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  1. #11
    Affable Chap Nickelking's Avatar
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    I remember bringing my gaming rig over to a friends house, we'd have 3 in the living room, 1 in the kitchen, 6 in the garage and one in the bedroom. we'd be yelling curses at eachother across the property while playing the game (and occasionally doing some hacking if someone was getting to far ahead.)

    I'm now at the collector point of my console game existance but rarely get around to playing.

    Edit: Bruno, YES!!! I loved those games! I have the whole questo for glory series on my com now, but haven't gotten around to installing dosbox so that the attacks are done at a reasonable speed. All of those classic sierra games rocked. (now you got me wanting to play the spacequest series again... is that abandonware yet?)
    Last edited by Nickelking; 04-01-2008 at 08:42 AM.

  2. #12
    Vlad the Impaler LX_Emergency's Avatar
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    Want to get an addicting game? Get Guitar Hero 3 you'll be hooked instantly. I don't know ANYONE in my direct surroundings that isn't.

  3. #13
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    WHAT!!! Pong or pac-man nolonger fun anymore? Kids and their games thesedays....... geesh


  4. #14
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    I never got into Wold of Warcraft ... Personally I prefer Eve-Online ... think of Elite and make it an MMORPG Only downside is the combat isn't twitch so once the enemy is engaged it all comes down to ship fitting and skill levels. Tactics make a big difference when you get several hundred ships in a fleet battle (assuming your not lagged to hell by that point)

  5. #15
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nickelking View Post
    Edit: Bruno, YES!!! I loved those games! I have the whole questo for glory series on my com now, but haven't gotten around to installing dosbox so that the attacks are done at a reasonable speed. All of those classic sierra games rocked. (now you got me wanting to play the spacequest series again... is that abandonware yet?)
    Sierra has re-released those games in a new version, compatible with XP so that you don't need to hack around with scheduler modifications etc.
    My brother ordered them from amazon I think.

    Personally I want to get Hero's quest.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  6. The Following User Says Thank You to Bruno For This Useful Post:

    Nickelking (04-01-2008)

  7. #16
    Affable Chap Nickelking's Avatar
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    well I'm just going to have to go look at that now. I've been seriously considering rebuilding an old 486 just for the sierra games.

    Sidenote for those that are interested: I'm a collector of vintage gaming systems, the newest thing I have is the N64, the system I have the most games for is the classic NES. The current game I'm playing is ffII for the nes, I already have most of them (well, up until they went MMORPG) and am going to be playing in order, well, american order... I don't know where I'm gonna put ffIII (jp, released on the DS.)

    Side side note: if anybody happens to have Final Fantasy 7 for playstation and wants to sell it let me know, I'll even send the japanese version as a replacement!

  8. #17
    Newbie Str8 Shaver cwrighta70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LX_Emergency View Post
    Want to get an addicting game? Get Guitar Hero 3 you'll be hooked instantly. I don't know ANYONE in my direct surroundings that isn't.
    My bro-in-law has this for his Wii...INCREDIBLE!! I tried to convince my wife to get that instead of DDR, but she wanted to "exercise".

    She IS excited about Guitar Hero: Aerosmith Edition coming out later this year.

  9. #18
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nickelking View Post
    well I'm just going to have to go look at that now. I've been seriously considering rebuilding an old 486 just for the sierra games.

    Sidenote for those that are interested: I'm a collector of vintage gaming systems, the newest thing I have is the N64, the system I have the most games for is the classic NES. The current game I'm playing is ffII for the nes, I already have most of them (well, up until they went MMORPG) and am going to be playing in order, well, american order... I don't know where I'm gonna put ffIII (jp, released on the DS.)

    Side side note: if anybody happens to have Final Fantasy 7 for playstation and wants to sell it let me know, I'll even send the japanese version as a replacement!
    I only have the NES and the GameCube.

    Ah.. NES... The days where I would sit in a room from 6AM to 9PM, playing 1 game with 8 bit sound, then go to bed but not to sleep because I could not get the music out of my head...

    As far as gameplay and fun went, the NES kicked the pants of every system I've played on since then. Although we had some great games on our 486 as well.

    In those days I was a bit addicted to gaming. How much? Well, I could play the first 3 levels of super mario bros blindfolded
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  10. #19
    Senior Member CRuzin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    I conciously stayed away from World of WarCraft.
    I used to enjoy adventure type games when I was younger (anyone remember King's Quest, Hero's Quest and Space Quest?)
    And what I have seen so far from WoW tells me I would enjoy it immensely.

    But with time already being a precious commodity, I decided to stay away from it, because otherwise I am pretty sure I end up playing too much, and getting into trouble with my wife.
    Probably a good choice. I started playing WoW back in Dec 2004 and have been playing it since. Easily the longest any game has held my interest. I don't play it as "hardcore" as I used to though. Now it's more of a casual, every other night kind of thing.

    Quote Originally Posted by barneycg View Post
    I never got into Wold of Warcraft ... Personally I prefer Eve-Online ... think of Elite and make it an MMORPG Only downside is the combat isn't twitch so once the enemy is engaged it all comes down to ship fitting and skill levels. Tactics make a big difference when you get several hundred ships in a fleet battle (assuming your not lagged to hell by that point)

    I have tried getting into EVE a few times now. I still have the client on my computer. But I just can't seem to get into it. It's all about the market and combat once you have a good enough ship. I guess there's not enough to hold my interest.

  11. #20
    Dapper Dandy Quick Orange's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cwrighta70 View Post
    My bro-in-law has this for his Wii...INCREDIBLE!! I tried to convince my wife to get that instead of DDR, but she wanted to "exercise".

    She IS excited about Guitar Hero: Aerosmith Edition coming out later this year.
    I got GH3 and it is truly addictive. I tried out the DDR, but it wasn't nearly as good as the arcade version.

    It's almost sick how much I've played on GH3. I started out on medium doing rather poorly, now I can beat most songs easily on expert. That being said, I'm still on medium with Through the Fire and Flames by Dragonforce

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