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Thread: Taser

  1. #1
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    As many know, I'm a gun nut...but have had an ever growing interest in the Taser world. Sure would be better if I could just tase someone and get away without dealing with the legal issues of putting a bad guy down. I would like to hear your guys input, both for and against "non lethal" tasers. I don't know if I could ever not carry a firearm, but wonder if I could use the firearm as a backup...
    Southeastern Oklahoma/Northeastern Texas helper. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
    Thank you and God Bless, Scott

  2. #2
    Senior Member Boarder277's Avatar
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    things are a little bit different here for me... I of course have a concealed carry permit, and the right to carry anywhere I go but here in MA people are super "liberal minded" so with the "duty to retreat" law and no "Stand your ground law" and the fact that if you pull out your firearm in this state it better be because you're about to be murdered or you'll be the one going to prison fur 20 years to life.... the need for a less than lethal option is definitely something I have thought of..

    as of right now I have a Kimber pepper blaster,.its a double charge pepper spray gun capable of shooting 2 separate charges at approx. 90mph at a range of's a picture Attachment 153435

    unfortunately in Massachusetts it's illegal for anybody other than law enforcement to carry a Taser lol makes lots of sense, I have a class A unrestricted license to carry, yet it's illegal to carry a Taser which is non lethal haha.... so the best alternative I have is the pepper spray gun...

    I did find a website a few months ago that listed by state, what is legal to possess and what is not with regards to's the link

    let me know what your thoughts are, and if you're lucky enough to live in a state that allows it ; )
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  4. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Well, I was trained for them and had to be tased. You know if you tase someone and they suffer injury you are liable for a lawsuit big time and depending on their condition not everyone has the reaction you want or see on T.V. No different than with OC Spray. You can't count on it. On the other hand you can always count on your pistola and dead men don't tell tales.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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  6. #4
    Senior Member Boarder277's Avatar
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    sorry my paragraphs got all scrambled up...

    read the 3rd paragraph first...the one right below the picture..

    then the first paragraph at the top

    then the second paragraph...and finally the bottom

  7. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Tasers promoted and sold to Canadian police departments as a "non lethal" alternative to pistols have proven to be lethal in some cases. I doubt that there is a 100% "non lethal" taser. Just saying they are not totally without risk in the lethality department but they are an alternative.

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    Life is a terminal illness in the end

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    Senior Member Boarder277's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BobH View Post
    Tasers promoted and sold to Canadian police departments as a "non lethal" alternative to pistols have proven to be lethal in some cases. I doubt that there is a 100% "non lethal" taser. Just saying they are not totally without risk in the lethality department but they are an alternative.

    this is a very good point

  10. #7
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    Well, I was trained for them and had to be tased. You know if you tase someone and they suffer injury you are liable for a lawsuit big time and depending on their condition not everyone has the reaction you want or see on T.V. No different than with OC Spray. You can't count on it. On the other hand you can always count on your pistola and dead men don't tell tales.
    and they can't testify against you or sue you . now days if some one tries to rob you at gun or knife point then there just trying to make a living. I really think some of our laws need changing but that is whole new thread.
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  12. #8
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    Well, I was trained for them and had to be tased. You know if you tase someone and they suffer injury you are liable for a lawsuit big time and depending on their condition not everyone has the reaction you want or see on T.V. No different than with OC Spray. You can't count on it. On the other hand you can always count on your pistola and dead men don't tell tales.
    Quote Originally Posted by rhensley View Post
    and they can't testify against you or sue you . now days if some one tries to rob you at gun or knife point then there just trying to make a living. I really think some of our laws need changing but that is whole new thread.
    lol - the way that reads... it sounds like you would much rather kill someone than seek another alternative. Cuz it just be easier that way lol.

    I figure a weapon of any kind is a last resort. I wouldn't pull out any weapon unless I was put in a corner. All that other Rambo stuff where I try to reduce a threat seems silly to me. Your life is either in peril or its not.

    I would keep with the pistol and a gym membership to make sure that if you can, you're still able to avoid rather than confront. But that's just me.

    Remember gun ownership comes with responsibility's and not just rights!

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  14. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    The last day I carried a taser was 7 years ago, before I retired; had it issued about 4 years prior. In four years of carry, it was deployed 3 times, 2 mentally disturbed individuals & 1 dog (an Akita). Physical altercations were a weekly occurrance, but only 3 discharged in 4 years,,,,meaning,,,tasers have their role, but are rarely the first choice/option. Yes, in civilian life, their role is slightly different.

    Tasers are bulky, some training is recommended, hardcore assailants are not afraid of your handgun & they are less afraid of your taser.

    The biggest obstacle with tasers was actual deployment (getting a good shot off). Not often does a violent attack give you enough warning to pull it & get a shot off, much like your handgun. If the attacker is within arms reach or already on you, then trying to deploy it is extremely risky. Like a firearm, the taser does not care who is pulling the trigger.

    Situational awareness & open hand skills trump a taser in all but a few scenarios, IMO.
    You are never too old to learn, practice, or enhancee your open hand skills.

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  16. #10
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hirlau View Post
    The last day I carried a taser was 7 years ago, before I retired; had it issued about 4 years prior. In four years of carry, it was deployed 3 times, 2 mentally disturbed individuals & 1 dog (an Akita). Physical altercations were a weekly occurrance, but only 3 discharged in 4 years,,,,meaning,,,tasers have their role, but are rarely the first choice/option. Yes, in civilian life, their role is slightly different.

    Tasers are bulky, some training is recommended, hardcore assailants are not afraid of your handgun & they are less afraid of your taser.

    The biggest obstacle with tasers was actual deployment (getting a good shot off). Not often does a violent attack give you enough warning to pull it & get a shot off, much like your handgun. If the attacker is within arms reach or already on you, then trying to deploy it is extremely risky. Like a firearm, the taser does not care who is pulling the trigger.

    Situational awareness & open hand skills trump a taser in all but a few scenarios, IMO.
    You are never too old to learn, practice, or enhancee your open hand skills.
    If I'm not mistaken, Karate-Do - "the way of the empty hand", or, "the empty handed way".
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