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Thread: Handguns that Fit

  1. #81
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hirlau View Post
    You bet I do,,,I'm holding the purchase order & the notarized affidavit from you,,,,
    Ah, it all comes back to me those grips were made out of tusk #47, a little 70 pounder sport hunted and imported in 1905,is well documented.
    Dangerous within 1 Mile

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  3. #82
    Senior Member heelerau's Avatar
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    I carry a London Navy Colt, it is just an extension of my arm, at shorter ranges because if it natural pointability, I don't have to aim as such for a snap shot. It is light, little recoil, and good stopping power. Yes I carry a backup, a 3rd mod Dragoon, now that is a manstopper!! I guess you would call me old school.

    Keep yo hoss well shod an yo powdah dry !

  4. #83
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by heelerau View Post
    I carry a London Navy Colt, it is just an extension of my arm, at shorter ranges because if it natural pointability, I don't have to aim as such for a snap shot. It is light, little recoil, and good stopping power. Yes I carry a backup, a 3rd mod Dragoon, now that is a manstopper!! I guess you would call me old school.

    Old school!?!!! You know where you are right lol? I mean we shave with straights for the love of Pete! That said... That's pretty old school, and I give you all the props in the world for slinging that thing on your hip lol!

    Do you have a pic? How do you carry?

    That's crazy cool!
    Last edited by earcutter; 03-01-2014 at 07:00 AM.
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  5. #84
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    Name:  IMG_1442.JPG
Views: 195
Size:  71.5 KB[ Dragoon carried cross draw, Navy in the righ hip , both handled strong right hand. I have been known to carry them on horseback with a Henry in the saddle boot,


    Keep yo hoss well shod an yo powdah dry !

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  7. #85
    Senior Member Double0757's Avatar
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    Default Handguns that Fit

    The one that gets the most rounds. Have two the same one issue & a personal one. Fits my had the best and shoots well and every time. 9 years ~500 rounds a year (some years more) and no malfunction, except for practice!
    H&K USP Compact .40w LEM trigger (no safety)

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    Last edited by Double0757; 03-01-2014 at 06:45 PM.

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    earcutter (03-01-2014)

  9. #86
    Member DamnStraight's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rbaker2778 View Post
    My gun is merely a tool. I love pretty guns, but I like to be consistent with my training. Pretty much the exact opposite of any other hobby.

    So for me, the gun that currently fits is my G19 and it is probably the only defensive gun I will own unless I buy a duplicate. I would buy other handguns, but not for that perfect fit.
    I love my G19!!! The only mods I've done to mine are TruGlo TFO sights and the Glock OEM 3.5# connector (as well as a polish to all the trigger components). Almost forgot, I love the Gen3's as I can add the "skateboard" tape around the grip and on the slide.

    It's my daily carry when off duty.

    I also carry a 5-shot S&W 38 Special +p (which is my on-duty backup ankle rig). It has a partially shrouded hammer. Some carry this as a pocket pistol as there is no hammer exposed to get caught on clothing, etc. I can still access the hammer if need be (actually if time permits) for a lighter trigger pull (single action / SA - for those who love acronym).

    Occasionally, mostly for convenience sake, I carry a Kel-Tek PF9 (DAO - double-action only). They've designed it to place a clip (yes a clip, not a magazine) on the R side of the frame for convenient carry. It has a ridiculous 9lb trigger pull however. But it's better than a stick in the eye (is what I always say!).

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  10. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by earcutter View Post
    I have been looking at those big dots. The eyes aren't what they used to be lol. What do you think of these? They seem really intuitive to me... and at $70.[/url]
    I've tried these XS Big Dot sights on my G27. I would love to say "they're great" and leave it at that. But I cannot. I must add to that fact by also saying this: guns and all that go with the topic (sights, holster, trigger jobs, etc, et al) are like shoes and boots. Certain shoes for certain situations.... I would not use these on duty where I might have to take a 40 yard shot with a pistol.

    Most pistol training emphasize "FRONT SIGHT". In "threat" situations, the threat is close enough to be a "threat". That's why the front sight is emphasized. Typically, you can put the front sight (without sight alignment with the rear sights) on the mass of the threat and squeeze the trigger and hit that threat (with proper grip and trigger control).

    XS BigDot sights are not meant to impress your buddies at the target range. They're meant solely for quick target acquisition in CQB (close quarters battle) situations.

    That being said, with my very limited exposure and experience with these sights on a G27, I wasn't able to really dial them in outside of 25ft. They are very intuitive. I wouldn't hesitate recommending them (for personal protection) either!

    Hope this gives some fodder for thought.

  11. #88
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    Thread Hijacker! My apologies. I'm new, I'm wired and I love talking guns and ballistics. Last post on this thread for the evening; I promise! This is somewhat off-topic but for clarification purposes I suppose...

    In the very first post by earcutter he mentioned the Sig P232 (which I love!) was a .380 and that he wanted at least a 9mm. (of course I know what he means but here comes the clarification...)

    The .380 is a 9mm. It was originally known as the 9mm Kurtz. Kurtz means "short" in German. (someone already posted their 9mm Kurtz pistol earlier in the thread)

    The 9mm, the 9mm Kurtz (.380 ACP - Automatic Colt Pistol) as well as the 38 Special all shoot .355" bullets. The .357 is obviously a mere 2 one thousandths of an inch larger (but travels much faster!).

    The only difference between the two calibers (9mm Kurtz and the more common 9mm) are their bullet weight capacity. The 9mm Kurts/.380 typically shoot 95gr bullets at the heaviest. At that weight, they can only get down range at approximately 950fps due to it's shortened case (less case, less powder capacity). Overall, indeed, as earcutter referred to, it has limited fighting power. But it's better than a stick in the eye!

    Where as the 9mm+P+ can get a 125gr HP bullet (what I carry on duty) down the barrel about 1350fps with a bullet expansion (in ballistic gel) of around .75" from a 4.25" barrel. That's what I call fighting power.

    Put a stick in me. I'm done! Thx for reading.
    Last edited by DamnStraight; 03-06-2014 at 06:45 AM.
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  12. #89
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    Me, I daily carry my S&W M&P.40. Just perfectly ergonomic to my hand. Dig the 1911's and the gentleman that posted the 686, love them wheel guns. Probably would be my next handgun purchase.

    Be well

  13. #90
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DamnStraight View Post
    XS BigDot sights are not meant to impress your buddies at the target range. They're meant solely for quick target acquisition in CQB (close quarters battle) situations.
    Precisely why I have them on two carry guns. If I'm at the range, shooting for longer range accuracy, to impress my buddies, I use a pistol with standard sights.
    DamnStraight likes this.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

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