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Thread: Australian Shaving Supplies

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  1. #1
    Awesomo Zidago's Avatar
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    Default Australian Shaving Supplies

    To me, living in Australia makes it difficult to acquire all the neccessary equipment to achieve that shaved bliss we all seek.
    Sure, we could go out on a limb and import, and with the Aussie dollar being alright right now it doesn't seem too bad.
    But how long will it last?
    Can we go back to a vendor in 6 months time and expect the price for a tub of cream to remain the same?

    And while importing may seem good at the moment, it is a double edged blade. While we may get a product for a few bucks less, those dollars are going out of our country and into the pockets of the world. Small shave buisnesses are born, and then die quickly because of this.

    What I propose is this shall be a thread dedicated to listing the Australian suppliers of all things shave related (excluding eBay).

    Sure, B&B already have a listing, but it is very old and out dated (many of the sites are down).
    Now, I don't want this thread to seem like an advertisement in any way. If a mod believes I have broken any rules, instead of deleting, please move the thread into a more suitable area. To make it fair also, I will let someone else start.

    So, lets keep it simple, a link with the name and short run down on what they offer. Hopefully it will be concise and help all fellow Aussies.

  2. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to Zidago For This Useful Post:

    AndrewJM (01-16-2014), baldy (07-13-2011), Hammondh1992 (11-28-2013), Havachat45 (07-07-2011), Jake98 (07-10-2014), Robbied (09-10-2014)

  3. #2
    Awesomo Zidago's Avatar
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    Ok, I'll get this ball rolling.
    Used to be a very expensive and limited store. Now has a lot of great things and is relatively cheap (in comparison). Also stocks Mama Bear soaps.
    An example of what we are used to here. Standard supply of shave items, higher price than normal.

    Shaver City
    Same as above.

    Guys Grooming
    This is for a laugh. Hope you guys in Perth enjoy your $58 straight shave!
    Last edited by Zidago; 07-05-2011 at 11:59 PM.
    kevinred likes this.

  4. The Following User Says Thank You to Zidago For This Useful Post:

    baldy (07-13-2011)

  5. #3
    Bladesmith by Knight Adam G.'s Avatar
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    Sorry - just got online now for a few minutes.
    Australasian Knifemaker Supplies
    Keith and Joan are fantastic people to work with. They have Razors, brand new{Timor brand}, at prices less than half of the retail shops around the cities. Also have strops and supplies for restoration, books and DVDs, starter kits for shavers,etc. You can't go wrong there.
    Tell them i sent you.
    kevinred likes this.

  6. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Adam G. For This Useful Post:

    baldy (07-13-2011), Robbied (09-10-2014)

  7. #4
    May your bone always be well buried MickR's Avatar
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    Seconded because of free post

    Men's Biz - Men's Skin Care and Shaving Products.
    Seconded due to free post if you spend $100 or more and the free samples with any purchase regardless of cost

    Shave Shack
    How can we not support our fellow SRP members

    The Razor Shop
    A little bit pricey, but deserving of support since that useless Shaver Shop chain pushed him out of his bricks and morter shop

    Australasian Knife Collectors (AKC)
    If they laugh in your face at the mention of Adams name, just wait till you tell them I sent you.

    Last edited by MickR; 07-06-2011 at 04:59 AM.
    Nightblade and kevinred like this.

  8. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to MickR For This Useful Post:

    baldy (07-13-2011), heelerau (07-14-2011), Nightblade (09-06-2013)

  9. #5
    Awesomo Zidago's Avatar
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    Aussie hand made scuttles. Good reviews in other places and also have other lathering bowls.

    If anyone knows of other places that make shaving bowls/scuttle, please post as I intend on having one soon.

  10. The Following User Says Thank You to Zidago For This Useful Post:

    baldy (07-13-2011)

  11. #6
    Senior Member PaulKidd's Avatar
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    Default Aussie stuff wanted

    I sure would like to find an online supplier of Fauldings shave cream!

    I can't find any online source, and it's great stuff!

    "If you come up to it, and you just can't do it, then that's jolly well where you are."
    Lord Buckley

  12. #7
    Member elgeeno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zidago View Post

    Aussie hand made scuttles. Good reviews in other places and also have other lathering bowls.

    If anyone knows of other places that make shaving bowls/scuttle, please post as I intend on having one soon.
    i just bought a glossy black quantum scuttle! nice to see this sort of stuff, expecially from australia
    MickR likes this.

  13. #8
    Awesomo Zidago's Avatar
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    Art of Man
    Their stock isn't too bad, good selection of creams and soaps.
    A very disorganised site, but have cheaper Dovo strop paste and strops.

    Quote Originally Posted by MickR View Post
    Australasian Knife Collectors (AKC)
    If they laugh in your face at the mention of Adams name, just wait till you tell them I sent you.
    I'm guessing they call the police and hide their daughters?

  14. The Following User Says Thank You to Zidago For This Useful Post:

    baldy (07-13-2011)

  15. #9
    May your bone always be well buried MickR's Avatar
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    Nah, instead of just leaning forward and going, "HA", in your face at the mention of Adams name, they stand back, point at you with one hand and put the other hand on their belly and go, "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA", like that, at the mention of mine... . Then again they might just stand there and look blank for a second, before scratching their heads and mumbling something like, "I think he wrote an article or two for us at some time, didn't he?!"


  16. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    One of my fav razors was bought in a store
    not too far (walking distance) from the Sydney
    Opera House.
    baldy likes this.

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