Bill he's an absolute darling my Mrs would love to bring him into the Mahoney Family.:-)
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Bill he's an absolute darling my Mrs would love to bring him into the Mahoney Family.:-)
Unfortunately I lost my Chocolate Lab, Rosie, a month ago, she just went to sleep one night and didn't wake up, no signs of ill health, the vet reckons it was probably a heart issue and I gain small comforth that whatever underlying health issue took her from us did so quickly and without any prolonged suffering. She would have been 4 in July, at least her short life was a good one.
My other dog Misty is a Lab X Cocker, and looks like a miniature Lab.
Alas since losing Rosie she's a bit jumpy and nervous, having been used to having a big pal around I think she feels a bit exposed now and I only need a pigeon to fly out of a tree and she jumps out of her skin. However, when she gets the chance to run around and play in water she loves it.
Very sorry to hear of your loss of Rosie and when she was so young as well. Share your heavy heart and love with Misty.
Three of our four dachshunds swimming in the pool with my daughter (who didn't want to be photographed).
Foxie rolled in some crap at our weekend place. Got a bath! :rofl2:
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Ain't much to that dog!
Don't have any dogs or cats at the house. But I do have a lot of dogs and cats at the animal shelter as I am a shelter manager for the Friendswood Police Department.
We had our daughter visiting here today with her family. Her dog is from the same breeder than our little boy.
So here's the big sister and little brother:
Game over. Until next time.
Tobi captured mid-leap, spending some quality time in the forest. He is completely addicted to water and flat-out frolics in it. Unfortunately he reckons the best place to shake off is in the back of my Jeep which now looks like a Jackson Pollock painting done in mud.:)
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Haven't seen Dr Pepper commercials but they are Brie shepherds aka briards. Same breed that was in 'married...with children' tv series.
I've got a black mouth cur. Would post a picture if I knew how. Think yellow lab with a black snout.
Are the Briards as fun to groom as my long haired German Shepherd during shedding season? I read that they have a undercoat and figured they did the massive shed that lasts about two weeks like my big boy. Every other day I give him a real good brushing with three combs/brushes to get that undercoat off for summer. So far I've had 4 piles of hair as big as him on the living room floor and I am still not done...but it's just the neck and tail that is holding on for a bit longer.
Here it is!
Nice mob dog! A bit smaller than average briards. Looks like a Hungarian Komondor (or something alike) to me :confused:
Briards have shedding season that lasts 52 weeks a year :gl:
The undercoat is very thick so it's important to brush them regularly. And that is what wifey does about once every week. That is a lot of hair. The only use we've found for all that excess hair is during springtimes. Just throw some of the hair to backyard and the little birds use it when making their nests.
My Great Danes. Both are 1 year and 4 months old.
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not sure who want the cuddles more, our ever needy pregnant girl Jaz or the bride
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My shave den has been invaded with puppies, puppies and more puppies.
Our girl Jaz had a near record 12 yes that's 12 English Staffordshire Bull Terriers puppies in the den.
9 girls & 3 boys
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Staffordshire Bull with Puppies to protect? Tell your visitors to step lightly . . . LOL. Congrats, Grampaw . . .
Not this girl she would have to be the most mellow dog we have ever had
Lucky to get a second look with the family, unknown visitors may be a different story one day but not to date.
Staffies make rubbish gaurd dogs, my one would happily let a stranger rob my house bare but hurt my little girl or boy you would never live to tell the tale.
Yeh not wrong
my male will guard his food bowl from my girls, anything else would be gone in a heart beat and he would escort who ever had it out the guard for a pat LOL
After a certain time of the evening mine gets very shirty at a knock on the door, prior to lock down she would give guided tours of the premises. Best of luck with the pups, the bitch is a beauty, what's the sire like?
another pic
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unfortunately we lost Miss Red (collar) I got up for the 3am feed & she was separated from the herd & I assume got to cold
So very sad to hear...... :(
thanks mate
the bride has been a bit stressed about it, considering the runt is 3/4 the size and coming along pretty good so far,
bottle feeding them all as well as mum feeding them to keep them topped up
just love 3am feeds, feed them prep for the bride when she gets up & does it again
time for a casual shave & then I'm still at work by about 4:30am LOL
I, too, am a dog fan. This is as good an excuse as any to share pictures of my best boy. Meet Quincy, the German wirehaired pointer, from the sunny shores of Germany.
Dog wants a pal.
Color me a grumpy old man but this is funny as hell. I've been bellly laughing about this all afternoon. Welcome to the world kid, it happens, get used to it
Been watching this for few hours now. Little doggie is having a cowbone at the backyard. Without having a clue that someone is watching.
But as soon as the dog leaves the bone, woodbecker comes down from the lilac tree to have some too. Then it flies back to the tree. To feed the baby woodpecker that is hiding there.
As soon as the dog sees the bird, it runs back. And the pecker flies up to the tree to wait for the next time. Funny as hell.
Tel Aviv, today.
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English shepherd/collie mix and a schnautzu
Meet Murph. 12 weeks.
Decker Terrier.
Bred to be a very intelligent vermin killing machine. Should get to be about 25-30 pounds.
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Little Jurri, big sister Tarto and the little brownie is Rasmus, new puppy that our daughter just got. Damn difficult to take pics of all those three together.
My lost love and the next generation. I have had Dobies for sixty years, couldn't be with out one.
That little Dobie looks like a bit of a charmer there Griz. Sorry to hear about the loss of your other faithful mate though, but that's the tragedy of dogs. We outlive them more often than not.
My Boy Oscar Fathered 7 Bedlington Terrier Pups 3 weeks ago and also sired another Bedlington Terrier bitch Thursday gone and he as another coming in for a service this week.
We've been trying to teach this little trick to Aura. Sometimes is goes ok, usually not, like now. Still have to practice some more. This time with a piece of pork.
I pulled the squeaker out of a dog toy the other day. My dog thinks I'm the best damn thing in the house to play with when I stick that thing in my mouth, huffing and puffing through it, as I run up and down the hallway. ;)
And, we've only taught our two Yorkies and the Shih Tzu to look at the camera and smile. Well, at least they're still on the chair! :shrug: :roflmao
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I was sent a few photo's by the proud owner of a litter of Bedlington Terrier Babies my Boy Oscar sired they are now 5 weeks old 75 % Bedlington X Lurcher, the Pups they have all throw back to the Bedlington side 4 Boys and 3 Girls they look so lovely I just had to share them. I won't be having a pup from this litter as there are two pure bred Bedlingtons due to whelp in September that have also been sired by Oscar so hopefully sometime in the near future I'll get hold of one of my Boys Babies