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Thread: What are they feeding us ????

  1. #1
    Senior Member blabbermouth 10Pups's Avatar
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    Default What are they feeding us ????

    This simple story of making a sandwich has left me wondering I was going to make a BLT tonight for supper. Below is 2 pictures of the tomato I was going to use.
    Normal looking tomato, red and firm, Looks great right?
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    Now, my mother (80 years old ) was raised on a farm, and has seen many a tomato. So when she cut this one open and said "What the hell is that" I felt summoned to look.

    Name:  100_7649.jpg
Views: 299
Size:  48.0 KB

    My first reaction was worms because I have never seen anything like that in a tomato before and I have seen my share.
    My second guess was that the seeds had sprouted inside the fruit. Now I am left wondering what kind of tomato it is and where did it come from. Is this some new genetically modified test tube experiment we are all testing without our knowledge or have I just been unlucky all my life and never seen the full extent of nature at work ? I thought I had seen about all you could see inside a tomato. This is not a shocking thing but VERY unusual in my world of nature. I would have bet 100s that this was not possible. Maybe in a rotten one or maybe this is the new face of rotten. In which case how do you tell at the store ? I have to get someplace where I can grow all my own food again soon :<0)
    Good judgment comes from experience, and experience....well that comes from poor judgment.

  2. #2
    Member rplunk43's Avatar
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    Looks kinda nasty to an old country boy that grows his own......tomatoes
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  3. #3
    Huh... Oh here pfries's Avatar
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    they do look like they germinated inside,
    could be because they have been selectively breed for faster growth/maturity,
    and for shelf life longevity along with many other traits.

    People raise a fuss when it is cattle/livestock,
    but hey the native Americans were doing it pre Columbus or you would not have pop corn.

    None the less a bit disturbing
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    It is just Whisker Whacking
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  4. #4
    Senior Member tiddle's Avatar
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    Funny how few people know that corn is not natural. It was genetically engineered by native accident, on purpose, don't know, but why do you think it comes out the same as it goes in? Not natural, your body isn't built to process it. Corn also won't survive in the wild, human intervention aka farming is required or it dies.
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    Mastering implies there is nothing more for you to learn of something... I prefer proficient enough to not totally screw it up.

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Well if they are not wiggling around,rinse them out and eat that sucker
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  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth 10Pups's Avatar
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    Man has been manipulating everything that grows since he noticed it happening naturally. Cross pollinating, cloning, grafting and budding, etc.
    What I am not to fond of is genetically modifying. Eat what you want but know what it is and how it's made. Ever eat some very tasty meat that was a deal at the supper market but wonder what the cut was ? Look up meat glue but get a barf bag handy :<0)
    nun2sharp and Cangooner like this.
    Good judgment comes from experience, and experience....well that comes from poor judgment.

  7. #7
    Junior Member Jefe's Avatar
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    Being a restaurateur, I've seen a lot of "food" that really isn't "food" anymore. It's to the point now where, along the line of the OP, we really don't know what we are eating.

    I know this though, every year my father plants vegetables in his backyard and every year come picking time, I'm eating veggies that taste nothing like store bought and sometimes even produce market bought for the restaurant.

    Makes you wonder for sure.

  8. #8
    Dirty Patricia yardie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 10Pups View Post
    ...Ever eat some very tasty meat that was a deal at the supper market but wonder what the cut was ? Look up meat glue but get a barf bag handy :<0)
    Yeah, seen that...there is truth in the old saying "Ignorance is bliss"

    Those perfectly round steaks one gets from M&M's...? Got news for you...

    I make sure I get my cuts of meat from a reputable source, freezer is currently full of bison right now...great stuff!

  9. #9
    Senior Member JBPilot's Avatar
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    that just doesn't look right...

  10. #10
    Chasing the Edge WadePatton's Avatar
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    Practically everything in the supermarket is GMO these days. And probably related to human nutritional decline/disease upkick. (but i won't start).

    I quit eating store-bought tomatoes years ago because they have zero flavor.

    I grow tomatoes every year, they are fantastic. Heirlooms and some very old hybrid varieties.

    Selective breeding (backwards genetic engineering) had already provided us with bright red firm flavorless fruits many years before GMO.

    Yes, what you got there is a "food" that has been engineered to not rot, but that the seeds are still viable and given the right temps, sprouted. I doubt they could punch through the surface, but hey then you'd have Chia Tomato!

    I'm upset that it has happened, but that's the way it is and Big Co's Inc (and whatever political system the choose), ain't going to change a thing.

    Grow/process your own or pay the big ticket for "organic" items, is the only way around it. Support local growers as much as you possibly can.

    And But If the "organic" market gets big enough, BIGCO will get involved and the rules will get tailored to suit them. Back to square zero. that's how that works.

    _don't mean to start a politics thing_ ignore that part.

    SELECTIVE BREEDING is quite natural, just "accelerated" by human hands.

    This is quite different that tweaking gene codes on the front end having very little understanding of how intricate the interlinkings actually are. I don't keep up with the "news" but I'll wager we have been kept in the dark of many "alarming" discoveries since they started mussing with the blueprints of organic life.

    It's atom smashing in living tissue basically.

    Everything that makes food healthier: smaller crops, more diverse, non-mechanization, near-market, etc, is exactly contrary to profits and mass-markets.

    Here's how i do tomatoes:

    Yes, that's a fully ripe tomato. One of the best!
    Last edited by WadePatton; 04-10-2014 at 05:12 PM.
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