I am owned by 2 Shiba Inu Attachment 233510Attachment 233510
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I am owned by 2 Shiba Inu Attachment 233510Attachment 233510
Here's a more current photo of my Boy Boris the Bedlington Terrier now aged 7 months he's a kind natured little fellow like his Father Oscar.
Oscar the Wonderwienerdog
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A good read:
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Here's another version....Brings a tear to my eye when I read it out loud.
Dog Ten Commandments
1. My life is likely to last 10 to 15 years. Any
separation from you will be painful remember
that before you get me.
2. Give me time to understand what you want of me.
3. Place your trust in me- it is crucial to my well
4. Do not be angry at me for long, and do not lock
me up as punishment.
5. You have your work, your entertainment,and your friends.
I only have you.
6. Talk to me sometimes. Even if I don't understands your words,
I understand your voice when it is speaking to me.
7. Be aware that how ever you treat me, I will never forget.
8. Remember before you hit me that I have teeth that could
easily hurt you, but I choose not to bite you because I
love you.
9. Before you scold me for being uncooperative,obstinate,or lazy,
ask yourself if something might be bothering me. Perhaps I
might not be getting the right food, or I have been out too
long, or my heart is getting too old and weak.
10. Take care of me when I get old; you too will grow old. Go
with me on difficult journeys. Never say: "I cannot bear to
watch" or "Let it happen in my absence." Everything
is easier for me if you are there, even my death.
Remember that I love you.
Boris gets a birthday picture every month,,,,,:rofl2:
Nuthing special. Just took a short vid of big sister Tartu and little brother Jurri messin around at my backyard. Enjoying warm spring weather.
Sailor;Nuthing special. Just took a short vid of big sister Tartu and little brother Jurri messin around at my backyard. Enjoying warm spring weather.
It's good to see them enjoying this nice weather!
Attachment 236327Attachment 236325This is my new kid, Traveler the other day at 7 Months and the 2nd photo about a month ago. My old boy RomeoAttachment 236326passed away January 17....he was a wonderful dog, almost 13. Had Traveler flown in from Georgia hence his name...
our Staffordshire Bull Terrier fur babies were born yesterday
big weekends for babies here
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Our golden retriever Tess, now 2 years old, got to visit Monterey Bay on the central California coast. She had a great time playing in the surf.
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Love Goldens. One son had one for 16 years. You'd swear he knew what you were thinking. If you sat on the stoop he'd come sit next to you and lean on you like an old friend.
Ok I,ll bet you no one knew that I would have such a ferocious bad assed dog but here she is, more heart than all the dogs I've ever had
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This is a great thread!
My two, a Gordon and English Setter .. both Field bred.
Here's the little English running the Adirondack Big Woods at high speed in search of the elusive Ruffed Grouse...
Great coloring on that English! Loved me our Setters when I was a boy.
TC, she has the same goatee as you, but with less salt!
Good looking dogs men.
Yes, love that Yorkie of TC's.
When my wife's friend used to travel, I'd sit her Yorkie in her home. I loved little Georgie like my own, but he was a tough little dog!
Anyway, here's a pic of my English Setter's Daddy. He was hardheaded like his daughter, but Luke Eisenhart managed a good year on him. Took him to a Championship. Here is Ultimate Reissue with Breeder George Ekdahl and Handler Luke Eisenhart ..
Down in a shore today. No nicer than wet dogs full of sand :gl:
Sorry for your loss. :(
Sorry to hear of your loss LZ6, I know the feeling, the only thing that has helped me when the loss of my best friend dies is to get another Friend of the same breed. I wish that dogs could live longer, tore me up when I lost my runt Rottweiler,(140#'s of muscle) he was the BEST dog all round we ever had and the house was empty without him, the small dogs we have couldn't fill the void, so I found an excellent Rott, pick of the litter who took away immense pain, laying at my feet right now.
I pray for your family relief.
Sorry for your loss. Having lost 3 Goldens I know the feeling, but each has left it's mark on my heart and I think they have made me a better person.
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Here is izzy a blue tick coon Hound. I rescued her from outta the states about 2 years ago. Best damn dog I've ever owned. Since I've had her she had gotten a few bunnies and 2 raccoons in the backyard and treed 2 others that I got with the bow. More importantly she is great with my children.
Nice video!!
I saw her taking her last walk on the news yesterday ... Very sad ... I could only watch it once. Dogs do so much for us in so many ways, and we sometimes repay their devotion poorly. I'm very happy that this dog was so loved..
I could never find to whom this little piece of verse is attributed to, but it is very appropriate!
Here in this House
Here in this house.....
I will never know the loneliness I hear in the barks of other dogs' out there.
I can sleep soundly, assured that when I wake, my world will not have changed.
I will never know hunger, or the fear of not knowing if I'll eat.
I will not shiver in the cold, or grow weary from the heat.
I will feel the sun's heat, and the rain's coolness,
and be allowed to smell all that can reach my nose.
My fur will shine, and never be dirty or matted.
Here in this house.....
There will be an effort to communicate with me on my level.
I will be talked to and, even if I don't understand,
I can enjoy the warmth of the words.
I will be given a name so that I may know who I am among many,
My name will be used in joy, and I will love the sound of it!
Here in this house.....
I will never be a substitute for anything I am not.
I will never be used to improve people's images of themselves.
I will be loved because I am who I am, not someone's idea of who I should be.
I will never suffer from someone's anger, impatience, or stupidity.
I will be taught all the things I need to know to be loved by all.
If I do not learn my lessons well, they will look to my teacher for blame.
Here in this house.....
I can trust arms that hold, hands that touch...
knowing that no matter what they do, they do it for the good of me.
If I am ill, I will be doctored.
If scared, I will be calmed.
If sad, I will be cheered.
No matter what I look like, I will be considered beautiful and thought to be of value.
I will never be cast out because I am too old, too ill, too unruly, or not cute enough.
My life is a responsibility, and not an afterthought.
I will learn that humans can almost, sometimes, be as kind and as fair as dogs.
Here in this house.....
I will belong.
I will be home.
Bart's in LOVE! :rofl2:
Bart,,,,Is that the New York dog that claims to be Texan?? :rofl2:
Nah! He is all Texas... Big attention whore.
Got his ingrown nails trimmed today....Rabies shot..His butt expunged....Racing around like nobody's business! Happy!
Oh my, that would be interesting! Tc
We have a Our Yorkie is the Barkiest little bugger ever but Lizzy loves him. My sweet dog is the Pom, she's 14 now, got her for Liz, turns out I'm the apple of her eye period. I delivered her Yorkie-Pom pups in my lap, she trusts me exclusively, they sure warm your heart don't they.
I tend to like my dogs more than people.
TC, They're Setters, and I've never run in the big leagues. Between horses, trailers, lodging and all the other accoutrements, it's a sport for those more well heeled than my good self. STR is not my bag .. If I get a dog to retrieve, it'll be in the other direction! Local trials and good old fashioned shoe leather hunting for me! My dogs may not be perfect, but that's my fault, not theirs. The genes were there, but I know what it takes to finish a dog, and there are times I'll take a fault or two rather that try to polish a diamond! The horseback guys like a dog that runs over the horizon, out of sight, hence the tracking devices. If you've got a dog that will hold point and pin a bird for great lengths of time, all is good .. If not, you're just feeding the kitty!
Anyway, I love my dogs, and we've harvested our share of birds, and had great times together. Besides, my dogs sleep on the bed, the All-Age dogs sleep in plywood boxes in kennels. I've got friends that have Championships in the Big leagues, but it's not for me ... or my dogs!
Subaru Dog Tested | Subaru Commercial | Bad Hair Day
There are a few of these on Youtube............
'Coast Guard'
Our Golden Tess, on the left playing with her best friend yellow Lab Bria at Folsom lake in the California central valley just a short way from Roseville. The lake has a great shallower area that is perfect for dogs to have a swim. These two dogs have been the best of friends since they were 4 months of age. Folsom is also home to that state prison that Johnny Cash visited and played his "Folsom Prison Blues" for, way back when.
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Folsom Prison, a bit forbidding looking. Johnny sang there about 10 years after he wrote Folsom Prison Blues. That led to his prison visits to San Quentin and Huntsville, Alabama.
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I'm a big Johnny Cash fan.