My bug out bag is my .45 and 3 extra clips, with thus I'll get what I want to survive with!

But I do have them in every vehicle, if only to make sure if stranded after an emergency or having to flee a hurricane my wife has the needed gear to be comfortable, cause if we're talking end of the world chaos and zombie attacks, all the bug out bag does is give you a few days, you want to be "ABLE AND KNOWLEGEABLE ON SURVIVING" not to mention willing to do the unthinkable to protect and provide for you and your own.

Now number one in your bag, Freddie you got it, the knife. With it you can survive, and your choice is a fine one. I have my Randall that I carried in the land of bad things, but your KaBar is one of the best, and 2 i really think the bourbons a good idea, that way you can get to that happy place one more time! Good thread Freddie I'll have to get mine out and look at the inventory list, Tc