Thanks for the video, Jamie. I'll bet those two are a laugh a minute.
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Thanks for the video, Jamie. I'll bet those two are a laugh a minute.
Pete not so for music, although they can have these funny vocal outbreaks when the mood takes them.:D
Thanks Gentelmen, they are a pair of Clowns when they want to be especially the golden coloured Boy Boris.
Thank you Jamie. you're so lucky to be blessed with that pair of clowns. My buddy needs a mate.
I just wanted to share the passing of Logan, our Alaskan Malamute. Logan left us this week and it still like losing a member of the family.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
Sorry to hear of Logan passing.
Always difficult, as they are family..
I'm sorry for your loss.
It was harder to lose my dog than grandparents.
Sounds terrible to say such, it's just the way it is for some.
Like losing a son and best friend all in one..
Worst experience I can remember going through
Our beautiful new puppy died a horrible death due to complications from an Intestinal Parasite and the Medication they gave her to treat it
She was only with us from Fri morn until she died in our hands on Wed night as we raced to the emergency vet at 90 mph
Shan is devastated and I am not much better
No issues with the breeder and a refund,,, but it will take quite some time before we are ready again, just too raw right now :(
No words Glen, cept how sorry I am for your loss..
So sorry to hear this. Indeed the same, similar thing happened to us once.
It bites. Hard to overcome, but I think you will.
I hope the pup did not suffer too much.
Terribly sorry that happened Glen.
Good lord! That’s awful.
Our Pyrenees died a couple three months ago. It was hard because I kind of started to believe the dog was immortal in that we were sure he was going to die last summer!!
Tomorrow we might get a boxer puppy.
Fingers crossed!
I have never had children. I have had several dogs, each and every one has touched my heart. Loosing one simply sucks and HURTS to the core. I've heard/read that for those of us who have never had children, it's the same emotional toll as loosing a child. God Bless you all who have lost a K9 kid/baby/friend. I have know the the pain. God Bless you all.
Dammit Glen, thats #### news. Sorry for your loss.
Glen, I am so very sorry for you & your family's loss. I don't know what else to say other than it must hurt so much. I had a dog once that I raised since he was 6 weeks old until some low life MF'rs poisoned him. I didn't get another dog for 13 years which is my buddy I have now & he'll be 7 next month.
Weird feeling came over me yesterday when I thought about him. I felt like the ones who did it got their punishment somehow. I've never had any kids either so it was like the loss of a child.
Sorry to read about your puppy Glen. this week it seems was a cruel week for SRP, and thanks for your kind words gentlemen. Again Glen, hang in there.
So sorry about your terrible news Glen. All of us whose lives have been made richer by the animals in our families know the pain, but to go from such a high to such a low in such a short time must be especially hard. Hang in there, and when the time is right, give your next pup a big old scratch from eastern Ontario for me.
That’s a tough one G-Man.....awful
I got my new mutt from the pound! Woot. Every bone in her right/front foot is broken, but she’s a champ hopping along in her splint and cast.
Damn this thing is cute!!
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Very cute puppy, you will have years of companionship with her.
Awww, poor thing but she's got a good home now with someone to care for her. Someone ran over a small dog near here & of course they didn't stop. She had to have one of her front legs amputated & the girl on set up a gofundme for her medical costs. I helped out along with many others. The girl who set it up, works at a veterinary clinic that is helping the poor dog out. People these days have no sense of responsibility anymore.
I'm glad you rescued her from the pound.
Two weeks ago today I said goodbye to my best friend, Brandy.
My brother in law rescued him from a garage, a baby, a bag of bones with cigarette burns. Soon after my wife and I had to look after him for a while whilst my brother in law moved house. We quickly became attached and he became ours. He has been a part of the family for 12 years and been through all that we've done together, marriage, moving house and the births of my two children. He has been the most loving and loyal dog you could ever wish for and weve loved him with all our hearts.
We made the hardest decition to euthanize him as he developed a week heart in the last month and wanted him to be comfortable and at home with his family. It was a very dignified way to go. I believe he knew it was his time, on our last day with him he seemed to radiate love and life that I haven't seen in him in a while.
Ive never experienced grief before, Ive experienced war and lost loved ones but it never effected me, some say im a cold hearted bastard but this has effected me in a way I never thought possible, i am broken hearted and empty like im missing a part of me.
Im trying to keep busy and I know times a great healer and I need to remember all the great times we shared but I dont think I'll ever get over him.
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Brandys last day. My boy R.I.P
Know exactly how you feel. When we had to put 14-year old Sam to his final sleep, I collapsed against a wall and sobbed. I had not reacted that way to any other event in that way. Our fur-children beome so deeply imbedded in our lives and our hearts and we don’t realize it until they leave us.
All I can say is that when you are ready, find another pup to fill the void. We waited almost two years, but now we have 9-month old Gil and he lifts our spirits and fills the void Sam left every day.
I still smile and choke up when I see photos of Sam. I miss him, but I do not regret having him in my life or the decision we made to ease his end.
As I said to Gasman, it hurts, but it gets better.
They sure do have a way to work themselves into our hears like no others can. So sorry to hear that you had to make that hard call. But so happy that you rescued him and gave him a good life.
Sorry Mark.
Our loved furry family members are truly a part of us.
Only time lessens that hurt.
Lessens but never eliminates as it’s pain born from love.
brandy was a fine looking boy !
I'm so sorry for your loss. We love our pets because no matter what, they are always faithful companions no matter what & we become attached to them for life. It is sad that people abuse animals, it tears me up. Take care my friend, be strong & time will help heal the wounds but we never forget. My heart & prayers go out to you & your family.
Thank you for your kind words gentlemen, it means a lot.
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My boy in his prime, his neck was bigger than Mike Tysons!
Very sorry for your loss Mark.
Your emotions are completely normal. The loss of a close family member is devistating in so many ways.
Eventually the sorrow will pass and there will be nothing but treasured memories.
Take comfort in knowing that "All dogs go to heaven."
My very best to you and yours.
Pete <:-}
Man, what a good looking dog he was! Beautiful eyes!
Sorry for your loss brother.
I am so sorry about your best friend's passing. I feel your pain and have been there many times in my life with my former best friends.
Those that do not have dogs do not understand the bond that can form between a human and a canine. I love my dog as if she were my child. She's old now at 15. She has recently gone blind from sudden onset Glaucoma. She has arthritis in her hips. But she still gets around and is happy and is not in pain (thanks to medication). I know I will have to say goodbye to her soon, and that day will crush me, as it has crushed me before.
My last loss hurt as well, very much. I was actually in bed for a few days I was so grief-stricken. But a few months later I decided to get a new puppy. I was pleasantly surprised when after a few weeks that puppy became my new best friend and the pain of losing my former best friend eased greatly and finally went away. When the time is right, perhaps you will adopt a new best friend, and your pain will be eased and then removed.
My best to you during this time of grief. As I said, I've been there. And I understand.
As we say in Hawaii;
ʻO kāu mea aloha punahele mau loa meʻoe i loko o kou puʻuwai
(Your Loved One will Always Be With You In Your Heart)
Cutest Dalmatian I’ve ever seen, spots wise.
Thought you’d appreciate.
His name is Wiley, Facebook friends dog..
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Enjoy the start of September men...
I think my new pup is adapting to her new home just fine.
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I mean if a sound sleep is any kind of measure.
Dumb dog lol.
Sign in my vet’s office:
Live life like a dog.
If you can’t eat it, play with it or hump it, piss on it and have a nap.
Cheers Mike and David, after the few shitty weeks Ive had those pics cheered me up. Just noticed Wiley has a love heart for a nose :)
I'm a complete sucker for Dog photos:).
For those suffering, this might make sense.
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That made me tear up. They love us unconditionally and teach us so much about ourselves.
Box of puppies always makes me smile.
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My buddy’s mastiff came over today for another visit. My mini poodle is dwarfed by his size, but she still wanted her ball and took it soon as she could.
His name is major and he is majorly playful at 2 yrs of age and 175lbs.
Cheers men.