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Thread: Australian Shaving Supplies

  1. #31
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    For razor honing:

    1. The barber in southern end of Trinity arcade in the city can do it and offered to help me with stropping technique etc.

    2. 6 Chairs in Fremantle, just around the corner from Elizabeths Books - great friendly staff and also have a small but reasonable collection of creams/soaps/brushes/razors etc. A guy called Bob honed my razor, plenty of time for a chat and a nice guy.

    3. As mentioned in other threads, Mr Shaver in the city has some great stuff, but you will need to re-mortgage.

    Quote Originally Posted by PaulKidd View Post
    I sure would like to find an online supplier of Fauldings shave cream!

    I can't find any online source, and it's great stuff!

    Coles sell it! Well they did about 6 months ago anyhow, haven't checked since then.

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  3. #32
    Senior Member RickyBeeroun222's Avatar
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    Fauldings Shave Cream

    Found a 75g tube in Woolwoths yesterday
    The first store I have seen it in
    I checked a few others in my area
    Finally got lucky and asked a shop assistant who knew what I wanted

    and the price you may ask
    a very well priced $2.65

    Hope this helps


  4. #33
    Senior Member RickyBeeroun222's Avatar
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    My bad Reefer
    I didn't scroll across all the way to the right
    Thanks for posting the link


    Quote Originally Posted by reefer View Post

  5. #34
    May your bone always be well buried MickR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ozrazor View Post
    For razor honing:

    1. The barber in southern end of Trinity arcade in the city can do it and offered to help me with stropping technique etc.

    2. 6 Chairs in Fremantle, just around the corner from Elizabeths Books - great friendly staff and also have a small but reasonable collection of creams/soaps/brushes/razors etc. A guy called Bob honed my razor, plenty of time for a chat and a nice guy.

    3. As mentioned in other threads, Mr Shaver in the city has some great stuff, but you will need to re-mortgage.

    Originally Posted by PaulKidd
    I sure would like to find an online supplier of Fauldings shave cream!

    I can't find any online source, and it's great stuff!


    Coles sell it! Well they did about 6 months ago anyhow, haven't checked since then.
    Paul doesn't have a Coles Store on his island home of Tonga (Glad that it's insidious grasp, along with Woolies, hasn't extended to there yet). Paul knows I will send it to him when he wants more, but in the meantime, he is working on getting a more local business to stock it for him. Can't harm the Aussie economy if he succeeds...Might not boost it by much, but everything counts.


  6. #35
    Senior Member RickyBeeroun222's Avatar
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    G'day Aussies,

    Anybody doing restoring looking for Micro Mesh pads and Sand Paper sheets?
    Not sure how competitive prices are
    May be worth a look at any rate

    Micro-Mesh | The Sandpaper Man

    And I found a Micromesh Colour Chart on a Google search
    It could also be useful to identify the grades of Micro-Mesh

    Not an Aussie company but will be handy to identify the Micro Mesh grades

    Micro-Mesh | The Sandpaper Man
    baldy likes this.

  7. The Following User Says Thank You to RickyBeeroun222 For This Useful Post:

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  8. #36
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    Just to be upfront, I hone the straights for Russ at The Razor Shop so if anyone ever uses him and wants to know how the edge was done I am more than happy to let you know. Russ also has the last of my Kangaroo strops for sale. But as always, it might pay to shop around on the strop front...

    Carbatec in Brisbane is where I found the rather large cache of Japanese natural waterstones. It is a bit pot-luck, and I do not know whether they still keep them, but if you are patient and know what you are looking for you might be able to pick up a decent Jnat there. I think at worst you'll get a 6-8K Narutaki for under 60 bucks, last time I looked, which is pretty cheap. Just don't expect the staff there to know anything about them. You are on your own in that regard.

    <This signature intentionally left blank>

  9. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Jimbo For This Useful Post:

    baldy (08-31-2011), kevinred (01-09-2014)

  10. #37
    Senior Member Havachat45's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimbo View Post
    Just to be upfront, I hone the straights for Russ at The Razor Shop so if anyone ever uses him and wants to know how the edge was done I am more than happy to let you know. Russ also has the last of my Kangaroo strops for sale. But as always, it might pay to shop around on the strop front...

    Carbatec in Brisbane is where I found the rather large cache of Japanese natural waterstones. It is a bit pot-luck, and I do not know whether they still keep them, but if you are patient and know what you are looking for you might be able to pick up a decent Jnat there. I think at worst you'll get a 6-8K Narutaki for under 60 bucks, last time I looked, which is pretty cheap. Just don't expect the staff there to know anything about them. You are on your own in that regard.

    They've also got micromesh pads as well - according to their website
    Hang on and enjoy the ride...

  11. #38
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    One of my fav razors was bought in a store
    not too far (walking distance) from the Sydney
    Opera House.
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  12. #39
    Senior Member RickyBeeroun222's Avatar
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    G'day Aussies,

    Went looking for some items in the local Supa IGA store today
    While checking the personal lubricants I spotted a bottle of Glycerine

    Label says Glycerine - under the name is 1ml/ml in very small text
    and under that in Glycerol BP ... not totally sure if its the right stuff for shaving
    Thought if it isn't then I can always use it elsewhere

    And the maker is that great Aussie company - Fauldings
    Can anybody give some input whether this is the right stuff or not
    Thanks for any help you can give


  13. #40
    May your bone always be well buried MickR's Avatar
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    To the best of my own knowledge Rick, that's the stuff. I have some at home too. I just don't use glycerine in my shave, so someone else may be better qualified to give you a definite answer.


  14. The Following User Says Thank You to MickR For This Useful Post:

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