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Thread: Anyone own/carry a Sig 229?

  1. #1
    ~ Life is but a Dream ~ petercp4e's Avatar
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    Default Anyone own/carry a Sig 229?

    I was in my local gun shop yesterday. They made me fall in love with a beautiful stainless and black Sig 229 9mm. I have nothing but extremely high expectations from what will be my first Sig. This is definitely going to be in my very near future.
    I'm looking to hear from owners about their experiences with this piece and if it's anyone's daily carry. It seems that it might be a little on the bulky side but might be very manageable.
    Any input on this is greatly appreciated!

    Pete <:-}
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  2. #2
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    I have a Sig P229 and it is heavy. I carry out side the pants and I constantly adjust my pants to keep them up. I also have a Sig 225 single stack that is a little lighter. The easiest to carry is my P320 Sig. It's a striker fired pistol and handles rather nice. Any of the 3 is pretty accurate.
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  4. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth 10Pups's Avatar
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    You might find this interesting. The subject has been brought up before :<0)
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  6. #4
    ~ Life is but a Dream ~ petercp4e's Avatar
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    Thanks for the reply.
    I've gone through a lot of that thread in the past. There is a lot of interesting information for sure. In this case, I'm just looking for information pertaining to the Sig P229. I'd like to hear about how it handles, how it is to carry, and any of its subtle, or not so subtle, nuances. I really don't intend to start a "this is what I carry and why" thread. My decisions, in that respect, have been made long ago

    Pete <:-}
    "Life is short, Break the Rules. Forgive quickly, Kiss Slowly,
    Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret ANYTHING
    That makes you smile." - Mark Twain

  7. #5
    Razorius Maximus hrfdez's Avatar
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    I own a SIG 229 .357. I love it. It is a big gun, but is so accurate that I don't mind carrying it around. I mostly conceal carry, so I use a Thunder Wear holster or a Blackpoint.

    Can't go wrong with the 9mm version. I like the .357 because I'm used to it as it was my professional companion for many years.
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  9. #6
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hrfdez View Post
    I own a SIG 229 .357. I love it. It is a big gun, but is so accurate that I don't mind carrying it around. I mostly conceal carry, so I use a Thunder Wear holster or a Blackpoint.

    Can't go wrong with the 9mm version. I like the .357 because I'm used to it as it was my professional companion for many years.
    From what I've read the 357 Sig does more than the 9MM 40 cal. or the 45. That's the main reason i carry the 9MM. With todays ammo I hope that would be all that is necessary to get me out of trouble. I've seen the 45 ball ammo at close range (10-15 ft.) go through a small frame person many years ago. Where this happen it didn't make any difference but now in this country it might. 9MM Fed. High Shock is what i carry and the wife carrys. I'm sure there must be many brands of self defense ammo out there.
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  11. #7
    Razorius Maximus hrfdez's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rhensley View Post
    From what I've read the 357 Sig does more than the 9MM 40 cal. or the 45. That's the main reason i carry the 9MM. With todays ammo I hope that would be all that is necessary to get me out of trouble. I've seen the 45 ball ammo at close range (10-15 ft.) go through a small frame person many years ago. Where this happen it didn't make any difference but now in this country it might. 9MM Fed. High Shock is what i carry and the wife carrys. I'm sure there must be many brands of self defense ammo out there.
    Oh yes, the .357 is a monster round, no doubt. I use Gold Dot .357 very nice ammo and a very fast round. Great for self defense :-)

    9mm is good enough for self defense, heck even a 22 is good for self defense if your marksmanship is up to snuff :-)
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  13. #8
    Warrior Saint EMC45's Avatar
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    A guy in our Park has the Sig P226 Tac Ops with the 20 round mags. BAD TO THE BONE!
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  15. #9
    Senior Member GrimClippers's Avatar
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    I love the p229. First off, I'm 6' tall , 140 lbs, with a 30" waist, and wear dress shirt and slacks 5-6 days a week. The P229 has been my go to winter carry for a few years, and recently picked up a p224 (P229 cut down to Glock 26 size) for mid-size summer carry. It is absolutely possible to comfortably and discreetly carry either of these. You will have to invest in a good gun belt, holster, and possibly a sit of slimmer grips (depending what they have now), but that is a given with most CCWs bigger than a subcompact.

    Long story short they are reliable, accurate, durable, and hold value.
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  16. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by petercp4e View Post
    I'm just looking for information pertaining to the Sig P229. I'd like to hear about how it handles, how it is to carry, and any of its subtle, or not so subtle, nuances. I really don't intend to start a "this is what I carry and why" thread. My decisions, in that respect, have been made long ago

    Pete <:-}
    I wasn't going to post in this thread because my momma taught me that if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. OTOH, I can say some nice things, but the P229 just isn't my cup of tea. I bought it because back in '94 or so, an LEO told me Sig was the 'Rolls Royce' of semi-autos. Mine was a nicely fitted pistol.

    AFAIC it is too big to comfortably carry, same with a 1911 or a Berretta 92. I know there will be guys who carry those all day long but not me.The Glock G-27 ain't exactly a lightweight, and the double stack mag gives it considerable girth, but I like it better than the P229. One of the main features that Gaston Glock designed his pistol around was bore axis. This lessens felt recoil and muzzle flip.

    Right now I'm mainly carrying a Kahr P380 or a Glock G-43, which is thinner and lighter than the G-27 I always used to carry. Anyway, the P229 is a fine pistol and if you like it now I'm sure you'll be happy with it. Just wasn't for me.
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