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  1. #11
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    I have bought a tin (I prefer the small, dry pouches) sometimes during visits to Sweden (I'm from Denmark) and find it quite nice. But I do not use it regularly as I prefer not being addicted most of the time since I quit smoking. I think you can buy it on the internet within EU - just do a search for Swedish snuff.

  2. #12
    Cousin Jack
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    I only use snuff when I have a cold, for which I particularly recommend the mentholated variety.

    Other than that my only advice is to avoid Benson & Hedges it tends to be coarser than most.

  3. #13
    Professional Cat Herder w12code3's Avatar
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    I think some of us are confusing products here.... I believe the snuff that nicky is talking about is the fine dry powder that comes in a tin and you snort up your nose.

    Here in the US snuff is generally equated to a type of chewing tobacco, a moist tobacco that is coarsely powdered, shredded, or leaf tobacco carried in the mouth usually between the cheek or lip and the gum. In the US it is referred to as chew, snuff, snoose, plug, chaw or dip (among others) generally depending on what part of the country you are in.

    I have used the powdered snuff before... not really my bag, but not altogether unpleasant. It is quite difficult to come by here.

  4. #14
    Gold Dot TULIP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by w12code3 View Post
    It is quite difficult to come by here.
    In Washington State, yes, but down south it's readily available.

  5. #15
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    I've tried it a few times. Our company was acquired by a german company, and we had this party where they handed out snuff "shooters" and a little tin of snuff.
    It was a little wooden spring loaded ramp- put some snuff on the little dimple on one end, and you snapped the other end and it launched the snuff an inch or two in the air, at the same time you inhaled with your nose over the end with the snuff.
    It was kinda fun for a while, but after the novelty wore off, I stopped using it.

  6. #16
    Senior Member nickyspaghetti's Avatar
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    I was talking about dry nasal snuff.
    I have however just put in an order for some cans of swedish snus. I hope that this will prove more interesting than the nasal snuff, which does have some irritating side effects for me.
    It is a real shame that oral tobacco is not permitted in the EU I think it would help many people to give up cigarettes.
    They say that swedish snus is better for you than american 'dip'. What do you think? Is it just rumor spread by sweden so they didn't have to give up snus when joining the EU?

  7. #17
    Senior Member yul b. nekst's Avatar
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    I used the Copenhagen brand of "chew" for 20+ years. Fought like hell to quit, and finally about 5 years ago it took. I was out duck hunting and I ran out. Well, one hour lead to one day, which lead to one week, and now about five years later-CLEAN! I used the Swedish Snus, too. It came in a little silver tin with a twist cap and a hole to dispense the powder. Raspberry snus, baby, oh, yeah! Anyway, I had read a report that Swedish snus is indeed safer than chewing tobacco, or dip (Cope). I believe, as in all things, it's the lack of additives used that makes it a tad bit safer. However, tobacco is tobacco and still very addictive. I read it is harder to quit (especially the oral and nasal tobacco) than heroin, which might explain why Keith Richards still smokes! Also, as long as your significant other still smokes, your chance of quiting is almost nil-sorry. The second hand smoke that lingers in the air keeps feeding your addiction as well. I wish you the best of luck-and remember, you can do it!

  8. #18
    Senior Member nickyspaghetti's Avatar
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    Generally I do quite well, but this morning I went for a shower and my fiancee's father(we are living with them at the moment) had just been for a sneaky cigarette in the bathroom leaving the terrible stench. It brought cravings but only reinforced the fact that I really want to quit(the stink is really terrible.)
    My biggest problem is that my fiancee doesn't smoke much - just a few per day but it is enough to tempt me to 'borrow' a cigarette from her bag occasionally - and when I start smoking, I smoke much more than her.
    I am not trying to blame her for my lack of willpower though. I'm sure I can do it.

  9. #19
    Senior Member Kenrup's Avatar
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    Tried it once, didn't much care for it, then somebody told me that you're supposed to spit not swallow.

  10. #20
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    Check this place out

    I've been using the nasal snuff for a couple of years and it is great fun. You can get SAD (Snuff Aquisition Disorder) really easy as there are a ton of great snuffs out there.


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