the tang due to very light stamping. I didn't want to loose any more lettering than it already had just from use. All in all I'm really happy with it.

    I did hone it up and had a shave with it last night. It was great! It's bigger than the 5/8 i'm used to but i enjoyed it, think it may be my new favorite... for now.. lol I think the RAD is kicking in...

  4. #4
    Senior Member Stropper's Avatar
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    Imperial razors are real sleepers. Few shavers are in on how good these razors are. So let's keep it to ourselves, shall we.

  5. #5
    ..mama I know we broke the rules... Maxi's Avatar
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    Got it....keeping it to ourselves.

    I judged my Imperial when shaving my neck. It's not the smoothest razor on my cheeks, but I have two patches underneath, around the jowl area, that are just horrible to shave. The Imperial is like a squeegee in those areas. No hair remains. That's while I'll keep mine, just for those two areas.

  6. #6
    zib is offline
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    Too late....Imperial (animals on blades) = good shavers....Got it....

    Nice Ryan...What did you use to clean it up, elbow grease, or do you have power tools?
    We have assumed control !

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