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Thread: reloading

  1. #41
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    Sure, for pistol & straight walled rounds...that 458 socom is just a round that sticks cases if you aren't very...very diligent with the lube. I use Hornady One Shot spray lube and they changed up the formula a few years ago & I may have to find another lube now.
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    Southeastern Oklahoma/Northeastern Texas helper. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
    Thank you and God Bless, Scott

  2. #42
    Warrior Saint EMC45's Avatar
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    Try Imperial. It is the best sizing lube out there.
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  3. #43
    Senior Member DualNature's Avatar
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    Me n a friend handload 12 and 20 gauge shotgun shells.
    Came up with our own insane load that out shot all factory buck loads as far as penetration
    We dont know the PSI rating on it or anything, so its probably pushing dangerous levels.. but our guns did not have any adverse reactions to it.
    We used 21g of Titewad behind 20 pellets hardened steel 000 buck (hardened ball bearings)

    We went out shooting, one of the targets was the face of an overturned table saw. it was some 1/2 inch thick metal.
    The ONLY guns that got pen where the Mosin Nagant running metal core ammo, and our loads.
    We shot it with these rounds, in order
    9mm (from a carbine)
    .44 mag
    000 - 00 - 0 buck shots

    It was super cool :P
    Guarantee its stupid and most likely dangerous.. but we where curious, and trying to design something to combat ballistic armor and trauma plates
    "What goes around, comes around"
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  4. #44
    Senior Member straightshooter1911's Avatar
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    Dualnature, wow. You just listed about a dozen things which nobody should ever have any reason to be involved in. Please tell me this was meant as a joke?
    "still a man hears what he wants to hear, and disregards the rest." Simon unt Garfunkle

  5. #45
    Senior Member DualNature's Avatar
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    its all true

    We fired 4 or 5 test rounds of our load with the gun vised down to a bench and with us hiding behind the engine block of my truck.
    It was a break barrel single shot, something that we didnt think we would miss to much if anything happened

    So we where "safe" in our testing. The gun nor shells showed any signs of damage.
    Bout the only stupid comment I made was that we where trying to defeat body armor. I can see how that would be taken the wrong way.
    We wanted to see if we could design a combat load that would be beneficial to police and military men
    The plate we where shooting was somewhere between 30-50 feet out
    about 100 feet out for the rifle and handgun shooting

    We also plinked around with the .22 quite a bit. Had some old spray cans that where like 20 years old.. shot at them from well over 100 yards with the .22
    Took a bloody eternity and several reloads to get a hit, but it was super cool when we would :P
    "What goes around, comes around"
    I was done a favor by "Bill3152" and would like to pass it on to anyone in need
    If your in need, id love to help

  6. #46
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Good thread, brings back pleasant memories of reloading and shooting. Reloaded for 22 Hornet, 6.5X54MS, 6.5X57, 7X57, 8X57, 308Win, 30-06, 7mmRem mag, 338Win mag, 375H&H and had dies for my 280 Ross but never got around to reloading for it. All was done with a Rock Chucker. Liked Win 760 ball powder in the 7x57, 30-06, 338 win mag and 375 H&H to show you how long ago that was. Yea, was fun.

    Life is a terminal illness in the end

  7. #47
    Senior Member WillN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shooter74743 View Post
    My biggest pet peeve is stuck cases. When I had my .458 Socom, I had to reload as the rounds were about the same price as commercial .50 BMG. Biggest issue with it is that it is a round that is notorious for sticking if you don't get enough case lube on it.

    What's your guys main way for getting stuck cases out?
    The best way I have found is to back out your de-priming rod back into the body of the case and drill out the primer hole and tap it (1/4 X 20 I think but not near them to look) so that you can stack up a couple of nuts / washers / something that is larger than the case but will rest on the die and use the capscrew as a puller in the shell to get it out. There are a couple of good video's on youtube that you can watch.

    Trim those cases too because if they are too long you can pull the rim off even in carbide dies.

    Hope this helps.

    Will N.
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  8. #48
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    i have a commercial version of your most of the time.
    Southeastern Oklahoma/Northeastern Texas helper. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
    Thank you and God Bless, Scott

  9. #49
    Member reload's Avatar
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    I currently reload .243 for stalking deer in the UK. I use 100gr Speer softpoints and 90gr Nosler ballistic tips.

    Soon I'll be getting a 25-06, so will be experimenting with that calibre before long...
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  10. #50
    Senior Member ColonelG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by reload View Post
    I use 100gr Speer softpoints and 90gr Nosler ballistic tips.
    +1 for Speer and Nosler.
    I've had great results with both brands.
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