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Thread: Pierced?

  1. #11
    Oh Yes! poona's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chief View Post
    I took them out already some months ago. It felt strange removing my piercings, some of them I've had for 15 years. Especially the one in the tongue, I've seemed to grow some habbits, like playing around with the barbell, and now it's gone it felt weird at first.
    And in Belgium the lower arm tattoos are forbidden when you're joining the police, maybe it's different in Brittain. All my tat's are in other places so that's safe.
    No it's same. I have an application right in front of me and it's def the same. (sister is applying)

    Infact in northern ireland, if you have anything which might represent sectarianism, you wont get in either.

  2. #12
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    I had 3 - Ear lobe stretched to 10mm, Tongue and right nipple. But I took out the tongue a couple of years ago.

    In my youth I nearly got a PA but Fred is incompatible, so I nearly got an RPA but chickened out.

    I've not got any Ink at the moment but I do get huge cravings for a back piece or at least over my shoulder but I can't decide on a design, so for the moment I'll just have to satisfy my cravings in other ways


  3. #13
    Junior Member David_The_Zombie's Avatar
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    I have in my life had both nips, nose, below the belt(s), tongue and multiple ears, now I just have the two lobes stretched to 00. I could still put one BTB in but I rarely do. Most came out when I became a Sergeant in the Army, I'm (honorably) discharged now but never put them back. You mentioned steel, oddly enough I only wear glass now.

  4. #14
    Affable Chap Nickelking's Avatar
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    Well I'd known of the Ampalling, but not the name. learn something new and all that.

    No piercings here or ink, but i've been tempted to get a tat... I even have what I'll get (it'd be two at once) if I did.

    As for the steel, not very tempted, but I think that's more for wanting to act than anything else.

  5. #15
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    sorry to hear that spike. I got to find someone that will actually do it in my area, when I do me and my lady both came to the coclusion that it shall be video taped. and just for kicks if I can stay hanging long enough I might just go ahead and have a nice shave while I'm up there... just an idea I'm throwing around. Any opinions on that thought

  6. #16
    Lurking Cilted Pirate Spike J's Avatar
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    Damn dude! That would be absolutely amazing It would be a whole new class of suspension and straight shaving. In fact you could be seen as the founder of a new pursuit: Extreme Straight Shaving. I cannot see that any of the suspension guys would be anything other than delighted. Straights are extreme shaving are they not?

    But seriously, it would be awe inspiring to see. You could always post it on the Video section here.

    I know that I am not alone in thinking that where ink is for appearance, piercing is both appearance & sensation. They do look cool but they feel wonderful. Then you can get them stretched... Got all of my nipple bars up to 4mm. The weird thing to my mind is inkees who have large pieces & do not want steel. Tattoos hurt more to get done, especially large pieces where piercings only hurt when they are being done & might be sore for a couple of days but they start feeling good. Sometimes they feel good immediately

  7. #17
    Shaves like a pirate jockeys's Avatar
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    3 in my left ear and 2 in my right, at the moment they are all sporting different guages, 18, 16, 14, 12, 10. yes, I am a mathematician and extremely OCPD, so they had to be in order like that.

    had my tongue pierced for the longest time, but like the other poster, it was screwing up my teeth so I had to let it go. worked out for the best, tho, my wife really hated the pierced tongue.

  8. #18
    Lurking Cilted Pirate Spike J's Avatar
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    Just to prevent any further confusion or bewilderment, here is a link to a conversion chart between metric & imperial piercing jewellery sizes
    Gauge - BME Encyclopedia

  9. #19
    The Razor Whisperer Philadelph's Avatar
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    3 in each earlobe. All 12 gauge (american measurements? lol).

  10. #20
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    Sir Spikedalot,

    Have you seen Dee Snider's movie Strangeland Netflix Online Movie Rentals - Rent DVDs, Classic Films to DVD New Releases ? The threat of an ampallang was the scariest thing in the flick.


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